Acornheart's grief for her mother had dimmed, but was not quite gone. Hawkeye's, now Hawkstar, disdain for daylight warriors felt like a slap to the face, a blight against her mother's legacy. @Mousefang's demotion from Sun Guard was like adding insult to injury. How could Hawkstar treat them so, just because their mother was now gone?
Acorn's grief and anger mingled inside her, making the normally soft-hearted cat turn a cold shoulder to her leader and instead she spent as much time as she could with Mouse and @Dovecloud. The fog made it easier to avoid the source of her anger, difficult to see and forced to rely on scent and hearing more.
Acorn's grief and anger mingled inside her, making the normally soft-hearted cat turn a cold shoulder to her leader and instead she spent as much time as she could with Mouse and @Dovecloud. The fog made it easier to avoid the source of her anger, difficult to see and forced to rely on scent and hearing more.