☆ Ghost had gotten him this far- dragged him through the woods, and while their arrival was ill-timed (in that they were late and some cats were throwing distrust at them for doing so,) Thunder's wounds were undeniable. The deep gash down his right side, the cruel carved mark over his eye, the stinging on his left shoulder from a similar wound- all barely held together from herbs Ghost had stolen from Cicada's nest at Fourtrees. He can't remember if he was invited or dragged into Serpent's presence, but he looked sheepish all the same.
Baby blue eyes faced the she-cat, then turned away. "I wasn't kiddin' about almos' dyin'." Thunder managed minutes into their interaction, having been sat in a makeshift nest away from the rest of the.. clan. What a funny word. Clan. Even his family's domain wasn't called that. Thunder's eyes drifted close for a moment. "Ghost dragged m' ass here. Don't think 've ever seen 'im tha'... Mm." Thunder's eyes opened back up, the thought coming nearly too late.
Ghost wouldn't want him to spill the fact that he had, in laymans terms, freaked out. He doesn't think so, anyways. Blue eyes strayed out of the den towards where he knew the cat was standing out guard, or maybe he had left, Thunder didn't know. "You didn't hear me say an'thin' abou' him, aye?" He asked Serpent, words slightly slurred- yet, soft in tone still, thoughtful in the way he spoke.
// @serpent
THUNDER he/him, future thunderclanner, twenty moons.
☆ a sh/lh chocolate tabby with low white and stunning baby blue eyes. stands of average height with a 'mohawk' and spiky-shaped mane.
☆ mentored by who / mentoring no one
☆ whichever relations / want listed
☆ peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
☆ penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.