Private Camp YOU'LL FIND HIM = [ serpent ]

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This thread takes place inside the clan's camp.


he / him
storm guard
Played by

Ghost had gotten him this far- dragged him through the woods, and while their arrival was ill-timed (in that they were late and some cats were throwing distrust at them for doing so,) Thunder's wounds were undeniable. The deep gash down his right side, the cruel carved mark over his eye, the stinging on his left shoulder from a similar wound- all barely held together from herbs Ghost had stolen from Cicada's nest at Fourtrees. He can't remember if he was invited or dragged into Serpent's presence, but he looked sheepish all the same.

Baby blue eyes faced the she-cat, then turned away. "I wasn't kiddin' about almos' dyin'." Thunder managed minutes into their interaction, having been sat in a makeshift nest away from the rest of the.. clan. What a funny word. Clan. Even his family's domain wasn't called that. Thunder's eyes drifted close for a moment. "Ghost dragged m' ass here. Don't think 've ever seen 'im tha'... Mm." Thunder's eyes opened back up, the thought coming nearly too late.

Ghost wouldn't want him to spill the fact that he had, in laymans terms, freaked out. He doesn't think so, anyways. Blue eyes strayed out of the den towards where he knew the cat was standing out guard, or maybe he had left, Thunder didn't know. "You didn't hear me say an'thin' abou' him, aye?" He asked Serpent, words slightly slurred- yet, soft in tone still, thoughtful in the way he spoke.

  • "speech"
    // @serpent
  • 91771329_3X78CZaEvd0i9ZV.png
  • THUNDER he/him, future thunderclanner, twenty moons.
    a sh/lh chocolate tabby with low white and stunning baby blue eyes. stands of average height with a 'mohawk' and spiky-shaped mane.
    mentored by who / mentoring no one
    whichever relations / want listed
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
It's a revolving door of the same miserable cases. Serpent keeps her head up, her ears perked, and her discomfort hidden beneath a layer of cool indifference. Rowan knows - that young molly is so in tune with her shifts in demeanor that she's forgoing her own health to ensure that every so often, the mother-to-be sits, rests, and thinks of something other than everyone else. She had been doing just that when Ghost dragged Thunder through, both of them smattered in loose leaves and grimacing through different injuries.

"Ooh," she curls her words around his slurring few. Ghost does not wander far, and though she is oft to ask too many questions and borrow someone else's body and mind for her own discomforts - she lets it be. "It's much too noisy for me to hear anything, Thunder." She wonders if the ruddy molly nearby will have a looser tongue than she. Regardless, she passes her nose over the mess that is his side, skin prickling at the haphazard efforts put forth. Perhaps she should train several of these cats, then - at least dress the wound better.

"Cats will do an awful lot for..." she starts, and like him, she stalls. Serpent blames it on the roiling contraction but even she knows that she simply cannot say the easier path of words. He may be injured, beaten and clawed within morsels of his life - but that doesn't save her ears from being shredded, should she say the wrong thing. "... Well, you know." Coyly, she gestures him to rest. Green eyes glitter with amusement as she winds new cobwebs atop the gash, her tail twitching.

"I'll have to return to the clearing," Serpent has sad this once, twice, three times - maybe more, even - to those more heavily injured, "To retrieve some of my herbs. You will stay as still as you can until then, you understand me?" The rounded molly stands again, looking down her nose to the tom. A smile does not return to her expression as her gaze lifts to the den, now feeling crowded with the many lives she's intent to save. "This will have to expand soon," she mutters aimlessly, "Unless you want to use Rowan's tail as a pillow, that is. And I don't think she'd like that."

His ears twitched at her offered relent, and he nodded once in thanks, despite the way he was still slightly out of it- he could recognize what Serpent was giving him. Kindness. A small noise left him, one of appreciation, only to turn to that of an openly wounded noise as she brushed at his still sensitive side. There was no antibacterial, no salve, applied to this wound- barely cleaned. Ghost's fur had been shoved into the gash to try and stem the flow of blood, then it was covered with cobwebs. Thunder glanced towards Serpent as she starts to speak- and he knows what she was about to say.

"Serpen'!" He called, almost exasperated, eyes widening. In simple sequence did heat spread from his cheeks to his ears, even his pelt feeling warm despite the chill that permeated from outside. His head turns away from hers quickly, baby blues widened at the ground and his ears pushed backwards. The implication that he could love, of all cats, Ghost? A stranger. He hadn't known him more then a few weeks and yet- and yet? Well, you know.

Ghost had saved him. Stood over him to protect him. Turned away from what he was so set in doing- leaving- to find him. Found him in the log, the day that Fray died, sat with him. A breath struggled in his lungs, hardly paying attention to what Serpent says at first- but the orders that followed he did, eyes lifting towards Serpent. "A-Aye." He stutters out, trying to return to some semblance of put together, which was feeling awful hard right at the moment. "I can uh... I can find a nes' elsewhere, aye." He cleared his throat. "Give y' some of yer room back in here- ah... how..." His ears twitched, eyes dropping to her belly, then back to her face. "How are y' feelin'? Do you wan' anythin'?" Thunder asks, trying to push to his paws to move out. Ghost would have to find him a new nest.

  • "speech"
  • THUNDERFLASH he/him, thunderclanner, twenty moons.
    a sh/lh chocolate tabby with low white and stunning baby blue eyes. stands of average height with a 'mohawk' and spiky-shaped mane.
    mentored by who / mentoring no one
    whichever relations / want listed
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
Serpent holds her tongue from quipping at Ghost's Star-awful attempt at cleaning the bark-furred tom's wound. She grimaces, noting just how feathered with black fur and dried blood it is. A few days, she tells him eventually, though she wonders if she should start preparing a grave now (that thought is kept to herself.) Regardless, she tidies his injury the best she can, pressing cobwebs into it to further stop any bleeding and hopefully following infection. She imagines that his exasperated yelp is due to her prodding and poking (but she knows it's her snake's tongue that rouses such a reaction.)

"Oops!" she purrs, pressing the last bit of cobweb down, "Did I get a little too close?" Serpent teases him, like a friend would a friend, before allowing him that space to rethink... well, everything he should want to. Her own ramblings are less for him and more for her to remain distracted - yet as he tries to stand leave, her eyebrows furrow.

"Excuse me?" she asks, incredulously. "Perhaps you're up for a different night of fun, Thunder, but I'm not keen on learning what innards look like. Lay down." The hiss is laced with an unspoken threat - that being that maybe she would do him the honor of deepening the wound herself, should he not listen. Her smile cracks back onto her face, a morsel compared to how gleeful it was moments before. "I could get Ghost in here. Oh, in fact -" she turns slightly, gesturing to the farthest wall. "- do you think he minds digging? Maybe we can widen the space in here with the help of a good, strong tom." Her gaze tilts out to the open again, and with a feathering lightness, she jests, "I'd suggest Hawthorne - but stars, a squirrel could push him over, y'know?"

Even if Serpent had opened her mouth about it, Thunder would have agreed. Vehemently, at that. Something about having the other's fur shoved into his open wound had made him cringe openly, but even worse, he had felt guilty about Ghost's fur being torn out just to save his life. It was crude, but it had worked. Her paws are skilled, at the least, but the pain still flits through him as embarrassment runs its course as well. Her oops! is chirped brightly, and Thunder knows damn well she was teasing him. "Aye. Aye. Close." He snorts back, also alike that of a friend.

And really... would it be too far to call themselves that? Thunder had been good at picking anyone and everyone up as friends, even if it meant their ire in the end due to 'misunderstanding their relationship'. Acquaintances always made it known they weren't friends, but the ones who would stick around didn't care. A breath left him as he went to move, and her sharp words already had him sinking back to the nest. He knew that tone. Be it from his mother, or a mother-to-be, or someone who knew their shit, you never wanted to hear that tone. (He fucked up.)

"Alrigh', aye, I hear ya'." He grumbles out, ears turning backwards. Vision shifts towards her, then towards the door, and the quickly forgotten embarrassment flashes red hot once more. While he was normally good at seperating his emotion from a task like this, Ghost was stuck in his head like an unfortunate pendant, swinging to and fro like the thought itself was taunting him. He side-eyes Serpent, blaming her silently, and mostly in good nature, for the state of his mind currently. "I don't think he likes bein' stuck in small places with... a lo' of eyes on him, but maybe he would. He's no' so bad t' talk to, despite how mean 'e looks." A huff of amusement left him, mouth slowly curling into that grin at the thought.

A strong tom, hm? His ears twitched, vision shifting towards the door where Ghost was likely still hovering nearby- either that, or he was off checking camp out, which Thunder couldn't blame him for. He hadn't watched Ghost fight, but seeing how lethal and calculated he was about hunting, given the scars on his body... Thunder doesn't even realize he speaks- "Oh, aye. Ghos' is a strong one."

  • "speech"
  • THUNDERFLASH he/him, thunderclanner, twenty moons.
    a sh/lh chocolate tabby with low white and stunning baby blue eyes. stands of average height with a 'mohawk' and spiky-shaped mane.
    mentored by who / mentoring no one
    whichever relations / want listed
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.