TW: Sensitive Content The Colony CALL TO ARMS - battle

Please review the more detailed TW summary at the top of the post.
This tag is specifically for The Colony prior to the clans forming. It can still be used for any backwritten plots!
Sable and his gang of thugs had gone too far. Fray had done a fine job of leading this Colony right up to his death, and Hawthorne was his natural successor. Anyone who disagreed was either a mousebrain or power hungry, just like the tuxedo tomcat at their head. The dissenters had been causing trouble for far too long, and it seemed now that it was all coming crashing down. Birdie wasn't privy to how or why Hawthorne had been warned about Sable's betrayal, but she trusted him enough to prepare for a fight. They would end this now.

She was roused by his call, and eagerly took her place amongst the rest of the loyal without question. This Colony had taken her in when her parents had been killed; they had raised her and fed her. They didn't owe her anything, but they still gave her a life, and a home. She would stand with them now. The chocolate molly followed the rest of the colonists as they moved to intercept Sable and his supporters, though it didn't take long to find them. Within the blink of an eye the two groups were colliding, teeth and claws glinting in the moonlight as bodyies crashed. Screeching filled the air, forcing her ears flat against her skull as she struggled to seperate friend from foe.

  • [ throwing in a super late post but she's open for last minute interactions <3 ]
  • Birdie
    she / her, 22 moons old, colonist — cool, calm, cunning, graceful, distrustful
    birdie is a short-haired chocolate smoke and chocolate tabby chimera with low white and emerald green eyes. she currently lives within the colony at fourtrees, where her loyalty lies with fray and hawthorne, their rightful leader. she was born a loner and orphaned at a young age, where she was then taken in and raised by the colonists.

    single, bisexual, padding after no one // npc x npc // no siblings
    mentoring no one // mentored by no one // formerly mentored no one
    attack in underline and tag // peaceful powerplay allowed
    penned by limerence // @limericks. on discord // dm for plotting
I was born in a flame

Mama said that everyone would know my name

The battlefield blurred across dual colored eyes, the mingling scents of blood and earth slipping away as Cinder's focus shifted to that of his enemy. He wasnt sure if it was because of his panic, or if his senses were starting to slip away. All he could hear were his own rasping breath as he tried to breathe. All he could see was the black coat and golden eyes of his attacker. All he could smell was the metallic scent of his own blood as it caked against his nose.

His attacker was as much in shock as he was, it seemed. Instead of turning and making his way further into the fray, those yellow optics bore into him, his body stock still. It was only when their gazes met that he noticed movement. Only when Cinder, in his desperation, reached out for help from the perpetrator did the tom slowly move. It felt like an entire moon passed as he closed the distance, the chimera's sides rising and falling with a stutter.

A gasp was forced out of him as large paws pressed into and against his wound. A sudden rush of air was drawn in, the sensation feeling like a relief before... "AGH!!" Suddenly, he was hacking, blood splattering on the ground in front of his maw and sides convulsing with each cough. Somehow, this felt worse. Even with the air finally finding it's way where it was supposed to, he suddenly felt like he was drowning. Claws instinctively dug themselves into the ground, Cinder slowly realizing that he was not going to make it, despite the Tom's efforts.

Through the haze, the desperate voice is heard above them, and somehow, the dual colored tabby picked up an even more familiar voice rising above it all. 'RETREAT!!' No... No that couldn't be... Cinder barely turned his head so he could have sight on where he saw Sable last, but all he saw was the shadow of his form disappearing from the field of blood. "Nnnn-no..." His heart beat faster in his chest, the pain being nullified by his new strength. "W-W..." Legs kick frantically in an attempt to work again. "Wait... Sa-Sabl-" Once again, the words sputter to a stop, red splashing.

The single step he was trying to make never occurred. Cinder barely got his paws under him before the pain arrives once again, forcing him down. A fresh wave of blood poured onto the ground from his wound, bubbles forming as air seeped through the liquid. Even with the perpetrator doing his best to staunch the bleeding, there was nothing to be done. The sudden movement at the call of retreat was the final straw to break. Tears stained his already wet cheeks. Back legs dug into the dirt and kicked stubbornly, each one weaker than the last.

Dual eyes stared in the direction of the other dissenters fleeing. Blood gargled from his throat, words lost in the noise. 'Please... Please... Sable....Wolf... Anyone....' His chin hits the ground for the very last time, a garbled whine escaping. 'I dont die here... mother...' His vision faded, the blackness around the edge closing in. 'Im sorry...mama..' The darkness overtook him and the dual colored tabby breathed out his last breath, staring longingly towards his companions' trails.
  • ooc
    —— Annnnnnd scene! Enjoy the trauma @Ravensmoke <3
  • string of lyrics / lengty or short quote goes
  • Cinder He/Him
    An Average Sized Short Haired Red Tabby / Blue Tabby Chimera with One Green Eye and One Blue
    ❂ Warrior of the Colony / Doomed to Die
    ❂ 18 moons; Would age on the 12th of every month
    speech thought attack
    ❂ peaceful + healing powerplay permitted
    penned by Taru
  • Sad
Reactions: lionharted

From the moment his claws struck the light pelted tom, blood rushed through Owl's body. His blood felt hot and frantic as it pumped through his churning muscles. Towering Oak's eyes were alight in what he assumed fear. Fear of Owl. Fear of the fight. It did not matter to him.

The tabby felt claws rake against his throat and he roared in response. His own body moved to knock the tom to the ground and stand atop of him. He looked into Oak's yellow eyes and was about to speak to him, another retort to have him think about his choices in following Sable, but the latter cat yelled out from further within the fray. A retreat.

Something he thought far away and abandoned lit up inside of himself. A feeling of anger at the world and at all it had given him. He snarled, "No!" and dug his claws in deeper. Owl could feel Towering Oak trying to squirm away at Sable's call and it only fanned the anger to a brighter flame.

The tom moved quickly to bite into Oak's throat and hold him tight with his jaws. He needed to fight more. He needed to show Towering Oak he was wrong. The pressure he put behind that bite was seemingly too much and the blood that coated his tongue was too much, and Oak was beginning to move too little.

Panic was what he was supposed to feel at taking another cat's life, but all he felt was anger at the loos of battle. Owl snorted and let go of Towering Oak, giving him one last glance full of pure disappointment. I thought you would be able to hold on for at least a little longer, he thought. The light was dimming in Oak's eyes, and Owl didn't feel like sticking around to watch it fade completely. Instead, he turned away and sulked into the forest. He would meet up with Juniper and Hawthorne later. For now, he had to clean blood from his pelt.

When Sables followers follow in to attack, Vanilla is a lingering presence near her siblings, a silent protector, a silent vow made that she will protect them… Even if it costs her life, even if she had to go down swinging… This was the best course of action, after all, Hawthorne had not made his move… They were starving, and Vanilla's scrawny form could only hunt for so long until she collapses in to hunger-induced exhaustion.

"Stay besides me," she murmurs to no cat in particular, but all the while meant for her two siblings as they slink along. She doesn't want to get too involved into the fray, too afraid she may miss an opening to defend Ginger and Fennel. Both are more than capable of defending themselves, she can assume that much, but still… Anxiety churns in to her throat as she breaks off to stray just a little bit.

A war-cry reaches her ears and the tall girl looks up with slit-pupils, her fur bristling as a cat she hardly knows flings himself at her. She dips and ducks back, quick as she can, but claws still batter at her ears. They do not tear, but she feels the sting nonetheless. "Maybe you should learn whose side is truly right, coward!" she hisses (and though shes just a young cat, she swears she knows what shes talking about) as she surges forwards and upwards, trying her best to pin Lightning beneath her and attempt to batter his cheeks or any part of his face with a flurry of unsheathed blows.

// mentioning @ginger & @fennel ,, attacking @Lightningpaw technically before the retreat is called cause I'm late <3
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Currant's opponent swung her paw down with a force that perhaps neither of them had been prepared for. Currant knew she couldn't escape the other's blow with how fast it moved, so she steeled herself against it. Her own paw was still returning to the ground from the blow she'd landed, which hadn't phased the half and half cat a bit.

Sable, the traitor, called for a retreat of his followers. Currant's head turned, wide eyes taking in the sight of the two two beaten-looking cats. She didn't see that her opponent's blow had changed angles with their own distraction.

Pain. Pain erupted from her neck, blood following. She gagged on how it filled her throat even as it coated her fur. "Help!" She barely sputtered out as she collapsed to the ground, writhing. She knew, without being able to see it, that her life force was draining as quickly as the red ichor from her throat. No one could save her from this blow. She struggled to turn her head to meet her brother's eyes, mouthing I love you. She hoped that he would close his eyes, that he would not burn the image of her death into his mind. She knew, however, that it was not within him to do so. He would watch over her until her heart beat no more.

Tears escaped her eyes, sorrow not for herself in her dying moments but for her brother.

  • Sad
Reactions: hyacinthrain

" Stop! Stop moving, stop trying to talk! For pity's sake, just lay still and STOP! "

Raven's voice cracked as desperation clawed at his throat. He pressed his paws down, trembling, trying to stanch the flow of blood from the warrior before him. The other cat's chest heaved, each breath sounding more like a wheeze, each struggle weaker than the last.

This wasn't supposed to happen. Not like this. His wide eyes darted around, searching for help, for anything, but all he saw was chaos and the fading shapes of Sable's group retreating into the distance. They weren't stopping for him. They weren't stopping for him.

The wounded warrior's paws scraped weakly at the earth, trying to rise, trying to follow.

" No! Stay still! Rest! " Raven wanted to scream, but his throat locked up, his voice strangled by panic and guilt. His chest felt tight, the horror of what he had done gripping him like an iron claw. All he could do was push harder against the wound, his paws slick with blood, his heart hammering in his ears.

But the struggling didn't stop... at least, not until it slowed. The thrashing legs stilled, the sharp gasps fading into shallow, broken wheezes. Raven's golden eyes locked onto the other cat's, watching helplessly as the once-bright gaze grew dull, the light within flickering, then vanishing altogether.

A choked, broken noise escaped him as he leaned down, shaking his head as if that could undo it all. " Please... no. Please, no... " he whispered, barely audible, his voice raw with anguish.

His paws remained pressed against the wound long after the tom had gone still, as if some miracle could still be pulled from his efforts. But there was nothing. No warmth, no heartbeat. Nothing but silence.

Memories surged forward like a torrent... of moss-ball games in the nursery, the dual-colored tom tumbling over his own paws in excitement as a kit, laughing with boundless joy. That same tom now lay cold beneath Raven's paws, life stolen in a way that could never be undone.

And all Raven could do was sit there, trembling, as the weight of his actions crushed him.

・゚✦ —— "Lift your broken crown, and let's be warriors."

༄.𖥔 ݁ ˖ — His eyes frantically continued to search for his loved ones but he wasn't able to see either of them and instead felt a sudden weight on his back as well as claws digging into his flesh. The cat attacking him used to be someone that lived amongst him and perhaps, one day, they could've been friends but the thought itself is foolish now as he tries to make himself react. The cry of Dove is enough to get his attention and it distracts him only to see that someone had run into her, his attention snaps back to Phantom as his pupils narrow into small slits. "Get off! I need to find my sisters!" He hisses though there's isn't hostility in his voice not until the other tom seems to not relent on his attacks so, the freckled tom doesn't hesitate in brandishing his own claws to fight the other.

Where Phantom easily beats him in speed and stealth, the grizzly tom tries to match it in return with his brute strength and his larger size. It's a risky move but Gentle lifts himself as best as he could on his paws despite the weight on his back and allows himself to fall backwards to crush the other under his weight to steal his breath and stun him briefly. It's all a blur as the blood roars in his ears and suddenly, his jaws part in a feral manner to reach and bite into anything just so he could have the other tom give in so that he could search for Crying Dove and Grace. He tears as his head snaps away from flailing claws in his direction and ribbons of crimson would splash onto both the ground and his chest.

The taste of copper on his tongue but this is different from the blood that runs within the veins of their prey and he finally blinks his earthy toned eyes to see what he had torn into. A shoulder is what he thought it had been yet upon closer inspection, it wasn't the case and he could feel his throat and mouth growing dry at the limp body that lay in front of him. Phantom had scored his claws over his chest, shoulders, and legs in a panicked attempt to get released from his opponent's lethal grip but it had been in vain. The inky toned tom's throat had been ripped into with intent even if everything had occurred in a blur, Gentle swallows unable to stop the small wave of nausea that rides through his body.

"I... I t-told you... stop... why didn't you... ?" A pathetic whisper slips from his jaws and he stumbles backwards so that he wouldn't run into anyone while keeping his head ducked so they didn't see the horrified look on his face. He wants to cry that it was an accident but deep in his heart knows that it hadn't been, Phantom had gotten in the way of him trying to find and protect his sisters. His snout wrinkles slightly but he finally snaps away his attention from the lifeless corpse so he needn't stare at it for any longer, he grimaces at the taste of warm blood in his mouth and tongue and the way it feels sticky on his body.

He's lost in his own mind for a heartbeat until the fight stops and both sides are retreating, he frowns as he scrambles over to those that he considered allies.


  • ooc
    — TW for death/blood ; permission to powerplay/kill ghost given by angelo 💙





  • ( I WILL TRUST THE ARTIST MOLDING ME ) gentlestorm ; warrior of thunderclan

    cismale ; he/him ; 28 moons old ; ages the 27th every month

    a large, longhaired blue sepia tom w/low white markings and brown eyes

    gentlestorm's a very warm and friendly individual to those he meets. he's very social and willing to lend a paw if anyone needs it. he's someone that puts others before himself and a self-sacrificing individual that will shield others from harm's way if he can help it. it's very rare to earn his ire.

    demiromantic bisexual ; currently interested in no one

    older littermate to grace and crying dove ; currently mentoring... N/A

    "speech", thoughts, attacking ; difficult in combat/specializes in heavier attacks, his size, and strategy

    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset ; peaceful powerplay allowed