This thread takes place inside the clan's camp.
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Character Hub

Though he will never forget how ethereal the moonstone was, still wishing he could carve out a piece for himself... He can't say for certain that the pain he experienced when receiving nine lives was dashed away by the sights he saw in Starclan or the genuine peace he felt (before nine cats decided to touch their noses against his). It was as if his body was pierced with the most frigid of waters, unable to move, limbs locked into place, only able to look around helplessly as his lungs screamed for air. Terror worsened with each life, their claws dragging him further into the depth of the pitch black ocean. All he could do was let them, praying that it would be over soon. And eventually, it did. Their claws had left him go, and yet he remained there, floating in the pitch black. His only solace was the booming voices overlapping that caused his ears to ring before he returned to the waking world.

Pikestar. That strange name was his now. He was thankful to have Smoke by his side as they returned, the ringing in his ears took some time to go away and he may or may not have stumbled a few times over his own paws. Thankfully, Smoke allowed him to lean on them. When they enter camp, he can't muster a grin. I have to get up there.

His limbs ache with each step towards the willow tree. Clambering atop the stump of it is taxing. Just... Just a little more. With a grunt he manages to sit atop the stump, and it is here that he finally looks at his clanmates. As if on cue his body begins to tremble, wanting to run away and hide. However, he knows. I can't keep running. All of them gave me their lives and their wisdom. They believe in me, for some reason. No. That's bad. I have to start believing in myself. I have to try and change. The familiar sensation of being weightless in a frigid pitch black ocean engulfs him. The chattering follows suit soon after. It becomes difficult to distinguish if the noises are from camp or from his own mind, perhaps it is both?

He is met with a plethora of eyes.
"I made the mistake of overwhelming you all. I admit that, so this time I'll do better."
I promise you all. I'll do my very best.

"To start... My name is Pikestar now. Like I said last time, we will have new names. I've decided not to name you all at once. I'll only name a few this meeting, and keep giving new names in different meetings. Change will be slow."
The last I want is a repeat from before. There was a lot of hissing. I don't think I can handle it if someone snapped at me again. No one really tells you how nine lives drains you until it happens. I guess... If they told you it was the most painful experience, it's not like you'd want them. I would've never wanted them if I knew, but it's too late for that. Or maybe this is just the pain talking? We'll think more about that later.

He waits a moment before continuing.
"For anyone who is under six moon, as of now you'll have the suffix kit in your name."
Green eyes scan the crowd to find one tom in particular. Torrent. He manages to give the younger male a smile,
"Anyone who is six moons or older will have the suffix paw in their names, until they've shown they understand how to survive and the skills required. Once they have, they'll become warriors and be given a warrior name."
Torrentpaw doesn't sound so bad. It has a nice ring to it. You're gonna go far, I know it. I've already got a warrior name in mind for you, but you'll have to wait for it.
"And now I'll start with some warrior names."

Uhhhh... Who. You know, I should have thought about this before. UUHMMM, Come on! Think! They're staring at you! A name. JUST PICK SOMEONE!
A wobbly smile etches from his lips as he signals the molly to step forward with his paw. WHAT ARE YOU DOING???!!! Russetbriar, dude you know darn well you're just thinking of Seabriar. He can't save you here. HELLOOOOOOOOOO. You can't keep her waiting. Russetdrop? Horrible. AT THIS POINT JUST CALL HER R-
Oh, how he wishes he could fling himself off this stump and perish. I'll have to do it eight more times though now...

He can save this. The moment he sees her disgruntled face and her beginning to open her mouth to retort he quickly cuts her off,
"You'll be known as Russetfall because of how hardworking you are! Yes, even though things haven't, ah... Been so great, you've kept pushing on despite everything. You never fell and stood down. I don't know anyone as stubborn as you, so Russetfall is to show how strong you are. Refusing to errr fall down!"
Totally saved that. Totally did not name you after the shelter falling on you. Totally hoping that you won't claw me to death after this, cause then we'll both be having a totally great time.

Wanting to desperately avoid the newly dubbed Russetfall's wrath, he decides his next victim will be Adder. He motions the tom to step forward with his paw. It is only when the brown tabby does, everything comes back to him. How the tom before him was enraged each word that had spewed twisted the knife deeper. Even though Adder had not outright called him a coward, he didn't have to. Pike knew it. Knew that Adder had no faith in him and thought of him as a tick in his pelt. You can hurt him.
he slowly begins. You can give him a name that will hurt him. Just the same way he did to you.

It is alluring he can't deny, to purposely give Adder a name that will cause him to suffer even in the next life. However, the longer he looks at the older male, he is reminded of his gifts. Of his natural leader like prowess and the ability to come up with plans on the fly. He is reasonable. Logical. And... He is loved. He is a father and a mate. I can't hurt him just because of some spat between us, but I won't forget it either. He finds himself staring at the gash on Adder's face, exposing a fang.
"Your new name will be Adderfang. Yes, it is because of your appearance. But... It's also because of how blunt and assertive you are. You refuse to look at anything other than the truth and encourage others to look at reality than fantasy."
I'm still upset at you, don't think I'm not.

Calling Wave forward next shouldn't be surprising. He thinks it would be unfair for him to name one without the other following.
"Wave, you have always been kind and a friendly face within our group since... Forever really. Always lending a paw when someone is in need, even if nothing will be given in return. For those reasons you will known as Wavesong. "
I hope you like it! I think it sounds nice and you did say you liked the water. And the waves make sounds like a song, so bam! Wavesong. I think it's a lullaby type of name. I think I did a pretty good job with yours, hehe, I bet the Starclanners are most happy about this one. But, I mean, does it really matter if Wave herself doesn't like it? I meaaaann... I don't uh think she'll hate it. We can change it if she actually hates it.

Perhaps it shocking who he calls forward next. If anything one would expect more cats from the patrols, but this outlier is none other than Fox. He is a tom that reminds Pike of himself in many ways. Coming up with a name for the younger male was easy in that sense. I've decided for yours to be a wish.
"For you, Fox, you'll be known as Foxtail. It's true your tail is the same color and fuzziness of a fox, but that's not entirely why. Foxes are adaptable, they're cunning, they're good hunters, and they're resilient. We use our tails to balance, so I hope you'll be able to find a balance in your weaknesses and strengths to be the best you, you can be!"
And I hope to do the same. We'll be growing together Foxtail! Someday I'll be a better leader for everyone and still be myself through it all.

Moving on, a good part of him wrestled with the next pair who came into mind. The matter was not what names to give them, but who should come first. One of them had gone with him to find their new home, yet she was unhappy not being able to tag along. I guess it's only fair that she would go first. He motions for Willow to step forward like the cats before her to receive her new name.
"Willow, you are wise and passionate. Not to mention a bit competitive, but that only means you have a drive. A burning need to be the very best. I admire your burning desire. That's why I've decided on the name Willowburn for you."
To be honest, he had struggle with a name for her. It was only when she pulled him aside and tried to ask once more if she could come with him and Smoke that he was able to come up with a name. Yes, he saw the fire in her eyes and he could have sworn she was seconds away from asking to fight with him to join.

Smoke should have been expecting to be called next and it seems as if the black warrior knew this as well. Pike didn't even need to call the other, a small chuff left his maw. Did you get a bit jealous or something? I'm only teasing, don't gut me with your eyes. You really think I wouldn't have given you a name? Puuuhleeeaasse you listened to my lovely voice. There's no way I wouldn't have named you.
Smoke's immediate reaction caused him to burst out into laughter. No one would know what the heck Pike was singing about or why now, but the silver leader couldn't help it. A final jest before being serious and giving his oldest friend a new name. I hope the meanie will appreciate my name for him. I don't think it's that bad, but you never know with a grouch.

Anyway, Pike clears his throat to collect himself.
"The name I've decided for you Smoke represents unity. I won't lie and say you aren't a grouch, but it's because of you that we had somewhere to sleep. The shelter didn't work out, but that doesn't change the fact that you united us all. Despite how gruff you are, you have a soft spot for others. Don't think I haven't seen kits go up to you with trinkets and flowers. I have no doubts about your ability to unite us in ways we never thought about. From now on, your name will be Smokewreath."
Thanks for making me feel so welcome and looking after me. I know I am a bit of a pain for you. Especially when we got lost on our way to the highstones. I really do hope you're okay with this name.

With that, he decided that this has gone on long enough. This was just the beginning and there was more to come. In time that is. I won't make the same mistake again.
"That's it for today's meeting. I'll continue next time, so in the meantime lets keep working together to make this place home."

Hey y'all, I'll be doing all the naming in this thread over various posts. I'll be putting the ic date at the top of the post, so you'll know officially what date your character was named. I think it would be difficult to name every single cat in one post and a bit overwhelming! ToT Please reach out through dms in discord or shoot me a ping in my channel if you have any name requests or changes! Thank you all for being on this journey with me and cheers to the beginnings of Riverclan!!!
They're back! Fox thinks as the two felines enter the clearing, noticing how Pike leans tiredly against Smoke. It must've been a tiring journey, Fox thinks quietly, as he watches Pike break away from the dark tom. Voices chatter all around him, as the mackerel tabby takes his tired paws to the willow tree, and hoists himself onto it's stump. The voices quiet down and eyes lock onto Pike, as the older nervous tom opens his maw. "My name is Pikestar now." Pikestar has a good ring to it, doesn't it? It'll take some time... to get used to. Pike— Pikestar mentioned "StarClan" before he and Smoke left... it must be a connection to that, right?

They won't all be receiving their new names today. This makes sense... how long would they be summoned here if Pikestar was to rename every single cat? Plus, it would be a lot to take in... admittedly. I probably won't be receiving my name today, Fox accepts this quietly, wrapping his bushy tail around his paws. There are so many more important cats gathered... he thinks of Downy, Peachy, Willow, Smoke. Pikestar first calls upon Russet, and Fox hods back a chuckle as Pikestar seems to hesitate. Yeah, it isn't that easy! Fox thinks back to the night from before, I wish you luck.

Russetfall, Fox repeats the first given warrior name in his head, and Pikestar seems to notice the disgruntled look on the she-cat's face… and before the she-cat can let a word leave her maw, their newly named leader quickly continues. He wonders if that disgruntled look will fade away, as Pikestar gives her an explanation behind her name that he can only describe as a ramble… and he wonders if she likes it after that.

Pikestar is quick to move onto the next cat, seemingly avoiding Russetfall's gaze, and motions Adder to step forward. As his clanmate steps forward, Fox can only describe Pikestar's gaze as tense. He thinks back to their arrival in their new camp… Adder seemed a little overwhelmed by the amount of information Pikestar threw at them. Fox, and honestly any cat, could tell that not every RiverClanner had faith in Pikestar to lead them. Pikestar is a lot like him, Fox realized awhile back. If StarClan chose me instead, Fox thinks quietly as Pikestar speaks slowly, I think I would be just as anxious as him. And somehow, being able to relate to their leader in this way, gave him enough trust to believe in his words. Adderfang is certainly fitting for the scarred tom, and he gives a silent nod.

Wave is called forward next, another cat he suspected would receive their name today. She steps forward, and Fox couldn't agree more with Pikestar. This is a cat that looks out for others; lends them her paw when they're in need. Now, what name will Pikestar give to her? "For these reasons, you will be known as Wavesong." Fox's eyes widen for a split second, wait a minute! He... He guessed her future name correctly? Some form of pride swells in his chest... and he's pulled back into reality as Pikestar motions him to step forward.

Wait, Pikestar wishes to name him today?

He steps forward, wondering why he was chosen over cats with far more contribution, to reach a safer.... livable home. "For you, Fox, you'll be known as Foxtail." Fox— no, Foxtail blinks at the name. He has to physically stop his tail from swishing back and forth— was he... named after his tail resembling a fox?

"It's true your tail is the same color and fuzziness of a fox, but that's not entirely why."

Pikestar seems to read the look on his face, and he has to exhale to calm his nerves.... Listen to what he has to say, He tells himself quickly. Never once before did he think he was like fox. Those creatures are adaptable, they are good hunters.... he always assumed his parents named him after his tail (after all... it's just missing the white tip, right?). Pikestar... added more meaning to his name— something to be proud over. "We use our tails for balance." Foxtail gives his leader a nod as he finishes up on him, opening his maw for a quick moment.
"Thank y-you, Pike- P-Pikestar."

Pikestar shifts his focus onto Willow shortly after, and the newly named warrior gives a shaky nod as he renames Willow to Willowburn. It's a fitting name for her— and he nearly jumps out of his skin as Pikestar raises his voice, nearly singing... his fur instinctively bristling with alarm. He quickly calms himself down as Pikestar breaks out laughing... what in the world was that? What in the world happened, while the two were gone?

(Something to do with singing....?)

He shakes his head, shoving the confused thoughts out of his head as Pikestar formally addresses Smoke, this time around. He blinks, he certainly wasn't expecting a name like Smokewreath... but after listening to Pikestar's explanation? It suits the grouchy, grumpy tom, and Foxtail wonders if he'll admit that he has a soft spot! He wonders if Pikestar will motion another cat forward, but istead he addresses the crowd as a whole. Ah, Smokewreath was the last one for tonight. He gives his newly named leader a nod, and exits the crowd... wondering where his sisters might be.

  • 92523990_s3ONfj5ZTJ5OaGF.png

    credit to raphaelion (via da) for the artwork <3
    — warrior of riverclan, former shipyard cat
    𓆛 16 moons — he/him — ages realistically on the 25th
    𓆛 speech is
    — thoughts are #da945f — attacks are underlined
    𓆛 cinnamon/chocolate tabby chimera w/ high white, and green eyes
    𓆛 peaceful & healing powerplay permitted — underline & tag when attacking
    𓆛 penned by vvin — vvinsoli on discord — open to plots & dms


It felt like her whole world was crashing down, ever since-
They already took Rain from her. The deep tides that wanted to try to swallow them both whole, the storm that took down the building they resided in, the travel that seemed to make her paws sore and heart even heavier as on top of everything, the change of scenery was almost too much.

And now they were taking her name.

Not just Lilac- not Lilac or Little Bird, a name already so close to those 'warrior' names given to the most skilled, or whatever it seemed to be... She was stricken as Lilacpaw. Her brows furrowed over a deep blue gaze, her paws anxiously kneaded into the ground, pressing herself into her mother's form, and her maw distorting into quivering lips as everything just didn't seem to stop.

"I don't... I d-d-dont... Mama.. D-Dont... make them not change my name," she murmured softly, gaze drifting up to her mamma with wide eyes, before pressing the helm of her skull into Brooks leg, tail wrapping tightly around her small form. "I-i just wanna be Lilac, I D-Dont understand," she murmured softly- even if cheers crashed around the two, making her ears press into her head tightly at the loud noises that sent her heartbeat loud into her own ears, as if echoing in the cavern of her chest.

But she was really never one to stand up for herself anyways. Whining into her mother's fur was... Well .. all she knew to do, it seemed- as not to disrespect the older cats in this suddenly makeshifted group.


That Smoke and Pike had returned with their pelts intact was a relief. Adder hadn't expected them to come back whole—though he supposed he should have, with Smoke at Pike's side. His eyes trailed the dark tom expectantly, itching to hear Smoke's recollection of the trip, to hear the truth spoken aloud.

Wave wanted him to have faith in Pike. But faith was not something Adder had ever leaned on. Faith had not saved his mother when sickness took her. Faith had not stopped the fox from snatching his sister while they played. It had not kept him warm through harsh leafbares, nor brought his father back to them after he vanished. It was one of those invisible forces that he could neither understand nor explain and life continued with or without it.

Wave and their kits—those were the only things he could profess anything resembling faith to. Everything else would just have to wait in line.

He sat stiffly as Pike climbed the willow. Even from where he sat, Adder could see the exhaustion weighing on the silver tom—how his legs trembled, how his grip faltered slightly against the bark. A pulse of concern flickered in Adder's chest that he didn't understand.

It looked as if the tom might topple at the slightest gust of wind. Adder's face was hardened, but he lurched forward on instinct to… what? Catch him? Possibly. But he forced himself to sit still.

Pike was not a kit, and Adder was not his father. They were nothing to each other but cats who had found themselves surviving in the same place.

If Wave could hear his thoughts, she would disagree. She always saw things he couldn't. He felt like fighting against a river's current, struggling against something he could not control. What did any of this mean for him and his family?

Then Pike called his name. Adder swallowed his pride and lumbered forward. He tilted his head, looking up at the tom. The last time he had stood in this spot, he had made a fool of himself. He had known it then, but he knew it even more now. Guilt gnawed at him, settling deep in his chest, and from the way Pike looked at him, Adder knew there was something left unsaid.

Unlike before, now it took everything just to hold Pike's gaze. He rooted his paws in place, his pelt twitching with his discomfort. Words burned in his throat but now is not the time. Adder isn't sure if he or Pike is even ready for such a discussion. It would need to be addressed eventually, sooner than later, but not now.


The corners of his mouth twitched, his tongue instinctively darting to the blemish the name referred to. The story behind it was one he tried not to remember—though he doubted Pike knew that. Now it was a part of him whether he liked it or not. Now as Pike described him, there was honesty in his voice, but also an edge.

'You refuse to look at anything other than the truth and encourage others to look at reality than fantasy.'

Was that really what Pike thought of him? That description of himself didn't set well, but Adder supposed he earned it. Neither was it untrue.

Unlike before, Adder did not raise his voice in protest. Things were going to change, with or without his approval. That didn't mean he needed to like it. Adder wasn't sure how to feel about any of it anymore. So what was he supposed to do now? For a moment, he froze, torn between acknowledging the name or simply walking away. He fumbled, turning sharply, then stopping himself, before finally giving up and stalking back to Wave's side.

Wave was next. Adder shoved everything to the back of his mind. Wavesong. Regardless of how he felt about the changes, Pike did her justice. The name suited his mate well. He nudged her gently, a soft sheen to his eyes. "A beautiful addition to your name, love. It suits you, I mean it." She was always the melody in his ears. A song that lifted their spirits, and soothed his uneasy heart. Adder would not let his pride and unwillingness to accept things beyond him prevent him from supporting her.

  • "speech" - thoughts

  • Adderfang he/him & riverclan
    𓆟 Chocolate ticked tabby w/ amber eyes. Peppered with scars. Deep gash across the right side of his face exposing one canine slightly. Missing left ear.
    𓆟 Deep gravelly voice that might unsettle others.
    𓆟 Would and will kill a man.
    𓆟 Peaceful and healing powerplay permitted. For other powerplays, DM.
    𓆟 Fur smells faintly of river reeds and damp earth.

    penned by Scarlet


Not some average bones, I believe in love!


‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Excitement surged through Torrent's chest at the sight of Pike and Smoke's return, and he quickly scrambled to his paws to meet them. He circled the pair a few times, brimming with questioning mews as he was dying to hear about how their trip had unfolded. Though he trailed off as Pike began to climb the tree stump, his gaze flashing with concern as he watched the silver tom's slight struggle. Torrent couldn't see any signs of injury, but Pike looked exhausted.

Sitting back on his haunches, Torrent stared up at Pike, his gaze full of wonder and question. There was something different about the way the tom carried himself. He silently wondered what exactly had happened on their journey, but his thoughts were swiftly interrupted as Pike began to speak.

Pikestar! Torrent repeated the name in his head, his eyes brightening at the sound of it. His unease began to falter, if Pikestar was well enough to make a speech, surely he was alright? His eyes then darted around his gathered clanmates, paws fizzing with excitement as he anticipated what names they would receive, especially after talking about it with Fox and the others prior.

Turning his head back to face Pikestar as the tom paused, Torrent found their eyes meeting. He lifted his posture as if to sit taller, returning the silver tom's smile with his own. His fur prickled excitedly as Pikestar spoke, already anticipating where this was going.

When I become a 'Warrior!' Torrent echoed, eyes flashing with excitement as he worked his claws into the earth. Though despite his overwhelming exuberance at the thought of receiving a warrior name, he was Torrentpaw now, and would carry the name with just as much pride.

As the naming ceremonies went on, Torrentpaw's gaze flashed to each cat as it became their turn, his gaze bright and full of warmth for the cats he had grown to know over the course of their journey. Russetfall, Adderfang, Wavesong, Foxtail, Willowburn, Smokewreath... He repeated the names in his head, although the young tom would have no trouble remembering them, as his new clanmates already felt like kin.

  • ⟡ OOC -

  • Torrentpaw
    ‎ ‎ He/Him | 6 Moons | Riverclan Apprentice
    "speech" - text - thoughts
    To be mentored by Pine (FUT)
    A rosetted charcoal Bengal.
    Has a sturdy build with a large head and paws, and short thick fur.
    Holds a zealous and determined demeanor.
    Usually seen with Squid


6 Moons
He / Him
Riverclan Apprentice


Pike and Smoke make their way back to camp and Russet is not so oblivious that she doesn't catch both how rattled Smoke appeared and absolutely drained Pike is. Whatever had happened had clearly been a lot for the two toms though thankfully neither seemed to be hurt. She limps forward from the den to better watch the proceedings, curling her tail around her paws to watch with steeled indifference as the silver tom struggled to climb the stump to address everyone.

'I made the mistake of overwhelming you all.' That had been an understatement. She still didn't believe the story and frankly did not care if 'Pikestar' kept his promise- the moment she was well enough she was going to leave. She was not going to stick around to watch things crumble around her once more if she could help it. Better not to get attache-

Her name being called by the tom drags Russet out of her spiraling and she looks up sharply. Her frown deepened as he motioned for her to come closer, not moving from where she sat already near the front of the crowd with left paw raised slightly. She was not intending to walk more than necessary if she could help it, manners be damned. A sense of schadenfreude briefly touched her at the look of panic on his face as he seemed to realize the mistake he had made. But then-


'Are you fucking kidding me.' Blinding white flashes in her maw before her snarl is cut off by Pikestar leaving her with no time to get a word in with his rambling. His explanation didn't quite fall on deaf ears, there was certainly truth to the explanation. Stubbornness had gotten her this far in life; you couldn't rely on others, if you wanted something, wanted to survive you had to unsheathe your claws and take it yourself. Doing otherwise only opened one up to betrayal down the line and she had seen firsthand how badly that could end with the group of rogues she had been born and lived with before. ...Perhaps Pikestar was too stupid to insult someone like that. This was all brand new to them after all so maybe it was unintentional.

Adder is called up next and the thought disappears as quickly as it had come when the other is dubbed Adderfang. A laugh leaves her before Pikestar finishes his explanation for him, cold and harsh, before she stands and turns to stalk back to the den for the young and injured.

"Sure, if that's what you want."



  • Russetfall
    — Pearl Diver of Riverclan
    — She/Her
    — A Green-eyed Chocolate Mackerel Tabby With Low White

  • Haha
Reactions: Adderfang
i will find your scent again if i sleep in infinite space
It was a relief to see both Pike and Smoke had returned back in one piece. She hoped their journey had gone well and that Pike had received everything he was suppose to from the stars. It still felt a bit odd that the dead had spoken to Pike and that they where suppose to be Riverclan now. But life where not always meant to make sense, and the idea of having deceased cats that looked over them from the stars were comforting. That meant there was a life after this one.

Pike climbt on top of the willow to stand on the rock and Rose would sliently slide in next to Wave and Adder while her attention was focused on thier newly made leader. Pike begin by laying out the first few changes that was going to happen around here including his own new name to be Pikestar - one of them being her own name. Rose was not gonna be only Rose now but Rosepaw. An odd addition to a name that had felt right just the way it had been. But this was not just a change for her but anyone who was around her age. It would be a bit difficult to get used to this new slight name change but since everybody else seemed to approve of it this change was probably for the best.

More names would be given out but this time it was for those who had earned to join the new rank as warriors. Russet being the first one. Russetfall didn't seem to like her new name very much but Pikestar was quick to talk on before the new warrior had a chance to protest against it. She felt a bit bad for them, an apologic look briefly present before a more familliar name got brought up. Adder.

Rose looked at her...adoptive father figure as he stepped forward to claim his new name. She wonderd what it would be... Adderfang. Despite what the tom might think Rose actually thought Adderfang to be a strong fitting name, a bit intimating perhaps considering it's meaning behind but when danger arrived who would wanna mess with someone who was venomous?. Perhaps, Adder just needed some time to get used to his new name.
" I think y-your new name's c-cool..."
she mumbled softly, attempting to comfort Adderfang a little bit after he had decided to return back to Wave's side. Briefly she would share a look with him to give a honest smile before gaze drifted after Wave who had been called upon next to recieve her new name.

Wavesong. Rose eyes glimted briefly, That was a such beautiful name.... and perfectly fitted for a such kind and giving soul like Wave. She agreed with everything Pikestar had to say about that molly who had not only saved her life but picked her up when her world had fallen apart.
" You're name's"
She joined in with Adderfang although voice softer and easily spoken over but her words meant just as much. It truly was a justified name for a kind soul like hers. Rose wonderd if she too would earn a such as pretty name like hers one day. She was actually starting to look a little bit forward to it now. Just the idea of it at least.

Fox earned his name next, Foxtail was the name that got decided, and with the meaning explained behind it even Rose believed it was fitting for that tom. Willow's new name was through passion and her wisedom. Willowburn was justified for such a fierce soul like hers. Last up for today to get thier new name was Smoke who honestly had always terrified her. She never wanted to get on his bad side...or cross his path....Although generous to let strangers into his skipyard Rose had always find a hard time to approach them....He had always seemed importand and just unapprochable for somebody like her who had been living in a complete different level then him. Smokewreath was a...confusing name to be honest, mostly because she had no idea what a wreath was. Maybe she could ask Wavesong about it later. She probably knew what it was.

With that the meeting was over but Rose didn't move, remained in her spot for a little bit longer as she took in everything that had just been said. So many new changes...her life no longer felt like the same.

flowered hope from this abyss
⋆˚✿˖° I was dancing in the rain, I felt alive and I can't explain

Brook listened intently as Pike returned, her ear flicking once before her gaze narrowed slightly, taking in his presence. His apology came first, and though his attempt to do better was noted, it was still a matter for her to process. She gave a curt nod, moving her tail around Lilac, keeping the kit close. She stole a quick glance at Pine but quickly turned away, not wanting to linger on that. Pikestar, huh? It was... something. She'd accept it, for now.

Her brow furrowed as the new naming tradition was announced. Every kit under twelve moons was to be called "paw"? Lilacpaw? Her nose scrunched, eyes narrowing. She pulled Lilac closer to her, a soft protective gesture. No, Lilac would always just be Lilac to her. Or Lilacbird. Her little bird. The names flowed one after another, Russetfall, which caused her to frown slightly. Fall? Why that name? A reminder of... no, probably not. Then came Adder, now Adderfang. It was fine, though a bit unremarkable. Wavesong, hmm, a good name for Wave, perhaps. Foxtail. Willowburn. Smokewreath. Cats were becoming who they were meant to be.

Then a soft, small voice broke her reverie, making her heart soften. She looked down at her daughter and nuzzled her gently, her voice tender. " Oh, my little bird. " She rasped her tongue over Lilac's ear, brushing away any trace of doubt. " Shh, no… you're just Lilac for me, my dear. My Lilacbird. " She nuzzled her head again, holding her close with an assurance that transcended the names around them.


A wide yawn escaped Wavesong as she padded forward, blinking sleepily yet offering a warm, tired smile at Pike's return. A friendly nod was given his way, her heart easing at the sight of him and Smoke, both back in one piece. That was a relief. She would've loathed to lose anyone so soon after they had finally found a place to settle. Biting back another yawn, she flicked her tail from side to side before settling beside Adder, pressing into him with a soft sigh. Sleep had been elusive, but she would make up for it when night fell.

As Pike began to speak, she listened intently, taking in every word. Pikestar, he was called now. A small smile tugged at her maw. Like a little starfish… she mused, amusement flickering in her gaze as she offered their newly named leader an encouraging smile and a warm blink. Kits becoming paws. Apprentices. Excitement surged through her as her gaze darted toward her own kits. A deep, pleased purr rumbled from her chest. They'd be apprentices soon… But who would mentor them? Would they?

She didn't have long to dwell on it as Pikestar continued, his voice a little unsteady as he named the first warrior. Russetfall. Curious, Wavesong sought out the molly's reaction. Oof… Well, that was something. Best to move forward.

Then came Adder. Soft blue eyes flickered to her mate, her smile deepening, filled with nothing but warmth and love. Adderfang. It was a strong name. A good name. But also… Aye, aye, m'love. He's still upset with ye. Better fix that when ye can... It was a thought that crossed her mind as she flicked her ear. She watched as he moved away briefly, then stalked back to her side, his irritation evident. Biting back a laugh, she leaned heavily against him, murmuring softly. " I think it's a good, strong name, aye? "

And then... Her own name.

She blinked, ears perking up before she finally stepped forward, grinning up at Pikestar as she shot him a playful wink. " Aww, shucks, Pikestar, yer gonna make me all hot and bothered. " she teased, laughter tinkling from her lips before she dipped her head respectfully. " I love it. Thank ye. " Purring, she padded back to Adder-- no, Adderfang and leaned against him once more. " Ye charmer. " she whispered teasingly, rasping her tongue over his cheek before turning her gaze toward Rose, who congratulated her. " Thank ye, wee one… I agree with ye. " She dipped her head, gently rasping her tongue over Rosepaw's ear. " Yer gonna get yerself a fine warrior name too, I know it. " A quick wink followed.

Next came Fox, and she couldn't help but grin. Fox had been the first to suggest the name she now carried, as if fate had decided it long before today. Chuckling, she dipped her head in approval. Foxtail. A strong name for a strong cat. She met his gaze with a nod of approval.

Then Willow, her friend was now called Willowburn. A fitting name. Passionate. Burning with drive, it fitted Willow. Purring, Wavesong caught her friend's eyes and shot her a wink, pride radiating from her.

And finally came Smoke. Wait… singing? She blinked twice, head tilting slightly before letting out a soft snort of amusement. It must've been an inside joke between them. Still, a smile curled at her maw as Pikestar's tone shifted, turning more serious. Smokewreath. A name worthy of the cat who had helped unite them all. Aye… I agree.

With that, the meeting concluded. Wavesong let out a soft breath, her gaze sweeping over her Clanmates. " Beautiful names. " she murmured, a pleased purr thrumming through her. Her eyes found Pikestar once more, her expression filled with quiet approval.

" Ye did well, m'friend. "

  • "speech"
  • WAVE she/her, RiverClanner, thirty-three moons.
    a black and white lh cat with light blue eyes
    mentored by who / mentoring no one
    whichever relations / want listed
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by lion ↛ lionheartedphoenix on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
  • Haha
Reactions: Adderfang
all you have is your
Smoke is alarmingly quiet on the return, no gentle ribbing or joking to anyone, no snide side comments to Adder on what amounted to getting lost in a wheat field for hours on end before finding a rock; but he knew deep down it was more than that. The spirits they saw, Dewdrop herself there before his eye as if she were not a corpse beneath the crumbling wreckage of a shed back on the beach shore. It was a lot to take in, he'd had a long time sitting outside that spire of a rock to think about it all while Pike ventured into the depths, coming back out with his new name and a rare bit of solemn seriousness to his usually stupidly chipper expression. The walk back had been entirely in silence as well, though it seemed the tabby got the spring back in his step upon reaching their camp, teetering his path up the river rock to make his decress: ah, yes, Smoke had forgotten all about the names.

His sister burns, its suiting - she was always the more hot tempered of them despite his name carrying the fire, but it is his own name that gives him pause. Wreath, unity, a circle unbroken, a floral ring in reverence, it was something a little more meaningful than he expected even if it started with that blasted singsong melody piercing his ears and making them flatten to his head. Smokewreath, he could accept that. It was nice even, maybe a little weirdly elegant for a cat like him who was scarred and brutish - something more like Adder's new name Adderfang might've fit him more neatly but you couldn't say it wasn't a creative effort. How well the meaning held time would tell, but he had seen the blistering lights of stars on earth burn his gaze, the voices of those long gone whispering in his ear, to say he found something that night was a mild statement - it was like taking a breath for the first time. The life after this existed, the end was not the end, they were being moved by something bigger than they were and it was a fact that brought more comfort than fear. What was a ship without a strong wind to guide it, what was a vessel with no captain at the helm? It was like being home.

With the meeting dismissed he flicked his tail and rose to stand, it was about time to share his thoughts and what he'd seen if they were to get this ship secure.
─ & the place you need to reach.

— Future RiverClanner (Shipcat)
— He/Him
— Solid black tom w/vitiligo and one orange eye.
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canonically feb 14th

With some must needed rest he felt a little bit better. His body still aching from the day before. However, he had things to do. And so, the silver tom would climb atop the willow tree.
"Riverclan gather. Like I said before, I'll be having name meetings. So we'll be continuing from where we last left off."

This time he was prepared. Knowing who exactly he would start out with first. A silver paw beckons Downy forward and with a wavering voice, Pikestar calls her name so she knew it was her.
It was hard not to fling the molly into the river. She had caused him so much stress, even more so than Peachy. Why? While Peachy had joined the patrol, neglecting to mention she was injured... I'm still peeved about that. At the very least, PEACHY COULD SWIM! Imagine saying that we're gonna cross a river and then go to an island, which is surrounded by water by the way! Imagine saying all that and going hmmmm I should go on the trip. Even though I CAN'T SWIM! I was five seconds away from swatting you. One might say, but Pikestar everything turned out okay! And yes that much was true, but that was only because Willowburn had helped Downy cross with an impromptu swimming lesson.
"Your new name will be Downyfeather. While you did make a questionable decision in joining the scouting patrol, not knowing how to swim... I can't deny how calm you were when Willowburn showed you how to swim. You are persistent and stubborn, always making an effort to learn. I will have to give it to you. You were able to pick up swimming quickly and you looked graceful. I hope with this name you'll never give up that spirit and continue to refine your skills."
Just... Don't scare me like that again.

As for the next cat he was going to call... Whenever he looked at her, he can remember her banshee like yowls as they dragged her across the river. That day... Was not a pretty one. From memory alone, his ears rang. To be honest who could forget the ordeal that was dragging Knot to their new home? The others who had helped him also elected to never speak of it. However, he could remember Knot being silent since then. He didn't ask her what was the true reason why she refused to swim. He was unable to actually. Everyone else spoke over him and simply said the molly would have to suck it up essentially.
he called with a small reassuring smile. I won't give you a terrible name. Or at least not on purpose. It was super hard to come up with something that sounded right with your name though, not gonna lie. Or something that wasn't Knotscreech or Knotwail... Yeahhhh, Russetfall was bad enough. I don't think I can get away with calling you Knotcry because of your hissing that day.
"You'll be called Knotivy from now on. You are cunning, a bit solitary- nothing wrong with that, and you can be a little sarcastic at times. In all I thought Knotivy just screams you. It's a name that gives off a viper waiting to strike!"

There was still much to do, so he had no choice but to move on to the next cat. A cat he lost his precious fish scales to. He tried not to think too hard about it. If he did, he would burst into tears and wail over his lost treasures. He could do that a much better time.
"Haze, your new name will be Hazecloud! Don't think I've forgotten about losing to you, and I'm ready for a round two. Anyway, I'll never forget how level headed you were and how stealthy you are. I didn't realize I was wrapped around your claws at all, so this name is for how sneaky you are."
Without a doubt he would struggle gambling with her again, considering it was difficult to tell what was on her mind. She scarcely gave a hint and when she did it was a red herring. However, he looked forward to their next gamble. With a smile he would move on to another.

It was becoming easier to call each cat forward to receive their names, but he will be honest in saying that is the easiest part. The most difficult part was coming up with a name for each of his clanmates that suited them. In any case, he would call out once more.
"Lichen, step forward."
Okay. That sounded a bit too forceful, but I can't exactly take that back. I swear that came out bossier than I wanted it to be. Hope she doesn't kill me. If she didn't step forward, he would continue anyway (not without internally weeping at the sight of his friend giving him a look).
"From this day forward, you'll be known as Lichentuft. I just think your mane is super cool, you're like a lion. Lichentuft sounds nice too, but what I'm saying is that you're strong. You don't need to unsheathe your claws to give off this powerful atmosphere."
Definitely not the best explanation, but he didn't know how to explain it other than Lichen is amazingly cool. She's just effortlessly regal and her strength is already known from first glance. If she wanted a better explanation, then... She might not get that much better of an answer. Oogh. Lets move on.

This is the one he's been dreading. To be honest he wanted to prolong naming this cat for so long, but he felt as though the longer he waited... His fate would be far worse. It's not like the cat in question has actually attacked him (not yet) or anything like that. If anything he could remember the sting of their biting words. Was it understandable at the time? Yes, but it still hurt! And that is why with a heavy heart he calls out to a specific black tom who has been nothing short of brutal.
"Bay... Your new name will be Bayhowl."
It is a powerful name. He thought long and hard about what name to give the scathing black tom before him. If he had given him something sweet sounding like Fluffycloud, he would most likely be clawed to death.
"You've always been relentless. Never one to take nonsense. In short, you're fierce. That is why your new name reflects your strength. I hope you continue to relentlessly tear down any lies and nonsense from others."
I also hope you don't kill me. Come on! This is a good name for you. At least, I hope. Not wanting to prod the bear any further, he clears his throat as if to signal this would be the end to their conversation.

I really need a pick me up now. Who should I name next? Pikestar was not mentally prepared for the sight that before him. His heart practically pounded against his ribs, demanding to be let out and rush to where their other half was. Blaze was looking at him with all the love in the world and the urge to clamber down the tree stump and whisk her away to a more private area was strong. N-n-no! Focus! You can take her out later. What kind of pretty flowers- NO! Your girlfriend needs a name. Girlfriend... AUUGH!
"B-Blaze! U-uhm, your, n-name will be Blazinglily."
A beautiful name for a pretty, STOP. NOT NOW! IT'S BAD ENOUGH I SQUEAKED LIKE A MOUSE!!! Knowing her she would laugh and tease him later tonight about this. For moons to come mind you. And... And she would never admit that seeing the sight of her boyfriend fighting the urge to run to her or not burst into songs of love made her heart soar. Unlike all who came before her, she wouldn't be getting an explanation about the name.

Wrangling his heart was not turning out well, so he decided the next best thing. What was that you ask? Well... Moving onto another clanmate. Green eyes lock onto a red molly. He clears his throat before speaking, lest he want to squeak like a mouse again.
"Peachy. Your name will be Peachtrot. You've always been like a ray of sunshine even in the worst of times, so Peachtrot is for that reason."
He hopes she knows what he is talking about. There was no way she hadn't. After all, he was the one who freaked out when she finally admitted that she was very much not fine and traveled with a sprained paw. Honestly, he wanted to throw himself in the river at that point because why was it that cats joined the patrol when they weren't supposed to? I mean it is my fault for not noticing it, but WHY?! Nevertheless, no matter how much his friends made him worry, he loved them to death. Though, he wished they would take it a bit easier on him. Especially for his heart.

Unfortunately, this is now the point where he finds himself naming cats who he knows little about. I guess I just go for it? Like... What screams out to me? It also has to sound nice too. Can't be giving out a name like uhmm Bonespit? Doesn't really make much sense. Not like the clan names aren't weird enough. Hmmm.. Green eyes scan the crowd, until they are met with light blue. A silver paw motions for Hydrangea to step forward. What would sound nice for you? Maybe something short? Your name is already long, so if I add way more to it... Yeah, it'd be a mouthful. Perhaps, the white and blue-grey tabby was uneasy with how long Pikestar remained silent.
The name rolled off his tongue nicely and he hoped the warrior thought so as well. Though, he had to make up something, other than the name sounding cool.
"I'll be honest and say we haven't talked much. However, I give you this name for hidden potential. Like the flowers you were named after, I hope you will bloom into a great Riverclan warrior."
Did that sound good? I mean maybe a little weird since he's technically a warrior, but I mean... We're all new to this. ANYWAY!

It would be natural to move onto another cat who has a flower like name, right? I mean it's not like they can tell me no right now. It just makes sense.
"Please step forward Wisteria. Your new name will be Wisteriablossom."
Did Pikestar think he was funny for this? No. He thought he was being cute doing this. Like yeaaaaahhh lets name one flower cat bloom and another blossom. Like a matching pair. I think it's nice! Wisteriablossom sounds better than Wisteriabloom! ACTUALLY! They can't complain this much, since I really could've just slapped bloom to both their names. I'm getting distracted. He needs a reason why its blossom right? Other than me being oh so clever.
"This name was given to you for two things. The first is being a quick learner. It doesn't take you too long to realize something. The second is growth. All of us need to grow in some areas, but in your case I think you will be able to grow the most due to how quick you are realizing things."
And maybe you'll work on your attitude, is something he will never say to the younger warrior. Not a chance. He doesn't need to have another at his back. Speaking of another...

The next cat that catches his interest is one who looks eerily similar to Wavesong. Just so the spirit of Adderfang is not hissing, he will say he will mistake the much younger tom as a beloved wife. It just so happens that both share the same patch of white on the right side of their faces, but unlike Wavesong, Frost's patches of white extend further. Not to mention Wavesong having lighter eyes than Frost. They could pass as siblings to be honest. Actually... No, if Frost was her younger brother she would've been closer to him. I doubt she would keep her distance from family. I've never seen them go out together. Still... The similarity is a bit uncanny,
"Frost, please step forward."
Thankfully, the younger tom does as requested.
"Your new name will be Frostmoth."
Rolls off the tongue nicely. Yep, I've outdone myself with this one!
"Before I came to the Shipyard, I explored different places. One day I saw a moth with the same color as your pelt. It looked beautiful. Though, the real reason I gave you the suffix moth is for your quiet nature. Not that it is a bad thing, considering how kind you are."
Keep the rambling to a minimum Pikestar. There was no need to go on a story about a beautiful moth as if he hadn't implied he thought Frostmoth was quite the looker.

I think this will be the last one. I'm getting kind of tired and there's still some cats I haven't really found a good name for either. They're okay, but nothing that screams them. Sureeee I don't know the rest so well, but the vibes are off. I have to work through some more. Besides, this is like a good enough amount right? The final cat he decides to name for this meeting is a blue tabby (Pikestar... A majority of Riverclan is blue), said blue cat out of many is none other than Storm. She has been kind and patient with him. She had not voiced a complaint to him yet, and part of him is unsure of whether or not that is due to her having no issues with him (x doubt) or that she doesn't want to rock the metaphorical boat.
"Storm. For the markings of your pelt, but also my wish that you won't be afraid to voice your opinions... You'll be known as Stormswirl. Being kind and patient are nice qualities, but this doesn't mean you should keep quiet about what's bothering you."
If anyone was giving him a hard stare, he was pretending not to notice.

"This will be the names for today. Meeting's uhhh dismissed. I'll be around if anyone has any questions.. Anyway, thank you for staying this long."
Every so gracefully (nearly slipping and falling), he descends from his willow stump to retreat to his den.

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canonically feb 15th

After the last meeting, he'd been approached by a clanmate. He wouldn't say he was surprised about it, considering he did leave them open to seeking him out after giving out names. What he was not prepared for was someone deciding on their name as a Riverclan warrior. Now, no one in Starclan told him it wouldn't be allowed. All that was told of him was to name each cat within their group, so technically there was nothing wrong about giving a requested name. I'm still sort of giving it, sooooo It's not like I'm breaking any rules. Saves me the trouble of coming up with any more names. His gaze lingers on the white warrior who sought him out. I know you asked for it, but I'm still a little unsure about it. I don't want you to be offended or anything like that. Well... Guess I should get to it!

"Riverclan, gather around. I have some more names to give out."

"Tide, can you please step forward?"
Said warrior steps forward. Instead of jumping right into it, he decides to address the whole clan first.
"I want to make it clear that Tide approached me and requested to have a specific name, so I hope you all will respect their decision."
Nothing good came out of Pikestar stalling and everyone knew it. Just what kind of name did Tide request?
"From now on your new name will be Hauntedtide."
Many, including Starclan would say that he could have rejected the name entirely. The name sounded... Not so great, as if he purposely gave the newly named Hauntedtide a cruel name. However, when the white tom looked at him and requested this name with determination? How was he supposed to say no? He even asked if Tide was certain about it, which was met with a resounding yes. If there were whispers or glares sent his way he would ignore them.

He seeks safety in a friend. One that he hasn't named yet and who has been waiting patiently, given the fact that he wasn't approached by them with complaints over how long it was taking. It is with a warm smile that he motions Pine forward with the flick of his tail.
"I've been keeping you waiting, I know Pine. I've decided on the name Pineheart for you. For all the kindness you show towards others."
Towards Torrentpaw.
"Don't get me wrong, you are fierce, but what screams out the most to me when it comes to you is how gentle you are. There's strength in that too."
Yes, he's seen it. How Torrentpaw has been improving under Pineheart's gentle guiding paw. While Adderfang had a knack for plan making and execution, he lacked the patience and kindness Pineheart had. Yes, Pineheart was a fighter if those scars were something to go by. However, none felt the need to stay away from the warrior. A kit magnet as some would say. Of course there are more important things that need to be attended to before he can ask his friend for a chat over a nice meal.

Unfortunately, the same could not be said about the next cat he will name. Her words are cutting and she is a bit... Full of herself? He would never say this to her face knowing that she wouldn't be afraid to claw at him despite his rank. It is this cat alone with confidence he can say will actually try and give him a good scratch. Perhaps it is out of fear that he beckons for Pigeon to step forward.
"Pigeonpearl will be your new name. It is for your bea-"
Lets try that again. Blazinglily will kick me out of the den if I said that. Sweat practically runs down his temple, as he tries not to look at his girlfriend who may have caught on to what almost left his lips.
"It's for your resilience and compassion."
Compassion was not quite the word he wanted to say, but avoiding an angry Pigeonpearl in his den was a must.

Who catches his gaze next is a leggy black cat with white patches and tufted ears. Uhhh... What's your name? Its not surprising that he wouldn't know the name of one of his clanmates. He did see this cat around unlike their little kit stowaway, but every time he tried to catch the name of this warrior, it seemed like life placed obstacle after obstacle. The one time he had gotten close resulted in being whisked away into a gambling match over shiny fish scales. No, he couldn't pass up the chance to win more fish scales. The one presented that day just had to be his! I'm starting to have regrets about that. What the heck do I do? Uhhh, come up with something on the spot? I don't even know their name? UHM! SHOOT! EVERYONE'S WAITING. He motions for the mysterious black and white patched to come forward. Oh man, oh man, ohmanohmanohman
"Reedsplash. That's your new name. For your pelt that looks the reeds. T-the reed shadows I mean. And uhhhh, splash for the white patches of fur you got. Sounds pretty cool right? Reedsplash."
BETTER THAN RUSSETFALL, BUT STILL! I... I don't even know if their name was Reed in the first place. What if it was like... Carp? Based on the reaction the newly named Reedsplash is giving him, the name is okay? Errr, I'll take that. They'll come to me after for complaints. Maybe. MOVING ON!

The good thing is the next cat he calls forward is someone he actually knows the name of. They are not close and that is by design. He has tried to talk to Python, but there is a wall between them. At first, he thought he had done something wrong. He tried to make up for it by offering a shiny fish scale or tell a funny joke, and yet... Despite everything she remained stoic. It didn't help that her voice naturally was stern. He couldn't tell at first whether or not she despised him. It was only through observation that he was able to see it was not just him. She held everyone at a tail length. Something transpired in the past that much was certain for her to lock herself away from others. He would not pry. However, that did not mean he didn't have a wish.
"Python, please step forward."
I know what exactly to name you, but you'll never know the real reason why. Not yet. Only when you're ready. That's when I'll tell you.
"Pythonfang will be your new name. When you strike, you strike with the power of ten fierce warriors."
Someday we'll make a connection. Nothing else is exchanged. It is quite strange, as Pikestar loves to go on and on about a name. They wouldn't know he did it out of respect for Pythonfang. A cat who didn't want to be seen.

He hated to admit it, but naming Pythonfang had put him in a somber mood. It was not her fault. It was his. That's what for thinking too much. I made myself sad. Ugghhh, but I just wish someday we can be friends. And if we don't then I hope she'll let others close. Green eyes look to those who have gathered, and was thankful. They had been waiting for the names to roll out, even if they had some choice words about him being leader. I named so many cats so far. Maybe I should give them a break. Yeah... They deserve it. It isn't easy to be sitting around and listening through name after name.
"I've decided this will be it for today's names. I am grateful you've all been patient with me and everything going on. So you're all free to go about your day sooner."
If anyone wanted him to continue, then they would have to wait another day. His silver frame already jumping from the stump and to his den.
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