Light sprinkled through the gaps of the leaves in the trees, long streams of rays that felt warm as they passed through, hyacinthrain felt at peace. not entirely, because the overwhelming fear that something was going to go wrong lingered and nagged at the back of their mind. That suddenly a predator would jump from the bushes they carefully stepped beside, or that Shadowclan would raid their camp while they were out hunting- and there would be more reason for hyacinthrain to feel guilty... Even maplefrost.
Maplefrost guarded himself differently then hyacinth did. Where they would guise under positivity, through anxious laughs, and clearly damaged eyes- maplefrost remained stoic, emotions lackluster comparitively. Hya envied that, that he didn't break and tumble as they did, and though they didn't know the secrets he held, nor did he know theirs, they felt compelled to believe there was a reason he was so uptight seeming.
"The warmth is so... Inviting," they murmur softly, casting a gentle smile to their fellow warrior. "I look forward to bountiful harvests and full bellies at long last..." They glance towards him again, before back forward, carefully glancing around with blue and gold eyes, before suddenly stopping. Their body drew down, tail lifting up suddenly in front of maplefrost to signal upwards.
A squirrel sat perched above them aways, halfway in a twist of wood in the trees, clearly storing or making a nest- either way distracted. They would take the advantage, drawing themselves up a tree and seeming to begin to climb with ease. @maplefrost