Open The Colony π—•π—₯π—’π—žπ—˜π—‘ π—–π—’π—š β•°βˆ™β‹†β‹…β‹†βˆ™β•― [ π—”π—§π—§π—”π—–π—žπ—œπ—‘π—š π—¦π—”π—•π—Ÿπ—˜ ]

This tag is specifically for The Colony prior to the clans forming. It can still be used for any backwritten plots!


sword of Damocles

As was expected, the colony's lifeblood had slowed to an imperceptible trickle in the absence of the leadership's guidance. Its aggregate body, riddled with fatigue, did not yield the usual fervour in which to meet a crisis. If anything, the solidarity amongst its members had started to splinter. Fragile, liable to crumble under the faintest pressure, like a dead and sun-baked leaf. Now that Fray has died, it is all but sealed.

But despite the instability, one factor in the colony's formula remained constant: their complacency, and it runs both ways. Casting one's lot in with a mutinous cause is no act of survivalβ€”not when the goal is to displace a figurehead and claim the mantle of authority.

That, to Quell, is the bare-faced equivalent to shuffling one's paws in a fire. Sable's ego is an impulsive, volatile entity that would sooner drag the colony through a course of destructive transformation than to shepherd its wellbeing. Those who follow him and his ideology are complacent to an equal degree. They've resigned themselves to a ruinous fate at the cost of an unknown outcome. That, to Quell, is unacceptable. That, to Quell, is an infringement upon their own prospects of surviving this Leaf-bare.

Yet, to a vast majority of the colony, their voices are a fleeting, intangible murmur that does not amount to a substantial threat. No one has paid a heed's worth of concern to Sable and his insurrection. Even those who still lend their support to Hawthorn's followers and the current order are, at best, ambivalent to the present state of affairs. They'll react to the ebb and flow, feasibly in a futile last ditch attempt, once the scales tip in a decisive manner. If ever.

Patience and persistence are Quell's primary tenets to any and all endeavour. That is how one wins in the wild. And they've been patient, persistently eyeing Sable's movements across camp and gauging his level of influence in the colony. Though his presence looms larger every passing day, they understand his world is a private one, and he veers into solitude often. Then, and only then, is his capacity to defend himself is compromised. Separated from those who would surely shield him from harm, and at a vulnerable distance from the camp.

The great trees' protective canopy no longer holds Sable beneath its cover, and neither does the relative safety of a number's worth of supporters. No. He is alone, and on the move across an isolated tract in the wilderness. Isolated, that is, except for Quell's breakneck pursuit, their lean build serving to propel their movement with a fluid and explosive ease. Like a gale force, they blow in from the thick undergrowth, a blur of grey-and-silver streaks of fur, and set their trajectory upon the dissident, feral-tempered cat.

Aim for the neck, and sever the throat. Do not hesitate. Do not waste precious moments on intimidation, or to prolong his final living moments. This, too, is the wild's way. Swift, loud, and ruthless.

With a bloodthirsty snarl, the assassin descends on their mark. Claws out, and bared fangs primed for the area between Sable's neck and shoulders, they launch their body towards his and attempt latch on, intent on forcing him to the ground, and making a quick and bloody mess of him.

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  • Hehe
Reactions: lionharted

The bubbling unrest itched beneath his pelt as his paws paced. The inevitable had finally occurred, what so many waited to happen had arrived to them on a chilly, icy morning. It was as if the remnants of warmth had left with Fray's final breath now with leafbare embracing the corners of every den. Despite the dragging moons of hunger, the recent days hearing his colonymates claim the man should be put to a more merciful death, Sable still felt the unrest as it came true.

Fray's death wouldn't fix what distrust had fallen over the colony. The tom had been luckily enough to give his last exhale on the coast of when prey was at its worst. Now they would continue to starve, continue to suffer, with Hawthorne still at it's lead.

Fray's fast is not needed with his presence, Sable figured. He had noticed the behavior stirred in his company, the kind that not he would even find useful in those moments. A great man was dead, and not even in the wake of glory and valor. A slow wasting, a sad suffering. He would only hope his children would not force him to endure the same, he ensure they were strong enough not to.

Sable parted from the edge of those gathered to pass condolences to be alone with his thoughts. He hoped to perhaps find clarity in his lonesome, maybe another talk with Juniper would set his head right from the voice that urged him to take it. Take this all from Hawthorne and show him how unfit he was to fit in his fathers pawsteps. The further the distance grew though, the less influence the wake had over him, the sadness of it all shed like a second skin from his pelt.

A great man was dead, his final moments tarnished by a selfish son.

There's a sudden ringing between his ears and a rush of heat that follows every heartbeat in his chest. He's rattled suddenly as a violent force took hold of his body, and the moment the recognition has clicked he began to thrash in stubborn survival. Claws dig at his shoulders, and he can feel fangs brush against his fur in a near-miss against his neck. Quell!"

His shout is fueled in shock and anger. The audacity, the gall, to attack him so cowardly. A cloud of mist puffed from Sable's maw, each breath a sharp huff as he put his effort into tearing himself away from the other. "Have you lost your mind?!" He cannot think for any reason why his head would be on someone's list- what had he done other than speak his mind? Expose the truth for what it was?

  • "mew"
  • 85662181_DyROXBUrhtoDqES.png
    SABLEβ€” he/him ο½₯fifty-two moons ο½₯colonist ; no clan ο½₯penned by gonkpilled
    a black and white tuxedo with dark amber eyes

A satisfying sting, an inking of their claw-tips in the crimson red, a violent jerk, and Sable's body breaks free. He's alive. Worse, he's upright, his stance unfazed. Yet the adrenaline surge does not abate from Quell's system, nor does their urge to press on. Bloodβ€”his blood, and the iron scent it leaves on their tongueβ€”galvanises them. Their pupils dilate, swallowing up the blue of their eyes. Their neck extends forward, and their ears flatten, back and horizontal to their head.

"What did you expect?" they say. The question is rhetorical, and spoken without the inflection to suggest an answer was sought to begin with. "To spread your vitriol unchallenged? You're a threat to the colony. And so is that little pack of yours; they talk of 'getting rid of cats' - have you already forgotten that?"

No, of course not. Their fur lifts at the scruff of their neck and the back, giving the otherwise wiry and slender feline a bulkier, more formidable profile. Their legs tense, prepared to spring forward again, to unleash another onslaught on the wannabe rebel. "Don't fool yourself. You and your rabid mouth would sooner tear this colony apart than do any good." The shrill, resonant voice of Quell's is laced with contempt. They watch him with a sharp, penetrating glare, waiting for him to strike. The kill was in the realm of possibility no longer, lest he'd let them go in for another try. But their claws and teeth remained ready, their reflexes primed to snap into motion at any second.

// post is now open! it's reasonable to assume the scuffle and ensuing shouts were heard from camp.


A shout and the telltale sounds of a struggle had Leopard jump from grooming Seal with a start, nearly knocking over the kit from the force of the movement. Had the fighting already begun? She had intended to wait until nightfall to flee before the inevitable fighting could begin in earnest. A cold dread settling in her chest as the molly strained to listen.

"Stay in the den, Seal. Don't come out until I come back." Leopard murmured, nosing her daughter into their nest.

"Who was that..? Is everyone ok?"

The older tabby let out a faint huff, staring down at Seal with a grave frown and clipped tone. "Stay. Here. Everything's fine, I'm going to check."

Certain that her daughter was not going to leave their den at the edge of the colony's camp, Leopard crept outside, paws moving instinctively towards the sound. Quell… and a scant few pawsteps away stood Sable. It did take much to figure out what had nearly happened. Fur bristled along her spine as the tabby approached, half-wishing she had simply ignored the sound for fear of this escalating further. "Are you both out of your minds!?" The hiss was low, unimpressed. That of a scolding mother. Plans had barely been made to bury Fray, and already some were fighting amongst themselves. She knew the fighting was inevitable but had hoped it wouldn't be quite this soon.

"Quell," Yellow eyes locked on them as she spoke. "Killing Sable won't solve our problems- especially now with the start of leafbare. You'll just start needless bloodshed no one needs right now, turning on each other thinking everyone is out to kill them."

It wasn't a stretch to come to that conclusion had Quell been successful. But if she could just prolong the inevitable until she could get Seal to safety… She'd take the risk, she decided.


  • Β 

  • Leopard
    β€” Colony Cat
    β€” She/Her
    β€” A dark grey rosetted tabby with yellow eyes

Flame had listened to the speech of Hawthorne with a light flick of the ear, a frown to his face. It was a shame that the other had died in such a manner... If one had to go, it would be best to go in a blaze of glory, right? This however... Had been a painful struggle to the end, a suffering. The flame-point wondered whether it had been the kindest thing to have done to their former leader, or whether they could have done more to make his passing... gentle. He knew that if ever he was on death's bed, he didn't want to suffer the way Fray had done. Shaking his head once, he stood and started padding away from the colony. There would be enough cats that would help Hawthorne with Fray, that much he knew. He had already heard enough mews resound in offer of help. He would instead... Well, hunt. There were enough hungry bellies to feed and he would mourn in his own way. Perhaps with this done, the colony could take a step in the right direction. He didn't want to be an asshole, but... Fox dung... With the dying old cat, this colony had started taking a turn for the worst.

His ear twitched once, whiskers quivvering as he looked up, a sudden worry etched on his face. He thought... Certainly... Yes...! There was a scuffle going on out in the forest! Giving a light hiss, he watched as Leopard darted past him, having heard the scuffle too. There was a glance thrown backward, staring at the den she had came from for a second before he finally darted forward, following after the she-cat. He had expected loners on their territory. He had expected anything but the thing he currently found himself staring at...

Sable and Quell, fighting.

" This is the least of our concerns. " bit out the flame-point finally, tail flicking from side to side as he eyed Quell, then peered to Sable. Quell had been the instigator, if what he heard was correct... Why? Because of speech?? There was a low rumble in the back of his throat as he moved to stand near Sable, his blue eyes fixated on Quell. " I know tension has been high, but have some respect. The body's not even hard and you're here doing... what exactly. " he hissed out, pinning his ears to his skull, ready to defend Sable if it was needed. Killing and infighting would solve absolutely nothing.

RUN BOY RUN β€”β€”ο½₯゚✦

Fray is dead. Now what?

The question runs circles in Dunny's head, insistent like a woodpecker on a tree. Are things going to get better, or worse? Is Hawthorne going to do something or let someone else do it? Are they going to starve? He doesn't want to move, not with the cold so close, but he will if he has to; he knows a few loners in the twoleg place that might help him and Viper find their footing for the next few moons…

Dunny is pulled out of his pensive silence by yowling: the unmistakable sound of cats fighting. His head snaps up, ears swiveling as he tries to find the source of it -- and find it he does. He's moving before he can think better of it. Had the two not stopped wrestling by the time he reaches them, he would have interposed himself bodily. As it is, he stands next to Sable, wrinkling his nose at the scent of fresh blood. He doesn't have any loyalty to the monochromatic cat, though he likes him -- but this isn't the time nor the place for such actions.

"Way I see it, you're the only one trying to 'get rid' of anyone,"
he rumbles, baring his teeth at Quell in a joyless smile. With Leopard and Flame, they outnumber them -- if they're the kind to attack from the back, that'll surely discourage them. But his fur puffs out anyway, outraged. Is this what they're reduced to already? Infighting and backstabbing before Fray is so much as in the ground?
✧ ° . ☼ . ° ✧
  • ooc: β€”
  • DUNNY β€” HE/HIMο½₯ 25 MOONS ο½₯ COLONY CAT ο½₯ PENNED BY @Kangoo
    A solidly built flame point/red tabby chimera with golden eyes and a small nick across his lips.

He spoke to several who had volunteered to assist in the burial, arranging what they could to bury his father without causing anyone to have to dig for hours on end in cold, hard soil. It was clear quickly that the best course of action was the dirt left over from tunneling being used to fill the small den itself-it was fine to loose that one hollow, it had been one of the first dug long ago and surely had lost most of its stability over the years already. As Hawthorne nodded his thanks, dismissing cats who were not needed and smiling in a strained, pained manner to every softly uttered condolence, he heard a yowl split the silence. Cats were shouting, teeth barred, he broke away from where he stood by the stones further away from the large trees to the edge of the forested area where Sable and Quell stood facing one another, the faintest scent of blood in the air but no mortal injuries - thank whatever spirits may be watching over them.
"What is the meaning of this? Quell, stop! We can not be fighting amongst each other like this!" The lynx point's tail lashes, he inhales sharply as he turns to face Sable, mismatched eyes wide. He tries, desperately, to see the cat that Juniper loved - his friend, her judgement, her heart, he wanted to trust it. Truly. But he finds his fur bristling along his spine despite his efforts; its hard to ignore what he knew caused this. The unrest, the whispers, the way the colony seemed to be slowly drifting in opposite directions, a seem in the middle dividing them and he and Sable on either side. "...Leafbare is coming, we can not be at one another's throats. Sable, please, I know you don't like me but I..." Assert yourself. "...I am the leader of this colony now and I will keep us safe, this I swear to you." He shifts forward, enough to stand alongside Quell, his tail flicking out to brush over the other tom's shoulder in what he hopes will be enough of a gesture to ease off that the other will lower his hackles and sheathe his claws. Did Sable think he had not heard, that he was not aware of the way his was burrowing under the pelt of the colony and injecting his poison? It was a wonder he hadn't been scratched off like the flea he was already - that Quell didn't manage to kill him was something to be thankful for. Hawthorne can only imagine the kind of chaos a murder done so openly in their midst might cause.

The words Quell spewed had Sable preparing for another round of tussling back and forth, expecting them to launch for him again. Quell spoke of him as if he were some devil manifested within the Colony, a sickness spreading to those who fell in agreement with him. The tuxedo merely scoffed in dismissal, his tail lashing in annoyance. "You think I started it all myself? The only one trying to get rid of cats is YOU! Look at yourself!"

They stood in stalemate, waiting for the other to act first. Sable hadn't taken Wolf's suggestion at face value but rather another dive into what was going to occur with winter coming. There were too many mouths to feed with too little direction, now.

His head snapped to Leopard as her hiss broke the tension between the two. "Me?! They should be grateful I haven't put their head in the ground." Sable hadn't felt driven to fight over it, not until now, at least. How many others were out for his head? How many others have begun plotting against his likeminded peers? The facade of these holier faces, using their empathy for Hawthorne against him had inevitably began to unwind.

Sable's eye twitched as he fought back a wince when Dunny met to his side, his shoulders still stinging from Quell's claws. He would make sure to see Cicada when all this is done, when he didn't feel another set of jaws from around the corner.

Hawthorne at last makes his appearance, unfairly dragged from his father's final rest to deal with his underlings squabble. He hoped Quell felt shame, he hoped they felt embarrassed, but it wouldn't solve anything. Burning embers met an odd-eyed match with scorn, seeing only the face of opposition. An adversary, the cause of his wounds at all. "Now, now you stand up. Watching your Colony starve wasn't enough?"

Sable swept his tail in a confident arch over his back, posturing over the tabby in defiance. "I will not obey a leader who can sit by and idly watch his followers crumble. Blood shouldn't be what makes you successor, it should be the Colony that decides. How confident are you that your Colony still has love for you, Hawthorne?"

Flame, Dunny, he knows they aren't the only one's that have questioned the legitimacy behind it all. His mind flickers between the other faces; Smog, Wolf, Frost. Suffering alongside him, why should they continue to?

"Why don't we put it to the test." It's not a question, Sable spoke in a challenge, now. I'm sorry, Juni. I can't keep up this blind faith. It would be better for them, they would see.

  • "mew"
  • 85662181_DyROXBUrhtoDqES.png
    SABLEβ€” he/him ο½₯fifty-two moons ο½₯colonist ; no clan ο½₯penned by gonkpilled
    a black and white tuxedo with dark amber eyes

Hawthorne squinted, he felt his fur rise on end at the biting remark and the subsequent challenge and his claws itched in the sheathes of his paws as he flexed them against the cold ground. "You mean to fight me then is that it?" Is that what it would take to finally put an end to this? He didn't think Sable was so bold as to try to kill him but there was unresolved tension in the way the tom held himself, tail lashing like a striking viper. Hawthorne knew if he refused he would be called weak, if he demanded a different route he would put himself out there as soft and willing to yield. The only other option was to give in to the tom's demands and whatever cold earth his father was buried in, whatever came after this life, when a cat finally met their end, he would be damned if he did not know deep down he'd rather follow there swiftly than bend to Sable's will. In a rare display of anger he barred his teeth, black lips curling back, "Fine!" The lynx point spat out, the word tasting bitter as poison and he shook his head, "But you'll not get your bloodshed tonight, not with heated hearts and tempered claws. Tomorrow at dawn, I will give you the fight you want and when you lose you will stand down and learn to bite your tongue." And if he lost? No, he could not even begin to consider the option at all. He would not lose, but if he did he knew that Sable would rip him down from his throne in a second to claim it; it simply was not something he'd allow. Despite his softness, his father trained him to fight well and Hawthorne would deliver a battle the tuxedo would not soon forget. With a turn he flicked his tail, ushering the cats who were attempting to help him with the burial back, his expression softening quietly - he did not want them involved in this, did not want to risk anyone being hurt this night. "We've much to do soon, so please...all of you. Go rest."
  • Knife
Reactions: SABLESTAR



Wolf didn't hold any loyalty to these cats, but he saw their usefulness. Didn't hate the time spent among them. There was safety in numbers, opportunity as well. And he didn't hate the company either, finding that many of Sables supporters weren't half bad when given a chance to shine outside of the stress induced by Hawthornes lack of action. For a good while now he'd been expecting things to come to a head, but when they did, it wasn't in the manner he expected. Instead of Sable finally sinpiring a mob to jump to their feet, it was Quell who led the charge against Sable.

A disappointed tsk escaped him as he stood and made his way over, and under different circumstances he might have found more amusement in the case of mistaken identity, but in this case it only meant one less chance to cull another weak link from the group. A pity Quell had chosen the wrong side.Here he was, intending to act, only to have the ones he sought to protect turn against him for his 'savagery'.

Useless. Couldn't even set your claws on the right cat, could you?" he scoffed with a near cruel smirk settling on his lips, mismatched eyes landing on Quell. "Next time you want to play righteous assassin, you might want to choose your target better." Killing the mouthpiece would not stay the hand of the ones willing to swing the sword. Thinking that Sables death would dissuade the more.. ambitious of Sables followers would change nothing.

And while the mottled chimera would feel no sorrow if said tom were to be torn apart by Hawthornes followers, he was useful to the cause and therefore useful to Wolf. Enough so that he made his way over to stand with him and Dunny , ready to help even the odds if a fight should break out among the group.

But of course, Hawthorne would prefer to drag it out. As he and his cats walked away, challenge issued, Wolf watched their retreating forms go with a quirked brow. "Does he really think beating you will make the rest of us fall in line, happy to starve?"

loner/future shadowclan - male - a large, monochrome chimera with mismatched eyes and several scars

Sable turned away from Hawthorne as he conceded to his challenge. It would look foolish not to, knowing he was backed into a corner. It would serve justice for Hawthorne to face some push to his legitimacy after all he dragged them through. After he sidelined them in favor of mothering his fathers withering state, making no effort to help his Colony prepare.

They walked off to return to Fray's burial, and Sable ducked his head low as he gestured for the remaining cats to come closer. Juniper would no doubt be hearing word of this before he started making his way back to the oak trees- but he needed to plan. He needed to succeed.

"It won't matter, Hawthorne has no chance of winning." Sable angled his ears back to ensure no one had lingered to listen before continuing. "I'm not waiting for this silly duel, we're don't deserve to wake another morning hungry under his watch." His heart pattered against his chest in heavy beats. "Gather everyone you know, rally whoever you can. We'll take on the Colony while he and his followers sleep tonight."

  • "mew"
  • 85662181_DyROXBUrhtoDqES.png
    SABLEβ€” he/him ο½₯fifty-two moons ο½₯colonist ; no clan ο½₯penned by gonkpilled
    a black and white tuxedo with dark amber eyes
  • Sad
Reactions: shinyotachi

Reality wastes little time in vindicating Quell and their foresight. Usurper. Waging an open rebellion against the voice that commands. Rallies the disillusioned, and the disgruntled. And does not think twice before staking a claim. Sable is a threat, after all, and has always been, from the moment his tongue started wagging.

That, however, does not soften the blow of a missed opportunity.

Still, the tom's overinflated, grandiose ego is nothing if not a beacon of his weaknesses. There's a glint in their eye as they study him from their poised stance, eyes unmoving from him even as they feel the other cats' hostility bearing down upon their pelt. The air is tense and rife with animosity, yet there's an eerie calm washing over them. They watch, listen, and wait. Each movement of the opposing party is duly noted and logged away. So, too, is every utterance, from the pleas to their decency, to the insults of their character, and the warnings to desist.

Of particular note, though, are the statements made in the name of a greater good. The deescalation of conflict, the aversion of needless bloodshed. Pledges to peace, promises to uphold a set of values. Each of them pounced with sharp tongues and vicious zeal, and yet... their sentiments ring empty. Because when Sable tears it all down and lays out his plans, the pretences of peace are swept away and replaced with an underlying, tacit hostility. And where are their condemnations? Their outrage? Their affronts? Absent. Curiously absent.

Quell would crack a wry grin and feel amused at the hypocrisy, if not for the fact that their teeth remain bared, their claws unsheathed, and their hackles up. Yet, they stay their body, and do not move to strike, their eyes narrowed to slits as the hawk departs with his little posse of warmongers. "...And there you have it," they say quietly to no one in particular, watching the rebels in motion, and the leader who has become the led. "Our survival hinges on a fucking duel."

No one can say they didn't warn them.

Holly green eyes widened at the exchange, he remained shoulders squared and fur bristling at a distance, prepared to...what? Prepared to leap in if a fight broke out? On whose side? His brother? Hawthorne? There was a line drawn so clearly and Gray could not decide which half of it to place his paws but he did know one thing - he was unlikely to follow Sable down this path regardless. As the tension eased slowly and he watched his bicolor sibling leave with a growing sense of dread. He knew Sable and this felt as though he had given up too quickly, would he truly wait for dawn or would they rise to blood staining Hawthorne's nest and Serpent in tears. The gray tabby rose stiffly to stand, pausing only for a moment as he watched Wolf move to follow after Sable and he felt his throat tighten - that tom always unnerved him and he could never pinpoint why exactly but he didn't like seeing him in such strong support to his sibling.

Gray turned, ears pinned back to his skull and gaze set forward as he quickly made his way back toward the trees of their camp area to find Juniper who would surely want to know what they'd missed and perhaps maybe he also just wanted to talk to her and offer his support. It couldn't be easy having to be between what was about to become a right mess he expected and there was nothing to be done for it. Sable was too stubborn to change his mind and Hawthorne was...well, he didn't necessarily deserve to be backed into a corner with his father's corpse still freshly buried and his grieving so evident in the way he tensed his shoulders and clenched his jaw.
  • 92332203_p5qtSSPyRMJei5R.png

    β€” Colony Cat (ThunderClan)
    β€” He/They
    β€” SH Gray Tabby with holly green eyes.
I was born in a flame

Mama said that everyone would know my name

A low, constant growl would be rumbling underneath the words and altercation, the bicolor tabby standing on edge just a distance away. Fur standing on edge, and teeth shining in the moonlight as Cinder held himself in place with claws unsheathed into the hard ground. His tail lashed as the tension rose and it took every ounce of effort to not interfere and put Quell in his place. Just like Gray, poised on the prince's side, the split tom held his stance behind Sable. But unlike Gray, Cinder was not the type to keep his muzzle shut.

Unable to hold his temper in any longer at Hawthorne's proposal of a duel, the tabby spat in the prince's general direction. "The Duel won't change anything. Even if you do win, we'll never trust you!!" Dual colored eyes bore holes at the pointed leader as he left the scene, a hiss flowing from his maw before he turned to give his attention to Sable. He couldn't help the smirk that came at the implication that they would not wait for this brawl. Claws kneaded the ground in excitement before he nodded at the order to collect the bi-cplors followers.

"I'll be sure to grab any fighters willing to side with us. Just keep downwind until then." As if he was a kit again, Cinder hopped to his full height and started on his way. Happening to pass Quell on the way out, the dual colored tabby paused for only a second to growl in the others direction. "You're lucky Sable didn't kill you... He should have." The young tom glared at the gray tabby before continuing on his way.
  • ooc
    β€”β€” xxx
  • string of lyrics / lengty or short quote goes
  • Cinder He/Him
    ❂ An Average Sized Short Haired Red Tabby / Blue Tabby Chimera with One Green Eye and One Blue
    ❂ Warrior of the Colony / Doomed to Die
    ❂ 18 moons; Would age on the 12th of every month
    ❂ speech thought attack
    ❂ peaceful + healing powerplay permitted
    penned by Taru​
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