TW: Sensitive Content Camp When our mama sang us to sleep || Return

Please review the more detailed TW summary at the top of the post.
This thread takes place inside the clan's camp.

Tw: blood, imagery of fight, imagery of this thread.

Her body hurt. Blood soaked golden brown and white fur, green eyes glazed over from pain as she pulled her body through the camps forming walls. Her breath was calmer now- despite the memory fresh of the canines muzzle inches from her face- of the child getting devoured. The dog deserved what it had coming for it, but regardless, she still reaped the concequences.

Not long after leading the dog away, it caught her, her body turning and sending claws deep into the dogs eye. Same spot- agonizing again what injury she already supplied to get her leg free from the canines teeth. It relented, but it was hungry, it's body thin and bones protruding it's form. Sure, she could've benefitted racing up a tree, but she endured sending it further out, and further. Any chance she had to get up a tree was not enough to throw the dog off of her. It was too close, and it was only her.

It was passing a thunderpath, cars seeming to come frequently- where she led it to its demise. A pained yelp, screeching tires mere inches from her where she finally was free from the canines wrath. But she was grateful for the escape, grateful for the chance of escape as she hid in foliage and rested.

Her wound was deep, seering- torn, yet almost numb from the adrenaline. Her mind raced and the world spun- and it was there she rested, fighting everything to succumb to a deep rest. Rain fell from the gloomy sky, and she used a puddle to help clean the bleeding wounds before pressing cobwebs messily onto her leg. It was temporary, but it would help.

The trip back took hours. Constantly fighting the verge of letting herself rest, of going into a panic. Whether they were mad- or all of her clan was, she still considered them family. She still wanted to see her children, she still wanted to see her friends, and just be home.

And she was now- but the first thought on her mind as she finally let her body rest and slumped to the ground was- "Did.. Is the child safe?" She was not there to know the name- to know if the child was injured, to know anything except that the dog was gone. "The dog... the dog is dead."

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Stormcrow has just ducked out of the medicine den, the wound in her shoulder freshly bandaged by the young medicine cat apprentice, when a badly injured Flowercloud comes through the entrance, hobbling, asking about the child. Foolish… but brave, nonetheless. Had this been her way of repenting for speaking against Hawkstar? Or was it just pure foolishness, carelessness, empathy?

"The child is fine," Stormcrow meows steadily as she approaches Flowercloud. "Good. Too risky to leave a beast like that alive." She throws a glance at the injury, sighing internally. Swallowpaw was a good medicine cat apprentice, but an apprentice all the same. She calls out to that very apprentice over her shoulder– "Swallowpaw! Out here, come quick!"

There's little emotion to be found in her voice; barely noticeable concern lingers somewhere in the edges of it, hidden beneath a stoic expression. Not so much concern for Flowercloud as for Teaselpaw, whose disposition leads Stormcrow to believe they would not cope well with the death of their mother. And although Flowercloud had messed up… she did not deserve to die. What good is a dead soldier anyway?

And she'd saved the child, saved both Stormcrow's and Cometglow's hides. There was no denying that as far as penance goes, she had done hers.

  • ooc: calling out to @SWALLOWPAW
  • 94293790_9DsR2FgxdhGmD5a.png
    Stromcrow, - 42 moons / Skyclan warrior/scout
    Daughter of Snowveil, temporary mentor of Teaselpaw
    Strict, devoted, rational. Peaceful powerplay allowed.

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unease found a home within her bones. it crawled around her insides, picking apart her mind bit by bit. a full moon has passed since her mentor disappeared, and by extstention, his duties. swallowpaw still wore the name of an apprentice, but everyone looked for her when something felt wrong. she's lucky that most of downykit's wounds were healed. all she needed now was a few extra eyes on her and excerise.

stormcrow delivered to her a shoulder wound, and an injured kit. swallowpaw's eyes glossed over at the sight, her thoughts prickling the back of her mind as she began to work. a slap of marigold and cobwebs to the warrior's shoulder, and a poultice to the kit. she was busy fixing up another round when stormcrow immeditely calls for her it's pushed away roughly before she rushes out of the den. blood sours her nostrils.

"oh! oh, flowercloud! what were you thinking?" flowercloud's heart bleeds like her leg, seeping through the poorly placed cobwebs. it's a miracle she survived her way back. "help me get her into my den. she'll be fine." she presses against the warrior's side, carefully leading her over.



Stormcrow was a hard cat to read- much like Hawkstar, and many others. She replies what feels like empty of emotions, remaining neutral in a stressful environment, and though she was here, and the kid was okay - her worry over cometglow too came out a bit as green eyes looked for the deputy carefully.

Surely, cometglow was fine though, and she nodded softly. She had no choice but to cause the death of the dog- it was too close for comfort to keep it alive and coming back. "Yeah, exactly," she responded softly, her head dipping a bit.

Stormcrow called for swallowpaw, and hesitance filled her as she stiffened her muscles, and ducked her head in an embarrassed feature as swallowpaw finally approached. the numbing feeling of guilt raised, though it could be worse. she could have died- but instead she did what she had to. She pushed herself to her paws, keeping her hind leg lifted and pressing little weight against the small form of the apprentice. "I was thinking of the clan- of the children or others who may not... Have such fortunate luck from the dog," she said softly, frowning slightly. "Call me idiotic, but I did what needed to be done," she added with a shrug as she followed Swallowpaws lead and quietly responded to the other.

The anxiety was high, and her fears were even more of a reality, but what good was she if she couldn't sacrifice herself for the safety of others? It wasn't as if she wanted to throw herself into the jaws of the dog- but it was unrelenting.
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Over hill, over dale, through the valley and vale do not weep, do not wail, I am coming home to you

Fear coiled around Teaselpaw like a vice, squeezing the breath from their lungs. Their heart pounded like a frantic bird trapped in a cage, beating, beating, praying to be let out. Mother had gone… after a dog. She had to be okay. She had to. Their mind raced with every horrible possibility, clawing at the edges of their thoughts, but they forced them down. She was coming back. She had to come back. They couldn't imagine life without Mama, not now, not like this. Not when their family was already so broken, pulled apart at the seams.

Then... A figure, stumbling into camp. Mama! The moment Flowercloud slumped forward, Stormcrow and Swallowpaw rushing to her aid, a screech tore from Teaselpaw's throat. They launched themselves forward, paws barely touching the ground, their wide eyes locked on her battered, bloodied form. She reeked of blood. Of pain. P A I N. A violent shudder racked their body as they skidded to a halt beside her. Tears blurred their vision, hot, endless.

Mama, Mama, Mama…

A broken whimper escaped them as they pressed their face against hers, so carefully, so desperately, as if trying to will her back to strength.

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Swallowpaw comes quickly, admonishment and worry both laced into her voice. Stormcrow watches, vigilant, and when asked, supports Flowercloud's other side so they can get her into the medicine cat's den. She begins to explain her choices, and Stormcrow sighs.

"Save your strength, Flowercloud," she says quietly, and she's about to add something else when Teaselpaw comes rushing in, a force of their own. Stormcrow understands, she knows that fear– the fear of losing your mother. Of seeing your mother hurt. When Snowveil had lost her sight… she shakes her head. "Teasel," she says, voice uncharacteristically soft, "come now, give Swallowpaw space to work. Why don't you fetch a nice piece of freshkill for your mother, hm? Make those eager paws of yours useful. And maybe when you return, Swallowpaw will need your help fetching something…" she looks over Flowercloud, trying to catch the young medicine cat apprentice's eye. Hoping she understands what she's trying to do– better to keep your paws busy than sit in your misery. Even if it was just to fetch something useless, it'd be better than doing nothing.

  • ooc: -
  • 94293790_9DsR2FgxdhGmD5a.png
    Stromcrow, - 42 moons / Skyclan warrior/scout
    Daughter of Snowveil, temporary mentor of Teaselpaw
    Strict, devoted, rational. Peaceful powerplay allowed.