Sable and his gang of thugs had gone too far. Fray had done a fine job of leading this Colony right up to his death, and Hawthorne was his natural successor. Anyone who disagreed was either a mousebrain or power hungry, just like the tuxedo tomcat at their head. The dissenters had been causing trouble for far too long, and it seemed now that it was all coming crashing down. Birdie wasn't privy to how or why Hawthorne had been warned about Sable's betrayal, but she trusted him enough to prepare for a fight. They would end this now.
She was roused by his call, and eagerly took her place amongst the rest of the loyal without question. This Colony had taken her in when her parents had been killed; they had raised her and fed her. They didn't owe her anything, but they still gave her a life, and a home. She would stand with them now. The chocolate molly followed the rest of the colonists as they moved to intercept Sable and his supporters, though it didn't take long to find them. Within the blink of an eye the two groups were colliding, teeth and claws glinting in the moonlight as bodyies crashed. Screeching filled the air, forcing her ears flat against her skull as she struggled to seperate friend from foe.
She was roused by his call, and eagerly took her place amongst the rest of the loyal without question. This Colony had taken her in when her parents had been killed; they had raised her and fed her. They didn't owe her anything, but they still gave her a life, and a home. She would stand with them now. The chocolate molly followed the rest of the colonists as they moved to intercept Sable and his supporters, though it didn't take long to find them. Within the blink of an eye the two groups were colliding, teeth and claws glinting in the moonlight as bodyies crashed. Screeching filled the air, forcing her ears flat against her skull as she struggled to seperate friend from foe.
- [ throwing in a super late post but she's open for last minute interactions <3 ]
Birdie✧she / her, 22 moons old, colonist — cool, calm, cunning, graceful, distrustful
birdie is a short-haired chocolate smoke and chocolate tabby chimera with low white and emerald green eyes. she currently lives within the colony at fourtrees, where her loyalty lies with fray and hawthorne, their rightful leader. she was born a loner and orphaned at a young age, where she was then taken in and raised by the colonists.
——single, bisexual, padding after no one //npcxnpc// no siblings
——mentoring no one // mentored by no one // formerly mentored no one
——attack in underline and tag // peaceful powerplay allowed
——penned by limerence // @limericks. on discord // dm for plotting