Closed The Colony when the going gets tough // battle

This tag is specifically for The Colony prior to the clans forming. It can still be used for any backwritten plots!




Sable's plan is thwarted before he finishes speaking, Hawthorne's forces descending on them in anger. Sleek is separated from her siblings near the start, and if it weren't for fear of rumors spreading about her cowardice she would be fleeing. Instead, she sticks to the outskirts, deftly avoiding cats rolling past her paws until she finds one who looks like she can chase away in a few blows. Or at least, they do in the dark, and she doesn't realize her mistake until she's lunged from her position, forepaws reaching with unsheathed claws in an attempt to rake them down Gravel's side.


indent Gravel is awoken from their slumber by Hawthorne's announcement and the ensuing commotion.

indent What a pain, what a pain... don't they know we're all trying to sleep?

indent The troublemakers have gotten far more bold - 'My own fault,' Gravel supposes, 'for not giving them a proper thrashing earlier.' Gravel had assumed that Sable's flight of fancy would fizzle out over a few weeks, as the troublesome punks realized they're too hungry to go to war. Another mistake, clearly. The hunger had only stoked the fires of dissent. What a pain...

indentGravel preferred not to fight - it was dirty, and unpleasant, and more often than not, unnecessary. Most cats could be won over with sweet-talking or pointed threats. In situations like these, though, combat was unavoidable. It's best to keep things clean and fast - Gravel maintains their claws in perfect condition for just these circumstances. 'It's best to pick off the weak-will and half-hearted first. Once the less loyal have been driven to retreat, the rest will have no choice but to follow.'

indentSuch an opportunity throws itself towards Gravel's flank. Sleek was a fickle thing, likely to turn tail and run as soon as the going gets rough. Still, she manages to rake her claws down Gravel's side, leaving thin, red lines on their mottled pelt. "Little brat." Gravel hisses, moving to backhand Sleek across the face. "You've already caused more trouble than you're worth."