tw - gross bones and stuff. profanity.
A chunky ball of brown fur trotted through the swamp. She ogled everything, dashing through the mud—chasing anything that moved—picking up sticks twice her size.
Fleapaw was currently occupied trying to catch a frog. Pouncing after it, trying to foil its jumps by batting at it with her paws. But then her eyes caught sight of something odd.
A glimpse of ivory scattered amid tangled undergrowth, half-sunken into the mud. Fleapaw forgot about the frog in an instant, ready to check out the next thing that captured her interest.
What she saw made Fleapaw freeze. Every bit of her fur stood up. Her heart began to race, hammering against her ribcage.
A pair of empty sockets looked back at her, the cheekbones delicately curved, with a large bubble frothing at one of its eyes. Around it were other bones, stained by the elements, arranged in a way that didn't seem natural. Bubbles rose from the muck as if rejecting what it had consumed.
There was a long silence.
Until she shattered it.
"YESSS, fuckin' awesome!" She yelled and barreled forward to take it. SPLURCH! The brown solid froze mid-stride. The mud was sticker than she expected, greedily clutching one of her paws, attempting to pull her in.
What the hell is with this mud?!
It wasn't like any mud she ever saw and Fleakit had seen lots of weird mud. Stiff mud, wet mud—mud that was hot. It's like it was hungry. Attempting to pull her into its maw so it could devour her.
Fleapaw recoiled, digging her haunches in and yanking her paw from the muck with a loud pop. "Come onnnn!" Finally, she found something supercalifuckilisticexpialidociously cool and she couldn't even get to it.
Fleapaw mulled it over, her face scrunching with tension. Then, an idea popped into her head. Fleakit scanned the ground for a stick—something long but not too heavy. Course, she found one right away. She was basically a stick expert. Without a second thought, she scooped the stick up in her jaws. The bark scraped her gums, and the stick wobbled awkwardly, but she trotted over to the bubbly muck with it anyway.
She turned and twisted, attempting to wedge the stick into the skull's eye socket. But, she missed—dropping the stick in the mud. Unable to pull it free, she found another—and another. Each failed attempt was punctuated by a loud burst of profanity.
After another failed attempt she'd had it. "Noooo, come here you fuckin' grrrrrr!" She growled, spinning around for something to fight. She settled for mauling the roots of a tree with her claws.
But she wouldn't give up. After what felt like a billion tries, she angled a long, thin stick like she had nothing left to lose and jammed it into the skull's socket.
At first, she didn't even clock her success and just... stood there.
"Ha! Haha! I did it! I did it! FUCK YOU mud!" She growled through a mouthful of drooly stick. By then, her mouth was sore, her gums bleeding, and her tongue riddled with splinters—but Fleakit didn't care. With the stick lodged firmly in the skull's socket, she yanked, and the muck relinquished it with a loud—SLURP!
Flea tumbled backward, the stick winding back to smack her in the face. "Ow! Shit!" It hurt like a buttcheek on a stick, but she quickly shrugged it off. The pain dulled when she saw her prize. The apprentice stumbled over the stick as she bent down to pick the skull up.
It felt cold and strangely heavy as she ran her paws over it. Satisfaction glinted in her eyes, and a crooked, gap-toothed smile lit up her face.
The skull definitely belonged to a cat—and was every bit as cool as she imagined. Fleapaw struggled but eventually got the skull over her head—sliding it over her ears like a crown. After some adjusting, she could peer through its sockets. Mud trickled down her muzzle.
A maniac cackle rose in her throat. Fleapaw tried not to rattle it, but she did a little victory bounce.
She HAD to show Stoatkit.
The trek back to camp was lost in her memory. She imagined herself a warrior—coming home after bloodying her claws with her enemies. The skull, a trophy of a battle fought and won. She trotted into camp with a bit of extra swagger in her step, head raised high, knowin' damn well she looked super cool. "Stoatkit—come look what I found! It's awesome!"
She's gonna be soooooooo jealous!
A chunky ball of brown fur trotted through the swamp. She ogled everything, dashing through the mud—chasing anything that moved—picking up sticks twice her size.
Fleapaw was currently occupied trying to catch a frog. Pouncing after it, trying to foil its jumps by batting at it with her paws. But then her eyes caught sight of something odd.
A glimpse of ivory scattered amid tangled undergrowth, half-sunken into the mud. Fleapaw forgot about the frog in an instant, ready to check out the next thing that captured her interest.
What she saw made Fleapaw freeze. Every bit of her fur stood up. Her heart began to race, hammering against her ribcage.
A pair of empty sockets looked back at her, the cheekbones delicately curved, with a large bubble frothing at one of its eyes. Around it were other bones, stained by the elements, arranged in a way that didn't seem natural. Bubbles rose from the muck as if rejecting what it had consumed.
There was a long silence.
Until she shattered it.
"YESSS, fuckin' awesome!" She yelled and barreled forward to take it. SPLURCH! The brown solid froze mid-stride. The mud was sticker than she expected, greedily clutching one of her paws, attempting to pull her in.
What the hell is with this mud?!
It wasn't like any mud she ever saw and Fleakit had seen lots of weird mud. Stiff mud, wet mud—mud that was hot. It's like it was hungry. Attempting to pull her into its maw so it could devour her.
Fleapaw recoiled, digging her haunches in and yanking her paw from the muck with a loud pop. "Come onnnn!" Finally, she found something supercalifuckilisticexpialidociously cool and she couldn't even get to it.
Fleapaw mulled it over, her face scrunching with tension. Then, an idea popped into her head. Fleakit scanned the ground for a stick—something long but not too heavy. Course, she found one right away. She was basically a stick expert. Without a second thought, she scooped the stick up in her jaws. The bark scraped her gums, and the stick wobbled awkwardly, but she trotted over to the bubbly muck with it anyway.
She turned and twisted, attempting to wedge the stick into the skull's eye socket. But, she missed—dropping the stick in the mud. Unable to pull it free, she found another—and another. Each failed attempt was punctuated by a loud burst of profanity.
After another failed attempt she'd had it. "Noooo, come here you fuckin' grrrrrr!" She growled, spinning around for something to fight. She settled for mauling the roots of a tree with her claws.
But she wouldn't give up. After what felt like a billion tries, she angled a long, thin stick like she had nothing left to lose and jammed it into the skull's socket.
At first, she didn't even clock her success and just... stood there.
"Ha! Haha! I did it! I did it! FUCK YOU mud!" She growled through a mouthful of drooly stick. By then, her mouth was sore, her gums bleeding, and her tongue riddled with splinters—but Fleakit didn't care. With the stick lodged firmly in the skull's socket, she yanked, and the muck relinquished it with a loud—SLURP!
Flea tumbled backward, the stick winding back to smack her in the face. "Ow! Shit!" It hurt like a buttcheek on a stick, but she quickly shrugged it off. The pain dulled when she saw her prize. The apprentice stumbled over the stick as she bent down to pick the skull up.
It felt cold and strangely heavy as she ran her paws over it. Satisfaction glinted in her eyes, and a crooked, gap-toothed smile lit up her face.
The skull definitely belonged to a cat—and was every bit as cool as she imagined. Fleapaw struggled but eventually got the skull over her head—sliding it over her ears like a crown. After some adjusting, she could peer through its sockets. Mud trickled down her muzzle.
A maniac cackle rose in her throat. Fleapaw tried not to rattle it, but she did a little victory bounce.
She HAD to show Stoatkit.
The trek back to camp was lost in her memory. She imagined herself a warrior—coming home after bloodying her claws with her enemies. The skull, a trophy of a battle fought and won. She trotted into camp with a bit of extra swagger in her step, head raised high, knowin' damn well she looked super cool. "Stoatkit—come look what I found! It's awesome!"
She's gonna be soooooooo jealous!
- prompt: —— your character comes across a strange collection of bones on their patrol and they look eerily catlike
I extend my hand like a mob boss and allow you to kiss my ring but when you lean closer you see its one of those glow-in-the-dark spider rings you win at arcades [MUNCH] you disrespec me - and eat my spooky spida ring! which cost me 50 tickets at funtime arcade and pizzeria. VINNY! Hit her with da sticky hand!
- she/her
- kit
- 5 moons
- speech thought
- some physical powerplay permitted
penned by user
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