ShadowClan what sings that i am home | mistletoekit


sing so sweetly


  • ★ mistletoekit→ named for poisonous plants
    ★ female → she/her, subject to exploration
    ★ undefined sexuality → she's a baby
    ★ 1 moon → realistic aging; born 12 December 2024
    ★ shadowclan → kit
    ★ played by zelfyre
  • 92480483_tHKqO5ZAI70aym0.png
    ★ cinnamon tabby with green eyes → this child is undeniably that of her parents. an insect motif weaves its way through her pelt; a butterfly mask on her face, the suggestion of wings on her chest, draw from cicada's imagery. the blatant stripes that identify her as a tabby ebb and flow, more akin to waves than the rigid structure suggested by the title of 'lines', taking guidance from the stripes in cherry's torbie patterning. the unification of sire and dam is evident in the warm, cinnamon hues that her fur is comprised of, and her own individuality manifests in the dark green shade of her eyes.

    ★ smells like freshly tilled soil; decaying leaves; warm milk→ sounds like a quiet, well-worn rasp.
  • ★ steadfast/stubborn; polite/withdrawn; earnest/naive; unabashed/selfish → when this girl sets her mind to something, it is like setting course on a ship - come what may, she will see herself to her destination. in opportune moments, this appears steadfast, her resolve unwavering. in terse situations it is blatantly stubborn, an unmoveable object set in stone when she ought to shift like sand.

    the warmth of her dam and the worldliness of her sire meld into a perfect blend of politeness, kind yet unobtrusive (unless, of course, some other facet of her personality prevails). she can be the picture of amicability when the need to be social arises. yet without the demands of conversation or interaction, she tends to isolate herself, becoming withdrawn until called upon.

    one to present herself at face value, she assumes the world is as it presents itself in turn. she is earnest in all she does; a polite inquiry into her state of being is likely to be met with a detailed account of her circumstances. the extreme of this, of course, is that she comes across as quite naive, as that's precisely what she is.

    a certain, inherited confidence guides her behaviour, particularly her approach to her wants and needs. the child is unabashed in asking for things, be they material or interpersonal or otherwise, her requests untarnished by shame. unchecked, these demands may become purely selfish, the absence of shame becoming shamelessness.

    ★ people get specific as they age - these base traits are likely to morph and develop as they're tested by her environment
  • ★ SCARED OF CHANGE born in a time of great upheaval, everything keeps changing on the child when she wishes it would just stay the same for once. time tugs her along; she digs her paws in and shakes her head. she clasps the present between two paws; it slips away like sand. she doesn't want to grow up and doesn't want clan life to continue its mercurial evolution.
    ★ BUGS ARE FRIENDS whether she's raised to not fear bugs or simply enjoys having friends that no one will fight her for, the child holds a deep affinity for bugs. she likely has to be held by one parent while another grooms ants from her fur - Stars help her when she discovers that leaving prey out attracts maggots.
    ★ WHAT'S SO GOOD ABOUT HERBS she does not care for the herbs that her medicinally-minded parent does. childish jealousy causes her to shun herbs and medicine, and a moment of spite sees her taking comfort in pretty rocks, claiming they heal just as well. whether she leans into or grows out of this depends on how her parents handle the outburst.
    ★ COUNT ON YOU takes her family, especially her siblings, for granted and assumes they will always be there for her, perhaps being too comfortable in her reliance. while this is counterweighted by her willingness to aid her loved ones, the favours she asks are much greater than those she returns, even if not out of any malice.
  • ★ peaceful and healing powerplay allowed, though she will squirm away from healing
    ★ easy to battle → not inherently violent
    ★ will not start fights → will/will not end fights → will/will not run away
    ★ medium difficulty to talk to → content to engage in conversation when prompted, but lacks the social awareness to carry a conversation; answers earnestly
    ★ undetermined skills as a hunter → undetermined skills as a fighter → undetermined skills as a mediator

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