Open Prompt Camp ShadowClan what is that? a knife! noooo 𓍊𓋼𓆏𓋼𓍊 — look what fleapaw found

This tag indicates this is a prompt thread.
This thread takes place inside the clan's camp.

F l e a p a w

Played by
Character Hub


tw - gross bones and stuff. profanity.

A chunky ball of brown fur trotted through the swamp. She ogled everything, dashing through the mud—chasing anything that moved—picking up sticks twice her size.

Fleapaw was currently occupied trying to catch a frog. Pouncing after it, trying to foil its jumps by batting at it with her paws. But then her eyes caught sight of something odd.

A glimpse of ivory scattered amid tangled undergrowth, half-sunken into the mud. Fleapaw forgot about the frog in an instant, ready to check out the next thing that captured her interest.

What she saw made Fleapaw freeze. Every bit of her fur stood up. Her heart began to race, hammering against her ribcage.

A pair of empty sockets looked back at her, the cheekbones delicately curved, with a large bubble frothing at one of its eyes. Around it were other bones, stained by the elements, arranged in a way that didn't seem natural. Bubbles rose from the muck as if rejecting what it had consumed.

There was a long silence.

Until she shattered it.

"YESSS, fuckin' awesome!" She yelled and barreled forward to take it. SPLURCH! The brown solid froze mid-stride. The mud was sticker than she expected, greedily clutching one of her paws, attempting to pull her in.

What the hell is with this mud?!

It wasn't like any mud she ever saw and Fleakit had seen lots of weird mud. Stiff mud, wet mud—mud that was hot. It's like it was hungry. Attempting to pull her into its maw so it could devour her.

Fleapaw recoiled, digging her haunches in and yanking her paw from the muck with a loud pop. "Come onnnn!" Finally, she found something supercalifuckilisticexpialidociously cool and she couldn't even get to it.

Fleapaw mulled it over, her face scrunching with tension. Then, an idea popped into her head. Fleakit scanned the ground for a stick—something long but not too heavy. Course, she found one right away. She was basically a stick expert. Without a second thought, she scooped the stick up in her jaws. The bark scraped her gums, and the stick wobbled awkwardly, but she trotted over to the bubbly muck with it anyway.

She turned and twisted, attempting to wedge the stick into the skull's eye socket. But, she missed—dropping the stick in the mud. Unable to pull it free, she found another—and another. Each failed attempt was punctuated by a loud burst of profanity.

After another failed attempt she'd had it. "Noooo, come here you fuckin' grrrrrr!" She growled, spinning around for something to fight. She settled for mauling the roots of a tree with her claws.

But she wouldn't give up. After what felt like a billion tries, she angled a long, thin stick like she had nothing left to lose and jammed it into the skull's socket.

At first, she didn't even clock her success and just... stood there.

"Ha! Haha! I did it! I did it! FUCK YOU mud!" She growled through a mouthful of drooly stick. By then, her mouth was sore, her gums bleeding, and her tongue riddled with splinters—but Fleakit didn't care. With the stick lodged firmly in the skull's socket, she yanked, and the muck relinquished it with a loud—SLURP!

Flea tumbled backward, the stick winding back to smack her in the face. "Ow! Shit!" It hurt like a buttcheek on a stick, but she quickly shrugged it off. The pain dulled when she saw her prize. The apprentice stumbled over the stick as she bent down to pick the skull up.

It felt cold and strangely heavy as she ran her paws over it. Satisfaction glinted in her eyes, and a crooked, gap-toothed smile lit up her face.

The skull definitely belonged to a cat—and was every bit as cool as she imagined. Fleapaw struggled but eventually got the skull over her head—sliding it over her ears like a crown. After some adjusting, she could peer through its sockets. Mud trickled down her muzzle.

A maniac cackle rose in her throat. Fleapaw tried not to rattle it, but she did a little victory bounce.

She HAD to show Stoatkit.

The trek back to camp was lost in her memory. She imagined herself a warrior—coming home after bloodying her claws with her enemies. The skull, a trophy of a battle fought and won. She trotted into camp with a bit of extra swagger in her step, head raised high, knowin' damn well she looked super cool. "Stoatkit—come look what I found! It's awesome!"

She's gonna be soooooooo jealous!

  • prompt: —— your character comes across a strange collection of bones on their patrol and they look eerily catlike
  • fleakit-anger.png
    I extend my hand like a mob boss and allow you to kiss my ring but when you lean closer you see its one of those glow-in-the-dark spider rings you win at arcades [MUNCH] you disrespec me - and eat my spooky spida ring! which cost me 50 tickets at funtime arcade and pizzeria. VINNY! Hit her with da sticky hand!​
    - she/her
    - kit
    - 5 moons
    - speech thought
    - some physical powerplay permitted

    penned by user
Last edited:

Still so young, Desperate for attention!

indentttMothbite had been enjoying the relatively warm weather, taking a rare moment of rest. Ever since his promotion (his promotion!) he's been out and about on his paws, constantly. Sablestar trusted him with this new role, and Mothbite is going to do everything in his power to prove that he was the right choice, even if he doesn't quite believe it himself.

indentttThat's for later, though! Right now, he's laying in a patch of marsh grasses, soaking up what little sunlight peeks through the heavy clouds with his head resting gently on his paws. He's nearly nodded off when he hears that annoying, high pitched voice ring through camp. Fleakit's back. He's not sure why they keep letting her sneak out of camp, but it's one of the few moments of peace he gets, so he doesn't complain. Mothbite cracks his eye open to check on her, just to make sure she's not running up to bother him.

indentttInstead, he nearly jumps out of his pelt when he sees the little monster tearing into camp.
"Whatthefuck?! Stay away from me!" He flails wildly as he attempts to stand up and run away - managing to trip the little terror in the process. Not like he's looking back at her, though. He's long gone.

Mothbite | 19 moons | Night Gaurd of Shadowclan bababbnihfibnfdifdhb

  • Haha
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𓆝 . ° ✦
Bluegale is returning to camp from a successful solo hunt with a small bounty of one frog, arriving shortly after Fleakit has reappeared to flaunt her discovery. Of course, he does not know what awaits him inside the camp walls. "Whoa!" Bluegale cries out, dropping his frog in shock as Mothbite nearly runs him over trying to get away from Fleapaw. "Where are you trying to go in such a hurry?" he questions sharply, irritated that his catch has been dropped on the ground before it could have made it to the freshkill pile.

His question does not go unanswered for long. Not sure how it could, anyway. Fleakit is racing around camp with a skull that she is flaunting atop her head. Bluegale is no anatomical expert, but that definitely looks like the skull of a cat long dead and forgotten. He all but turns on a dime to run after Mothbite in retreat. "Put that down!" he snaps as he strides in the other direction, trying hard not to look like he's fleeing the scene "You're going to curse us all by disrespecting the dead," he calls, now a distant voice as he disappears out of camp before Fleakit can follow and touch him with her remain-dirtied paws. His frog is long-forgotten.

° . . °
  • ooc:
  • 92445660_4FLG2r0BdRXAkKG.png
    description goes here. here too.
  • Haha
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The last thing Flame had expected today was to see Fleakit dashing into camp with… What the fuck was that?

Curiosity stirred in his otherwise lazy frame. He rolled onto his paws, not standing, but no longer sprawled out on his side either. Blue eyes tracked the kit, widening with intrigue before he let out a snort. Of course, Stoatkit was called over. Those two were always scheming. A bad influence? Maybe a little… Would he stop them? Absolutely not. They'd learn. Eventually. When they grew up… Surely. Maybe. Shaking the thought away, his attention returned to whatever thing Fleakit carried around like a damn trophy, and then he saw it.

What the fuck-- wait.

Was that a skull?

Now fully upright, Flame watched as Mothbite took one look and bolted, flailing like a lunatic in his desperate escape. A snort. Mister Brave, huh? Then there was Bluegale, who, after scolding Fleakit, also promptly fled. Flame's whiskers twitched. What's the big deal? Sure, it was an odd thing to carry around, but a skull was a skull. What, did they think she was bringing some kind of curse down upon them?

Finally, he spoke, voice lazy yet amused. " Nice one. " His smirk grew as he glanced around. " You found another way to make cats flee from you. " His gaze flickered back to Fleakit, now somewhat trampled in Mothbite's brave escape. He tilted his head, blue eyes assessing her.

" You good there, spunk? Didn't break anything? "


——————————————— Together, we'll make our way home ✦

Lounging in camp was always fun; the older cats didn't seem too fussed anymore when Stoatkit would leave the nursery as long as she stayed somewhat in the view of an adult. It was a freedom she enjoyed. Of course, she'd always more than gladly curl up at her father's side, but as she grew a little older, with more cats around meant more freedom to stretch her legs. So, with the day slightly warmer than usual, Stoatkit found herself a nice, warm, flat rock to perch on. She'd also grabbed a tasty, fat little lizard to chew on; she enjoyed the fuzzier morsels Timberfrost used to catch her, but the crunch of a lizard was just as enjoyable for the kit.

She paid little attention to the goings on in the camp, with Fleaki- Fleapaw.... out of the camp more often now, she found herself alone more often. She still played with the other kits in the nursery; she was slowly befriending them, too! But she couldn't help the quiet ache of loneliness with Fleapaw was away so much. She wouldn't let that thought linger as she gnawed on the lizard beneath her paws; someday, it'd be her turn to train, after all, and she was excited to become Fleapaw's equal when it comes to fighting, maybe someday. Though content by herself, she watched in confusion as Mothbite skittered past, tripping over his own paws, which Stoatkit couldn't help but laugh at. He was one of the more powerful cats in the clan, one of their night guards, but it was funny to see the genuine sides of cats who otherwise took themselves way too seriously with their jobs. Ever since seeing Sablestar lavishing in the mud, she couldn't help but see all strong cats in a way that they were just cats too.

Though her ear flicked, something must have Mothbite, so she looked around curiously before her eyes fell upon a sight to behold. She knew that dark cinnamon fur anywhere but with something solid and white pressed against her head. Anyone would know what that was from a tree-length away. She hopped up with eyes glistening, her lizard left long forgotten. "Is that really a cat's skull??" Her eyes wide and curious. She hopped from her stone and padded towards Fleapaw, who seemed to have been cajoled by Bluegale, who ran just as quickly after Mothbite. She couldn't help but giggle at the warriors. "What a buncha scaredy-mice..." Stoatkit remarked, turning back to her friend with a curious glint. "Oh I wish I'd come with you, I want a skull.....Wait, were there more bones?" She questioned, tail flicking excitedly.

Stoatkit circled her friend, who stood proud with her head held high. She couldn't help but smile, even though she noticed all the mud clinging to Fleapaw's fur. "You just gotta show me the rest of the bones!! Pleaaaaaase." She pleads to her friend before peering over her shoulder, wincing slightly. "Better not let my dad see, I think he'd go grey if he saw you wearing that."

  • Stoatkit
    ✦—Shadowclan kit
    ✦—A slender white cat with faint lilac markings and blue eyes.


tw - gross bones and stuff. profanity.

The cat skull wobbled unsteadily on Fleakit's small head, held only by the muck that padded it. She padded proudly through camp, a tiny warrior strutting back from a bloody battle. Already, cats were starting to notice. She let them gawk, tail high behind her, drips of muck falling from her chin, twigs tangled in her fur.

But then, Mothbite darted away from her like the coward he was. And in the process, he took her down with him. Fleakit grunted as she tumbled over herself, panicking as she scrambled to put her crown back in place. But once the bone was properly perched atop her head again, Fleakit gave a sharp grin.

An evil little chuckle echoed under the hard mask of bone. They were afraid of her. She soaked up their attention, whatever little of it she could capture. "Let 'em run, soft bellies," Fleakit huffed, her tail flicking behind her as she caught sight of Flamerunner. She bounced up to him. "Look, Flamerunner, look what I found! What do you think? Don't I look super cool?" She looked up at him expectantly, giving him a chance to get a good long look. Fleakit wouldn't spare a thought for the cat whose skull now adorned her head. They were gone and she didn't believe in stupid curses.

Fleapaw had more than a bit of fun watching those that did scatter like roaches.

"Ain't break nothin' but a couple a necks," She snickered, casting a glance toward where Mothbite and Bluegale had scurried off. Flea was bruised and sore, but it didn't dampen her spirits in the slightest.

She turned at the sound of Stoatkit approaching. "Yeah! Isn't it sooo sick?" She padded over to her friend so she could get a better look at the skull. "There are but it took me forever to get hold of this one. It was stuck in some reeeally sticky mud that tried to eat me, and I had to fight it off with tons of sticks. But I beat its ass and now look! I look awesome right?" The excitement was practically coming off her in waves. There were more bones, but she was tired, her legs aching from the trek back. Even so, the idea of going on an adventure with Stoatkit to check them out again made her buzz with fresh energy. They haven't done much together lately.

"Let's go! You wanna wear this until we get there? It's kinda heavy though," She sniffed, ready to hand over the crown—even if it was just for a little while so Stoatkit could have fun with it too. "You comin', Flamerunner?" He might've been a warrior, but he was alright in her book. They got into all sorts of trouble together lately, with all their pranks, what was a little more?

  • prompt: —— your character comes across a strange collection of bones on their patrol and they look eerily catlike
  • fleakit-anger.png
    I extend my hand like a mob boss and allow you to kiss my ring but when you lean closer you see its one of those glow-in-the-dark spider rings you win at arcades [MUNCH] you disrespec me - and eat my spooky spida ring! which cost me 50 tickets at funtime arcade and pizzeria. VINNY! Hit her with da sticky hand!​
    - she/her
    - kit
    - 5 moons
    - speech thought
    - some physical powerplay permitted

    penned by user
Last edited:
——————————————— Together, we'll make our way home ✦

Stoatkit couldn't help but grin for her friend; she knew how much Fleapaw revelled in this kinda influence; seeing older cats run away made her giggle even more. She didn't get why they were so scared. Her friend was brave enough to leave camp with her head held high and retrieved something like this all by herself. Aren't fearless warriors what they're looking for? Though her expression fell slightly, she quickly realised that Fleapaw's face was almost covered. Yeah, she could see her eyes and the corners of her mouth moving, but there was a pit in her stomach, realising Stoatkit couldn't tell what her friend was saying. Biting her tongue, she thought to just wing it, for now; she knew Fleapaw enough to try and guess what she said.

"You already look like you're ready to be a warrior!" Stoatkit grinned, not letting her facade slip, reaching up a paw and lightly tapping the skull; it was cool against her paw, smooth and solid... "Got a trophy and everything..." There was another pang of jealousy, seeing the crown perched atop her friend's head. Someday, she'd get to prove herself too, prove she's just as strong as any other cat. As she stared at the skull, trying to think of what else to say, her fur bristled like a bitter wind cut right through her. Stoatkit's eyes darted around the camp again; there was a creeping nervous feeling. Not leaving the camp - oh no, Stoatkit was ecstatic to leave again - but there was some unsettled feeling that she couldn't shake. She took a breath, it would be fine! She hadn't done anything fun with her friend, so she nodded enthusiastically, hoping there weren't any questions she'd missed.

  • Stoatkit
    ✦—Shadowclan kit
    ✦—A slender white cat with faint lilac markings and blue eyes.
  • Sad
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Flamerunner's fiery pelt gleamed as he eyed the skull perched atop Fleapaw's head, his head tilting slightly in amusement. " Looks like a nice little souvenir for your nest. " he drawled, a smirk curling on his face as he padded closer. He peered at the eerie relic, a head upon a head, and let out a quiet chuckle. Shaking his own head, he flicked his tail dismissively. " Just try not to break many necks, yeah? I'd rather not have extra work when I could be slacking off. " He wrinkled his nose before shifting his gaze to Stoatkit.

Stuck in the mud, huh? He wondered where the skull had come from, who it had belonged to. Had there been cats in this part of the forest before them? It was possible. Always possible. But was there more to it? That was the real question. If there were others… what did that mean?

Reaching out a paw, he lightly ruffled Stoatkit's head. " You can carry it for a bit too. Fleapaw's feeling generous. " he said with a lazy stretch, jaws parting in a long, exaggerated yawn. " Might as well stretch my paws and tag along with you two. Maybe I'll even catch something for the fresh-kill pile. " Sauntering after Fleapaw, he shot a wink back at Stoatkit. " See? You've got a warrior with you now. Safe as can be. "


  • Love
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—————————————————— 'Till I can't run no more ✦

He had been resting for a few short moments, curled up alone somewhere deep within the nursery — key word was, the tom couldn't help but crack a golden eye open as he heard some distance squabble. "That better not be Flea." Timberfrost thought to himself with a grimace. These days, it seemed like every little bit of chaos within the camp came from her. He wasn't complaining exactly, it was nice to see her get out and do things ... even if it ended up with him having to clean up afterwards.

Timber woke up even more when he heard the telltale voice of his daughter, and he especially bolted up when he heard Stoat say something about her dad not finding out. Really, she shouldn't have said anything if she didn't want him to find out. "Find out what, exactly?" He said as he ducked out of the nursery, a brow raised high as he paused for just a moment to take in everything happening before him. At the sighting of the pale bones sitting atop Fleapaw's head, however, he couldn't help but go pale.

"Is that- Where did you get that??" Timber wheezed at Fleapaw, brow furrowed in concern. He glanced up at Flamerunner—who always seemed to be at the scene of the crime these days—and was happy to note that he didn't seem nearly as covered in mud as the small ruddy cat. He had just managed to catch the end parts of a conversation, and he turned to Stoat with incredulous concern clear in his eyes. "Stoat, please, that isn't a trophy." The brown cat was exasperated, though he couldn't blame his daughter. Just had to make sure she wouldn't start seeking out things like that, knowing his luck she'd end up in a hole in the ground somewhere. "That used to be someone... We should really find the rest. Bones like these shouldn't just be thrown about." The tom swallowed hard, he didn't like the idea of going out with... everything going on. But it was far better than leaving the skull in the camp. Timber cleared his throat, trying for a nervous smile. "And besides, you've got a perfectly good one yourself." With this, he picked up a paw and tapped against the kit's white forehead. He could at least take solace in the fact that it was right where it was supposed to be. "No need for another one."

  • Timber
    ✦—Shadowclan Caregiver
    ✦—A large chocolate tabby with pale gold eyes
  • Haha
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——————————————— Together, we'll make our way home ✦

The small white kitten grinned at Flamerunner, her tail flicking with excitement. Finally, she'd get another chance to go out of camp. Fleapaw snuck out plenty, but Stoatkit always had her father looming just over the shoulder. She could kind of get why he was so wary, but at points, it got suffocating, so getting the chance for once to go out again was a breath of... fresh..... air..... Why were Fleapaw and Flamerunner looking over her shoulder? She scrunched her face, confused, before turning and yelping in surprise.

Her father, of all people, should have known better than to sneak up on her, let alone when she was just celebrating some kind of freedom. If he'd said anything, she had no idea, but her fur was bristled, and she couldn't help but stare up at Timberfrost with frustration evident upon her brow, her tail flicking to match the pace of her racing heart. She never liked getting frustrated at cats; it always left an ache in her chest. But for a moment, her usual flat, stoic expression faltered as Timberfrost went to put a paw to Stoatkit's face; she had no idea what he said, but she shoved the paw from her face, huffing at her father with a glare.

"Don't touch me." She hissed, out of habit, instinct, her tail still flicking as she turned to Fleapaw, her expression softening slightly. There was still a pang of exasperation; she could barely tell what was happening: covered faces and being snuck up on. Stoatkit knew most - well, all, she assumed - cats didn't know about her hearing, but she'd rather compensate for it than admit it to anyone. Unless, of course, her father had been telling cats.

She huffed, frustrated their plan had been intercepted, but maybe it could be nice. Hopefully. She wanted to keep an open mind, but the annoyance at Timberfrost persisted as he walked away from him and past Fleapaw, padding to stand beside Flamerunner. With an again blank, stoic gaze, she looked back at Timberfrost and Fleapaw, waiting expectantly.

  • Stoatkit
    ✦—Shadowclan kit | 5 Moons
    ✦—A slender white cat with faint lilac markings and blue eyes.
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  • Please
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tw - gross bones and stuff. profanity.

Stoatkit's compliment made her chest puff out, imagining herself taller—stronger—than she actually was. A gleeful squeak left her maw as she basked in it.

"No promises~" she hummed back at Flamerunner, tail flicking playfully. If she snapped enough necks, maybe she would have a whole mountain of bones! Then she could build a secret hideout—no, a fort—with tunnels and traps and even a slide.

But, of course, the fun never lasted. When did it ever?

The sight of Timber emerging from the nursery made her freeze. Just great. He got right to lecturing them and she just rolled her eyes. But when he started talkin' crazy about getting rid of what she found, Fleapaw shrunk back. She would've preferred if he just turned tail and fled like the others. Fleapaw worked too damn hard to let him take it from her now. No. Fucking. Way.

Her glare sharpened as he hovered over Stoat, always fussing. Always crowding her. Like she was some delicate little flower that could get crushed by a breeze.

It was so fucking annoying.

So why… why did she feel kinda... funny?

It was nice to have someone who gave a shit whether you dropped dead or not. Flea had something similar once. She could still hear him telling her to be safe and feel the weight of his paw ruffling her fur. She missed him sometimes... when she wasn't busy hating him for ditching her there. Stoat was lucky. A pit formed in her stomach—empty—bottomless. The scowl beneath her mask deepened.

She nearly missed the moment Stoat slapped Timber's paw away. Fleapaw's jaw went slack. Whoaaaa… Was Stoat actually… mad? It was strange to see her friend like this—heck, she wasn't sure she ever had seen Stoat this mad. But of course, she was. Stoat wanted this. She had been so excited to go see the bones. They never got to do anything fun, and now Timber was just going to ruin it all.

Fleapaw bared her teeth. "I thought I lost all the sticks in the mud. But I guess I missed one." She scoffed, glaring up at timber through the hollow sockets. What was his damn problem? Bones were fucking cool. Everyone thought bones were cool—even Flamerunner and he was old too!

Not that it mattered. Buzzkill here was just gonna keep dragging them down. Even if she started stomping her paws and howling for him to let Stoat go with her, he wasn't gonna budge.

But she had an idea.

Fleapaw tilted her head. "You do wanna find the rest of the bones, right? I'll show you where."Fleapaw turned around, trotting over to Stoatkit. She leaned over, letting the skull slide off and plop to the ground with a wet squelch. A streak of gunk smeared across her face like warpaint.

"But only if Stoatkit comes with." She smirked when her back was to Timber, sticking her tongue out at her friend before plopping down beside her. "You can say no." There were enough bones. If Flea had to, she would sacrifice a forest's worth of sticks to do it. He would be stumbling over muddy remains for weeks. "But then I'll just keep my boneyard to myself."

And they could just sneak out later... probably. If she could ever pry Timber away from Stoatkit for more than five seconds.

  • prompt: —— your character comes across a strange collection of bones on their patrol and they look eerily catlike
  • fleakit-anger.png
    I extend my hand like a mob boss and allow you to kiss my ring but when you lean closer you see its one of those glow-in-the-dark spider rings you win at arcades [MUNCH] you disrespec me - and eat my spooky spida ring! which cost me 50 tickets at funtime arcade and pizzeria. VINNY! Hit her with da sticky hand!​
    - she/her
    - kit
    - 5 moons
    - speech thought
    - some physical powerplay permitted

    penned by user
Last edited:
——————————————— Together, we'll make our way home ✦

At this point, Stoatkit was sulking, tail swatting in frustration as she sat beside Flamerunner. She was fully expecting a big paw to corral her away and back to the nursery. She loved her father dearly, but the fussing had become frustrating compared to seeing everything the other cats in the clan got to experience. Stoatkit already knew she was behind her peers; her communication was lacklustre at best, and that wasn't her fault; she tried her best but never got any better if she was coddled all the time.

Though amongst her sulking, the sensation of plodding footsteps at her side caught her attention; they weren't heavy like a grown cat but determined like her dear friend and- Lo and behold, there was Fleapaw, who bowed her head and let the skull plunk to the floor, her face smudged from the mud she must have dislodged the skull from. She watched as Fleapaw addressed Timberfrost, clearly they'd been talking, or at least her friend had been demanding while her back was turned. A smile lit up her face instead as she giggled at Fleapaw sticking out her tongue and giving Timber an ultimatum, let her join or Fleapaw wouldn't tell him where the bones were. Her entire face lit up at the realisation, eyes glittering. She knew her father well, for all his coddling he had even stronger morals and he'd rather join a boneyard than let Fleapaw play around with the bones more than she had. It'd be a shame if Timber did anything about the bones, but it'd still be fun to leave the camp again!

Her tail flitted back and forth. She eyed the skull on the ground and realised what Fleapaw was offering, and she let out a little squeak of excitement. Ignoring what would likely be an uproar of horror from her father, she bowed down and wedged her head into the cavity of the skull, as Fleapaw had. She had to pin her ears back, which was uncomfortable, to say the least, but it was a small price. Stoatkit lifted her head triumphantly. The thing was heavier than she expected, but she was determined. Adjusting the thing with a paw until she could peer out the eye sockets, she grinned beneath the thing, not caring about the mud soaking into her pelt.

She looked up to Flamerunner with big eyes. "How'd I look!!" She giggled, turning back to Fleapaw before speaking much softer this time, "Thank you." She purred, the sound reverberating through the skull; it felt nice to be reminded that Fleapaw would always stick up for her, even if it was just to go stare at some bones.

  • Stoatkit
    ✦—Shadowclan kit | 5 Moons
    ✦—A slender white cat with faint lilac markings and blue eyes.

Ah, so much for sneaking off with just Flea and Stoat. Looked like Timberfrost wasn't about to let this little adventure happen without his oversight. Taking in a deep breath, he braced himself before finally turning to face the larger tom with a lazy smile tugging at his lips. " Come now, Timber... They're just havin' some fun. No need to get your fur all ruffled. " he drawled, the words dripping with easygoing charm. A massive yawn followed, his tongue curling briefly before flicking back into place. " It's just a skull. Nothing's attached to it anymore, no harm done. " he added, puffing out a breath as Timberfrost launched into his usual lecture about respect, the sanctity of bones, and how they once belonged to someone.

" Yes, yes... " he mumbled under his breath, his ears twitching as Timberfrost went on. Something about honoring the dead and teaching kits better, the usual stern stuff. But his focus drifted, his gaze shifting toward Flea, who was looking thoroughly unbothered. A faint smile flickered across his face before he turned his attention back to Timberfrost. " Well, with four of us, we're bound to be safe, don't you think? " he reasoned with an exaggerated shrug, his tail swishing lazily behind him. " Besides, your kit's gettin' plenty strong already. Won't be long now till she's an apprentice. " His tone softened slightly, a rare flicker of sincerity peeking through as his eyes lingered on Stoatkit.

He trotted a few steps forward, lowering his head to Stoatkit's level with a sly grin as she tested out the skull upon her head. " Wicked. " he murmured, his voice tinged with playful admiration. " You could scare the heebie-jeebies out of someone with that. " His laugh rumbled low in his throat as he straightened, the fond grin still plastered on his face. Flicking an ear, he turned back to Timberfrost, his tone teasing as he delivered the final push. " Come on, Timber... They're just kids having a bit of fun. You can't keep them locked up in camp forever. And besides-- " he leaned forward slightly, his grin shifting into a cocky smirk. " I'm coming with, so you've got nothing to worry about. "