Mismatched eyes of ocean and dusk stared up at the abomination before him, not so much alarmed as he was confused. As a wandering stray who'd also had the benefit of being born and raised in a gutted out monster, Wolf knew that the things could leave the thunderpaths and end up in some strange places sometimes. He'd seen dead ones left abandoned on stones outside of the twoleg nests, or left forgotten in fields of weeds. He'd even seen a graveyard of them once, mangled husks left to rot behind a fence.
He'd never seen one in a tree though.
The thing was definitely dead from what he could tell, and likely had been for a while if he had to guess, but he had no clue how it could have launched itself that high into the air and speared itself on a tree like this. Hell, even the tree itself was weird. The massive oak was easy to spot against the barren stretch of tree stumps and brush, standing out from the pond pines and cedars scattered across the marshland.
"Only oak in the entire marsh, and it's got a monster stuck in it." he mused to the other cats in his patrol as he regarded the mangled beast thoughtfully.
"I might climb up there and check it out– if the things sturdy we might be able to use it somehow." he noted as he padded closer to the tree. "Not like it's gonna mind. Looks like it's been dead for a while."

loner/future shadowclan - male - a large, monochrome chimera with mismatched eyes and several scars
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