❅With a Chance of Flurry❅ | Flurry's Intro


Soft Like Snow, Warm Like Spring

❅ F L U R R Y ❅ ❅ K I T ❅
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Big dark amber eyes flickered through the dimness of the nursery. The smell of earth comforting alongside the mewling and whispers of the nursery. These were things she had grown to know over the time. She was here so often. Curled close to the smoky black fur of her mother. Her siblings usually got to go play a bit farther than she ever did. The dark tabby kitten sighed resting her chin on her mother's long bushy tail.

She could see the sun filtering in through the nursery tunnel. The shapes of kits playing together as they darted between nests. The sound of giggling felt so far away from her. Dark ears slid back as big amber eyes watched longingly. Oh...how she just wanted to play with the others. The tiny, black kit turned her head toward her mother. Her chin buried in the black smoke's fluffy fur as she took in the fact her Mama was still asleep. She sighed softly returning to watching the others play in the soft murmur of the nursery. Her nose twitching as she sniffled to herself. Frustration building in her chest...

It couldn't hurt to play if she was close by right?

The dark colored kitten blinked at the little voice whispering in her head. A whisper like cobwebs drifting over her ears. She turned her head lifting her chin from her mother's tail. Her mother made no movement as she slumbered. The kit slowly lifted her chunky little frame. Her eyes trained on her mother as she moved in awkward stealthy motions. Her big paws grasping air before she set a paw outside the nest. Swallowing, the kit took a small leap to get over her mother's tail. She squeaked tripping over the fluffy object and rolling out of the nest. Her mother shifted, stirring slightly but only rolled over slightly.

The kit blinked, lifting her head from it's landing spot on the ground. Tentatively, the fluffy grey/black kit lifted herself off the ground to her bumbling paws. She carefully took a few steps backwards scooting her butt as she stumbled a bit. Then turned on the heels of her paws and scampered forth to find a playmate.

Text ❅ "Speech" ❅ Thoughts


CICADABUZZ, 28 moons / shc + med. cat
a SH cinnamon tabby/chocolate tortie chimera w/ black eyes
parent to deathberrykit, hemlockkit, mistletoekit ; mentor to magpiepaw
a reserved, pragmatic healer driven by duty rather than sentiment
Cicadabuzz watches from the nursery's entrance, their black gaze steady and unreadable. The scent of milk and moss lingers in the den, wrapping around them like the damp air before rainfall. Kits mewl and tumble over each other, their high-pitched giggles filling the space with a warmth Cicadabuzz has never quite understood but has long since learned to recognize. They are here for a reason—not to linger in sentimentality, not to entertain wistful notions of youth, but to check on the health of the queens and their offspring. A duty. A necessity. Yet, their attention drifts to a small, dark figure shifting in the dimness, nestled close to a black-smoke queen.

The kit moves hesitantly, her ears low, her gaze flickering between her mother and the playmates just beyond reach. Cicadabuzz does not need words to understand the longing in her wide, amber eyes. It is written in the way her shoulders tense, in the way she watches but does not move, caught between the world she knows and the one she wishes to join. They observe in silence as she makes her choice. A quiet, wobbling rebellion. One paw over the nest's edge. A leap—too eager, too uncertain. She stumbles, rolling unceremoniously onto the nursery floor, small limbs flailing for balance. Cicadabuzz does not move to help her. She does not need help. Not yet. The mother stirs but does not wake, and the kit, after a moment of stillness, rights herself. Cicadabuzz watches as she scoots backward, awkward but determined, before scampering into the mass of playing kits. Their tail flicks. A quiet approval, if such a thing can be found in so small a gesture.

Some kits are born bold. Some must learn to be. Cicadabuzz makes no judgment on which is better, only that this one—this kit—has taken her first step.


Nightkit was awake. She didn't bother to move, yet. She was still warm, finding being tucked into the nest next to Embersnarl more preferential to moving free of her grasp. Ears twitch, observant gaze swinging towards Cicadabuzz's figure blotting the bare hints of sunlight from the interior of the den. She watches them for a long moment, before her head turns towards where their vision settles. A younger kit then her taking their first steps into the world on their own. Nightkit slowly sits up, watching the other's movements- quick, hesitant ones. Flurrykit was like a fawn, stumbling forward, a confident and wanting mind on a less-confident body.

She inhales softly at the stumble, blinking gently- Flurrykit is determined, however, finding her paws and moving out of the den. Nightkit pushes to her paws in a kind of mirror to Flurrykit's earlier movements, her cursory nose touch to Lightkit's temple following before she, too, moved to follow after the other kit's rapids movements out of the den towards the rest of camp. Nightkit bore more grace then that of Flurrykit, but she almost moved slowly, paws stopping next to Cicadabuzz. Golden eyes blinked once towards the outside world, adjusting to the sunlight that bleeds into camp, then tilts her head up towards the beady blacks of their medicine cat.

Nightkit stares on for a long moment, then- "Good morning." She says, moving past Cicadabuzz after the brief, and plausibly strange, interaction. She finds a spot to watch Flurrykit and whoever else, for she will never participate with others in play. She prefers to practice those skills that will be honed into a dangerous weapon as an apprentice on her own.

  • "speech"
  • NIGHTKIT she/her, kit of shadowclan, three moons.
    a sh black torbie with no white, golden eyes, and an unkempt 'mane' lining her head and back of neck. looks at you with intense eyes, and is normally reserved but not quiet.
    mentored by who / mentoring no one
    embersnarl xx palefern | sister to lightkit
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Fleapaw stalked into camp, her shoulders rolling with each step, jaws clamped tight around a bundle of moss. A permanent crease set on her face that made it very obvious she'd rather be doing anything else. The weight of the last few days hung on her like mud clinging to her fur, but she trudged forward.

As she neared the nursery, a flicker of movement caught her eye. Something small and unsteady—a dark-furred kit, barely bigger than a fat toad—poked its nose out of the den, paws wobbling. Fleapaw slowed and set the moss down, watching as the fluffball worked up the confidence to explore further.

The harshness in her expression eases, and tilts more toward amusement. She let out a short breath, then reached down, tugging a bit of moss loose. The bundle she had collected was meant for the medicine den, but what did it matter if a little went elsewhere?

Fleapaw rolled a chunk into a small, uneven ball, squishing it into a round shape. She tapped it, and then, with a flick of her paw, sent it tumbling forward, bouncing lightly across the ground.

Less than anything we dream on
- Undersized cinnamon solid with folded ears. She's thin but stubby with very messy fur.
"SPEECH" - crimson | 'THOUGHTS/EMPHASIS' - crimson
Fleapaw values family the most with survival at a close second. In conversations, she is blunt, fun-loving, and clever. She is guided by her desires which often leads her astray. Despite her abrasive personality, she cares deeply for those she loves and will do anything to protect them. Due to her experiences, Fleapaw is corrupt and has minimalistic, if any, morals. She does not care for the warrior code and its restraints. Neither does she believe in StarClan. Growing up in a kitten mill, being separated from her mother, and ending up on the streets have deeply affected her view of the world.


We'll continue to be disappointments


So what if you can see the darkest side of me?

Tickpaw watched Flurrykit with quiet vigilance, his tail flicking idly from side to side. His orange eyes were narrowed slightly as he observed, thoughtful yet calm, a contrast to the fiery nature of his sister, Fleapaw. Clan life was becoming easier to adjust to. Fresh-kill was plentiful, he was growing stronger through training, and most importantly, his family was here. It didn't chase away the nightmares or the lingering fear, but it was better than being alone, waiting for death to claim him. He was glad he had fought that day, glad that the medicine cat had chosen to save him.

A shift in movement pulled him from his thoughts. A mossball tumbled toward Flurrykit, wobbling slightly as it rolled. Tickpaw blinked, momentarily caught off guard, before glancing up to find the culprit, Fleapaw. She was watching, expectant.

A small smile tugged at the corner of his muzzle before he gave the mossball a gentle bat, making sure it reached Flurrykit.

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❅ F L U R R Y ❅ ❅ K I T ❅
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Flurrykit was not used to moving her limbs so fast. Stumbling and rolling over herself in her exuberance. She giggled, pulling herself up from another little tumble, long black smoke fur that was like her mother lay in odd swaths on her head. Her little grin glinting sharp little kitten teeth.

Flurrykit had been in her own little world. Seemed there was nothing but imagination and fluff between those tall black ears of hers. Her fire colored eyes darting around in the new light she had found herself in. It was only then that a mossball gently bopped her legs. She squealed, bouncing up in alarm and performing a silly little tap dance. Her paws like butterflies as she bounced back and around the ball. Fur fluffed up making her look like an unkempt lion. The white blaze over her left eye only revealing how big they truly were. Like two orange moons hanging low in the sky. They found the ball, her paw bending so her chin was on the ground and tail high in the air. Tail lashing in excited interest, her head lifted, bat ears swirling for the cat that had rolled it to her.

She saw the Medicine Cat sitting, back where Flurrykit came, with another kitten. But that didn't make sense...this ball came from a different direction. Bouncing again on her white front paws, making her long fur bounce with her movements. Her big eyes met Fleapaw and Tickpaw. Tickpaw, still having a paw out from helping the ball along.

Oh THAT had to be the invitation! Squealing, Flurrykit did a little spin on her toes. For the wobbly little fawn she was, she had so much joy for life. You could see in her little eyes that sparkled as she crouched low. Her big butt wiggling as she prepped for her return. With a little bunny hop, the black smoke kit batted at the mossball. It bounced up, smacking her nose once before she managed to launch it back between the two apprentices. When it actually launched, she chirped in joy hopping up and down as she weaved back and forth. A motion to try and cover if either decided to launch it back. A gleeful grin casting beams of her wonderful light under the darkness of her pelt. For under it all she was a pure as the snow. Untouched by the world just yet.

Text ❅ "Speech" ❅ Thoughts

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