TW: Sensitive Content The Colony CALL TO ARMS - battle

Please review the more detailed TW summary at the top of the post.
This tag is specifically for The Colony prior to the clans forming. It can still be used for any backwritten plots!

lean muscles ripple beneath rosette patternings as gecko lays low in the coverage of wilted underbrush besides the rest of sable's supporters, readying themselves to descend upon hawthrone and his followers like a pack of wolves upon a herd of unsuspecting deer but something is quick to go awry when alarmed shouts carry over on a passing breeze.


she clicks her tongue in annoyance, somehow their plan for a surprise attack has reached unwanted ears but it didn't hinder them for long as sable bade his army to charge forth into the fray. gecko doesn't waste single second after the command is given, springing forth from the shadows with a snarl curled upon her muzzle and a scathing gaze that showed she was intent on cutting down whoever got in their way.

the battle roars to life in mere seconds, cats from opposing sides colliding against eachother in a flurry of limbs and yowls desperate to be the first to have the upperhand. aqua hues are quick to spot a streak of gray rushing across, hurling for dunny who had his paws full with keeping juniper down. she's quick to act, dashing forth on lithe limbs to carry her through the sea of bodies before lunging in an attempt to slam gray away from the pointed tom followed by an arching swing of claws seeking to tear into flesh.

"how about you turn your focus on me instead, pretty boy?"
gecko says with a sneer.

ooc pre-planned interaction with @Gray !

He was, perhaps, stupid to believe that Thunder would be getting off scot free. That this cat would go 'oh well you're right' and give up the ghost. No, their claws remained out and pressed into the soil, his eyes dropping to and from them back to the cat themselves. As she spat out her words his ears turned and pressed backwards. Maw parted to spit back an insult or something to save his hide but in the instant he had blinked, her claw cam arcing down over his eye. Blood burst as he staggered backwards, and with one eye squinted and the other eye wide, he snarled.

"I went hungry, time n' time again, fer the sake of the Colony." The normally kind, happy-go-lucky edge was gone. There are brief thoughts, maybe, of Ghost, of him being asked why he wasn't allowed to be selfish. Something burned, ached even, in his chest as he surged forward, letting that go. This was for Fray. For Hawthorne. For what was right. Also, he didn't want to be eaten, that was a good point. Thunder leapt at the other cat, claws and teeth digging into flesh relentlessly. Clashing more then once he bounced to and fro, landing grueling blows while receiving some of his own.

Claws raked down his right side, over his left shoulder, blood blinding his left eye, but his teeth and claws found softer flesh, the belly, the neck. Wind was ripped and torn at until Thunder made the last blow, ripping Wind's throat out and standing over them, his shoulders heaving and breathing fogging in the cold air, thick with the scent of blood. His fur standing on end, the wounded tom snapping his eyes about, looking out for more threats. When the coast was clear- for now, at least- vision dropped back towards Wind, uttering a soft apology to a cat who was just starved, who was so locked in their own selfishness they couldn't stop themselves from trying to kill Thunder.

Oh, but how his head swam and how his side started to burn. He turned his head, good eye fixing on the deep gashes on his right side. "Wonder if.. Ghos' is gonna miss me." He mumbles aloud, perhaps not realizing he is in the moments he starts to drag himself towards the treeline. "Probably no'. He's leavin' anyways. Shame." Thunder whispers out, before his head drops to pine needs and his eyes shut.

  • "speech"
    // permission to powerplay/kill @wind ! he's mumbling about @- Ghost - and passing out, but plz no interactions, stuff is still planned!
  • 91771329_3X78CZaEvd0i9ZV.png
  • THUNDER he/him, future thunderclanner, nineteen moons.
    a sh/lh chocolate tabby with low white and stunning baby blue eyes. stands of average height with a 'mohawk' and spiky-shaped mane.
    mentored by who / mentoring no one
    whichever relations / want listed
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
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Reactions: tieirlys

His forearms lock with Sable's, forcing them both onto their hind-legs in a grapple where the only thing keeping them both upright was the sheer force of each other's weight pushing back aggressively at the other; it almost looked like an embrace of brothers were it not for the blood staining fur and the narrowed heated gazes. Hawthorne did not relent, even as Sable's claws tore across his pelt and sent pale chocolate fur floating in tufts around them, the look almost gentle and snow-like as they drifted down to the ground. His teeth clenched so tightly he wondered if they'd shatter under the force, tail lashing in fury as he pushed further to keep the tuxedo under him and pinned beneath his claws. The lynx point knew it was a battle of attrition now, of who would falter first and leave an opening to exploit - it would only take one mistake, one bared throat, one soft belly left unguarded and that was it; he had seen cats die from less grievous wounds in altercations far from as life threatening as this one. He can only imagine the carnage of what might have been had Coffeestar not come to him with her warning, his blood is cold at the revelation he would have not woken up at all, of the bodies that would fill this once peaceful clearing.
Out of the corner of his eye he sees Juniper fighting back, Sable's own flesh and blood rushing to aid her only to be caught unawares by another of the tuxedo's supporters. He forces his focus back onto Sable himself, though he desperately wants to search the flurry of bodies for his mate - where was she - where had she gone - he can't risk breaking away from his opponent to find her, begs inside for her to be safe, for the gentle molly who had come to him in his dreams to protect her as she had all of them.
"You're full of it, Sable! These cats only follow you out of hunger and fear! They won't suffer your madness if you're DEAD!" And there he sees it-a moment to shift in his favor and he takes it, his paw loosening enough to lift and slam down toward the other's throat.

Ooc: Fighting @SABLE !

This is far from what she wanted overall, but it was what she was handed, the opportunity given. Halfy had followed Sable back despite the plan being upturned, despite the chance to deal the final blow in one quick riot overnight failing. Killing Hawthorne only would have been enough, she thinks, but she knows deep down that would not have been the intent at all behind it - part of her is relieved cats are awake, that she would not have to join in a senseless massacre of sleeping bodies, picking and choosing who might be convinced otherwise and who needed to be put down for risk of dissenting. This was better, she convinces herself, this was at least a battle on even grounds even if it was not the duel that should have been, the fight between two toms with opposing views alone. What could wouldn't want to take their destiny with curved claws and grip it tight anyways? Why allow only two cats to decide their future when they all can in this final moment. She knows she is making things up, trying to warp the scenario to ease her own guilt, but she doesn't change her mind. It had to be done. The bicolor molly moves forward quickly into the fray, seeking an opponent and pushing past a snarling young cat to sling her claws at another that had stood in her path defiantly - she did not remember the kid's name, but she intended to send them running scared into the woods.
The torbie's claws lance outward in one sweep toward Currant's chest, "Scram, brat!"

  • Ooc- Attacking @Currantpaw !
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    ♥ — ShadowClan
    ♥ — She/Her
    ♥ — Blue Torbie w/Blue & Orange Eyes.


The tension in his body screams at the pressure Sable forces to keep going. Muscles twitch as their claws and teeth meet at a stalemate, his strength is waning, but he is above all arrogantly persistent. There were too many counting on Hawthorne losing this bet now. If he couldn't play in his element, he had no choice but to push against the odds.

Just as he can feel the dull impact of a body hitting the ground Sable would pause. A dark pelt matching his own midnight hues fell beside him, his pupils rounding in something he refused to call fear. Teeth bite into his tongue as Hawthorne's paw struck against his throat, choking against the air left in his lungs. Then she screams, Smudge shrieks at the sight of her mother, and while he can taste iron he glowered bitterly at his enemy.

"I'll call it." Sable wheezed, struggling to push Hawthorne's paw away. "We'll retreat."

  • "mew"
  • 85662181_DyROXBUrhtoDqES.png
    SABLE— he/him ・fifty-two moons ・colonist ; no clan ・penned by gonkpilled
    a black and white tuxedo with dark amber eyes
I was born in a flame

Mama said that everyone would know my name

This was it. All the effort he attempted to put in to gather just a few more bodies for Sable's ambush came down to this. They made sure to be downwind, they made sure they were silent as they came towards the prince and his followers. But it was all for naught. Something happened where Hawthorne learned of their plan. His voice rung out over the silent night, and a hiss couldn't help but escape from his throat. Cinder wanted to move. He wanted to pull this off but he stilled himself until the order.

And it was quick to come. As soon as the words move dropped from the bicolors maw, the dual Tabby's paws were beating hard ground. He could feel fur next to him, the rush of a coordinated effort fueling his heart and making his muscles vibrate in anticipation. He wanted to revel in this glory, to show his long lost parents that he could be the flame that they so wished of him. Yet, it all fell away as chaos took the field.

Bodies clashed after the leaders and all hell broke loose as the prince's followers were forced awake and bodied by the multitude of cats that had joined Sable in this ambush. Part of him wanted to pause, to see where the rest were going and who they were taking on, but part of him didn't care. All he saw was a wave of blood and bodies in front of him and the Chimera chose to lash out towards a group that was mostly being left alone.

Moving in on the party of non-fighters, Cinder bared his teeth in a loud hiss. "What!? Not gonna help protect your precious leader?! Cowards!!" He lunged forwards, an unsheathed paw going straight for the cowering she-cat that seemed to be hesitating in taking to the fray. "Cats like you are the reason we're starving!! Choosing to do nothing but wait!!" His mind was so locked in that he didn't even see the larger tom right by his target.
  • ooc
    —— Attacking Silverfrost but it will not land! Planned interaction with @Ravensmoke ! Please dont interfere <3
  • string of lyrics / lengty or short quote goes
  • Cinder He/Him
    An Average Sized Short Haired Red Tabby / Blue Tabby Chimera with One Green Eye and One Blue
    ❂ Warrior of the Colony / Doomed to Die
    ❂ 18 moons; Would age on the 12th of every month
    speech thought attack
    ❂ peaceful + healing powerplay permitted
    penned by Taru
  • Hehe
Reactions: lionharted

"Darlin'? Love? Kiddos? Where are ya?!"

They still couldn't find Oreo, or Their children- kits, who were mere babies being exposed to a dastardly war, and to the cruel elements of the world around them. Oh my, what if they were hurt, or worse? THey didn't even wanna think about worse, as Sprout began to frantically race forward, thinking they saw the pelt of a black and white form.

Sprout couldn't help her worry as she raced forward, colliding into a darker form. The lilac form snapped back, as if Charcoal had intercepted them. Fear shined in golden eyes as Sprout looked upon the other, before shoving past, sprinting away if they are able.

"OREO!" They called louder.

Bumping into @Charcoal //
Looking for @OREO //
Closed :3//


The battlefield buzzed with chaos, yet for Ravensmoke, the world narrowed to a sharp, vivid point. Every sound, every flash of fur, every hiss of pain blurred into the background until all that remained was his sister, Silverfrost, facing down an incoming attack. His mind screamed one instinctual truth: Protect her. The venomous words spat by the attacker, a dual-colored young cat, were nothing but meaningless noise. All Ravensmoke could see was movement, all he could hear was his sister's heartbeat in his mind. The fury bubbling in his chest drowned out everything else, red-hot and overlapping everything else.

And then he snapped.

With a bone-chilling yowl, he launched himself forward, muscles tensed with raw aggression. He collided with the younger cat, the impact resounding like thunder. His teeth found itself in the soft flesh of Cinder's shoulder, instinct guiding him to strike fast, to silence, to destroy. The scent of blood hit him like a storm. Metallic and sharp, it grounded him, bringing with it the crushing weight of reality. For a heartbeat, his mind reeled, trying to connect the pieces of what he had just done. His teeth pulled away, his breath came in ragged, heavy pants, and his amber eyes locked onto Cinder's bleeding form.

Ravensmoke's heart raced, not from exhaustion but from the aftermath. Cinder's pained expression hit him like claws to the chest. He didn't see a foe anymore; he saw a kid,a reckless, foolhardy kid. A kid who had made a bad choice but didn't deserve this. A kid who he had seen toddle around as a young kit...

His gaze darted to Silverfrost, relief battling shame in his gut. She was safe. That was all that mattered, right? But the blood staining his paws told a different story.

What have you done now?

・゚✦ —— "Lift your broken crown, and let's be warriors."

The large black tom moved as if he was one with the shadows, his form radiating menace and power. His amber hues were ever searching, through the many cats who had found themselves in battle with one another. When another cat collided into him, he felt a certain annoyance bubble deep within his stomach. Though the impact had hardly been enough to move him, it did draw his amber hues downward, locking mercilessly down on the smaller, weaker cat before him. And his expression soon hardened into a chilling glare, a silent but unmistakable warning, one Sprout would not be able to react to. Weakness disgusted him... And Sprout embodied everything he despised. Yowling for their loved ones like a helpless, weak kit.


As she tried to scurry past him, he lunged at her, lashing out with movements that were without mercy. A powerful claw that slammed her into the ground, nails that raked through her fur and sunk deep into her flesh. His lips slowly peeled back into a vicious snarl, teeth bared and glinting as a hiss tore from his throat as he leaned down.
"Where do you think you're going so quickly? " he spat, his voice dripping with venom. Disgust laced his words, but beneath it lay a sickening pleasure as he felt her struggle beneath him. Power surged through his veins, it always did in moments like these, moments where he was reminded that strength was the only truth. He pressed down harder, his claws digging deeper, pinning her like prey under a predator's grip. " Perhaps you should have chosen your life better. Power above all. " he growled, the words carrying the weight of his belief.

Without warning, his body moved with fluid precision, driven by cold calculation and raw force. Ignoring any flailing attempts at defense, he struck. His jaws clamped down on her throat with brutal strength, fangs sinking into flesh as he tasted the metallic tang of blood. The sensation was familiar, satisfying, a reminder of the words he lived by, where he stood at the top and others crumbled beneath him.

Charcoal didn't stop at the first bite. He shook her violently, the force tearing at her body as if to ensure the lesson was etched into her very core. When he finally released her, he flung her aside with the ease of tossing away fresh kill. Blood stained his muzzle, the dark red streaking his black fur as he towered over her crumpled form. He glared at her, amber eyes glowing with a certain intensity. If Sprout survived, perhaps she would crawl away, her life forever marked by this encounter. If not, she would find death soon enough, an end befitting the weak. Charcoal's gaze lingered only a moment longer before he turned, his posture dripping dominance and cold indifference. Power, he reminded himself as he moved away, was the ultimate law. Weakness had no place in the world he thrived in.

And it was in that moment that his eyes found his original target... Pandora.

I'll watch the battle until the dust is clear.

@Sprout & @Dewshine
  • Sad
Reactions: deidre
There's only two types of people in the world

The ones that entertain, and the ones that observe

Moss green eyes nearly glowed against the fading moonlight, watching as the others in front of them moved in unison. Moved in coordination. Wolf, Dunny, Blue, and many others. They all stalked forward, waiting for the order from their bicolor guide to strike the sleeping nuances. Jade felt vibrations through her muscles, an excitement to strike in the darkness and cull the unneeded.

Yet, it would not come like she expected. The rosette tabby's ears perked as the alarm sounded from past the front lines: Hawthorne somehow found out about the ambush. Sable is quick to move, to order the rest of them to charge. The rumbling of paws was heard all around her but the molly's own were locked in place. Her muscles were tense and her ears fell back as aggravation filled her chest.

'Damn. It was not apart of the plan to run into war.' Instead of joining the onward rush, Jade turned and started to stalk sideways. Using this movement to advance from the side of the group, the tabby slowly stepped onto the battlefield. The chaos was apparent. Cats locked in battle or cowering as they were ripped apart. Kits calling the name of their lost loved ones. 'Shit... I can barely tell whos who... Fuck this.'

Jade was about to turn away from the carnage. There was no way she'd risk her life for something she barely cared for in the first place. Yet, it appeared one of Hawthorne's followers had another plan. A paw found it's way directly between her legs as she twisted to turn, the sudden movement causing her to trip on said obstruction. She went down, hitting her side into the hard ground before she felt weight throwing itself at her, words dripping desperately from the other she-cats maw.

Her ears rung slightly, barely able to realize what this bitch of a cat was yapping about before she turned her gaze towards her attacker. A rumbling growl was felt through her entire chest as she glared daggers into the blue molly. "You just made... the biggest mistake of your short life..." Without another warning, the she-cat lunged at the blue one on top, aiming her teeth straight for the side of the stranger's neck so she could pull her down. If it was successful, Jade would attempt to switch their position, pulling the other under her own weight where she could more easily maim and stain thag pretty blue fur of hers.
  • ooc
    —— Was knocked over by @Ashlynn 's attack but retaliated with a neck bite! Closed Interaction, please dont interfere >3
  • string of lyrics / lengty or short quote goes
  • Jade she/her
    An Average Sized Black Rosette Tabby with Low White and Green Eyes
    ❖ Future Warrior of Shadowclan
    ❖ 28 moons; ages on the 8th of every month
    speech thought attack
    ❖ peaceful + healing powerplay permitted
    penned by Taru
(🜲) fear is a drum in the heart of the tabby she-cat as she is roused from her comfortable slumber beside her mate. hawthorne's warning rings in her ears, and hazel fluffs her fur out, claws unsheathed, pressing briefly to bracken's side. "come back to me," she murmurs to him, nose buried in his multi-hued coat for only a heartbeat before the sound of caterwauls and hissing breaks through the night. sable's supporters flood the colony's camp, crashing into hawthorne's allies. golden eyes find the shape of the two leaders as they wrestle, bloodthirst in their bites, crimson already staining the snow-dusted ground. juniper is slammed upon, and a shout escapes hazel's maw as she watches her friend vanish beneath claws. serpent too is engulfed, despite her status as queen.

darting through the fray, the earthen feline soon loses sight of her family, bracken's blues and reds lost to a sea of claws and teeth, magnolia nowhere to be found. honeysuckle briefly emerges, locked in battle with swaying willow. hazel yowls for her daughter as crimson blinds the calico, and she spits something frantic to her assailant. she charges towards the two on heavy paws, but across the clearing, hyacinth faces off against rat, and the mother is forced to change course. honeysuckle can hold her own, but hya, their scatterbrained child, kicks lamely up at their attacker. "get off of them!" hazel growls as she barrels into rat's scrawny frame.

  • // scanning for @BRACKEN, @Magnolia, @honeysuckle, and helping @hyacinth attack @Rat. <33 " #b8a300"
  • 67608181_Pzlyogx6nX3tvRQ.png
    a stocky, medium-haired brown tabby with hazel eyes. this is a large cat with a rippling musculature. hazel's frame is wide and tall, shoulders broad, muzzle and eyes heavy in her skull. chestnut and chocolate fur swirl across her pelt, sliced through with tabby stripes of shadow. her eyes invoke images of a sweet summer's day, honey and brown mingling into a soft amber gold
  • Love
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Reactions: BRACKEN and deidre
The screams split the air, he hears young voices wailing, blood pounds in his ears as he recognizes voices he knows, cats he has grown alongside in this colony for years at peace with one another; now pit claw to claw. Hawthorne pushes down his paw onto Sable's neck, claws unsheathed and ebony curls digging into a pale white throat, he imagines it blossoming in red, he clenches his jaw as he bares down on the other eve as the tuxedo utters surrender, admits his defeat. It would take nothing to kill him now, to rip his blasphemous and cruel tongue right from his lying maw, but as much as his instincts warn him to end his enemy, to ensure he never raised claw to any of them again...Hawthorne can not bring himself to do it. It's the same weakness he has been criticized for from the beginning, the softness that made him unfit to lead. How ironic that it was now about to spare Sable's wretched life in the end. Slowly his claws sink back into his paw, mismatched eyes close as he sighs and pulls away to allow the tom up, "Go. Now. Before I change my mind."
With urgency he breaks away from the other, choosing to believe the plea to retreat was the most honest thing he's every heard from that silver tongue, his focus is now on one thing only and its finding his mate, to find who may be threatening her and send them running with their tail between their legs like their oh-so-noble leader.
"Serpent! Serpent, where are you!?"
I was born in a flame

Mama said that everyone would know my name

Everything seemed to move in slow motion during the altercation. His unsheathed claws were just a few inches from their target when it felt like a monster hit him. The initial impact released whatever air was in his chest, but that was nothing compared to the burning pain that erupted across his shoulder and throat. His own cry joined the gutteral yowl of his attacker before it was silenced by the jolt of hitting the hard, frozen earth.

Spots of darkness and light danced across his vision, legs twitching involuntarily and his lips pulled back in a snarl of shock and pain. Mismatched eyes blinked multiple times, at first a flutter before they became more tight, squeezed shut before being opened. 'What...was that? Who...' The ones blue optic looked upwards as the weight was lifted off him and the dark form of the perpetrator shuddered into clarity.

Anger rose in his chest and a sputtering growl tried to echo through his chest. Claws dug into the ground underneath him, a stability that he needed in this moment. Back legs kicking to get back under him, Cinder slowly started to push himself off the coldness. 'You... I'll kill you... I'll... kill...' "YO-" The word never makes it past his teeth, a heaving breath causing a sputtering cough that splattered red across his muzzle and the ground.

Eyes widen for a second before he tries to breath in again. If the large tom that had injured him stayed close, they'd hear the faintest of whistles that seemed to emanate from where he had bitten. Again, the Chimera heaved and coughed, his breathing quickly becoming heavy as a sense of panick started to creep into his mind. 'I....I cant breath... I cant...' Paws stumbled as he tried to claw at his chest, desperately trying to find the reason why the air was not staying in his lungs.

Blood dribbled down his chin and, with each burning breath, Cinder's mind finally started to realize that he wasn't going to make it. 'I cant... I cant di-... no...No...NO!!' He needed help. He needed to be patched up but everyone around him was flailing around in their own battles. Desperate eyes searched the battle field, seeing Sable pinned and the others covered in their own red. None of them could help.

But...there was one cat that was close enough to hear his pleas. The black tom that was standing there, watching him bleed out and struggle. With all his strength, Cinder pulled himself towards him. With one unsheathed paw outstretched, the young tom tried desperately to speak, blood spilling with each try. "H-H...He-he....Heeeelllp-p."
  • ooc
    —— Planned with @Ravensmoke, don't interfere please!!
  • string of lyrics / lengty or short quote goes
  • Cinder He/Him
    An Average Sized Short Haired Red Tabby / Blue Tabby Chimera with One Green Eye and One Blue
    ❂ Warrior of the Colony / Doomed to Die
    ❂ 18 moons; Would age on the 12th of every month
    speech thought attack
    ❂ peaceful + healing powerplay permitted
    penned by Taru
Currant's thundering heart calmed when her brother came to her. He was here, he was safe. "Brother, we can't run away! We have to defend our home!" She hissed back, but her tone was not angry, instead filled with a righteous indignation. She would not cover away while others risked their lives, no matter her age. Their argument was made pointless when an aggressor approached, Currant warned by Eagle's snarl.

"Scram brat." The molly pushed past her brother and swiped at her, claws tearing the flesh and fur of Currant's chest. "Gah!" The youth cried out in pain, taking a surprised step backwards. It took a moment for her to regain her stance, but as soon as she did, Currant leaped at her opponent with a fearless rage. Her claws out and aiming for the molly's face with both paws. "This is our home, I won't let you ruin it!" She yelled.

  • @Halfy @eaglepaw

    Notes: this is a planned fight, please do not intervene if you aren't part of it.
  • 72161340_BLpRYm7c9dc1h9z.png
Claws dug in and Towering Oak can feel his pulse rapidly beat against his skin as adrenaline rushed to his new wounds. Owl was no cat to brush off in a fight, the speed of his lashing claws something wicked as if his opponents were simply prey.

"Sable's been loyal to us, what we need. He won't sit by when there's work to be done!" The fur down his spine bristled and he tried to latch his claws into Owl's throat. He couldn't hear the buzz of the fight around them anymore, just the roaring in his ears and the clash of impulses to take down Owl or preserve himself.
  • @OWL closed for interactions!

  • founding colonist
    gnc afab [he/him]
    unfortunate fodder


Raven's breath hitched as he stood frozen, his yellow eyes locked on the young cat before him. Blood pooled beneath Cinder, dark and unforgiving, the metallic scent heavy in the air. The young tom stumbled, limbs trembling as he fought to stay upright, and Raven could only stare in horrified disbelief. This wasn't supposed to happen. He didn't mean for this. Cinder's gaze darted to him, filled with defiance that quickly crumbled into fear. The realization of his injury hit him at the same time it hit Raven, and the desperation in Cinder's eyes made Raven's chest tighten painfully. He could hear the faint, wheezing sound of the young cat's breath, uneven, shallow, and... wrong.

Raven flinched, taking an instinctive step back as the reality of what he had done came crashing down on him. The rage that had driven him moments ago was gone, replaced by a cold, suffocating dread. His claws flexed against the ground, his mind screaming at him to do something, but his body refused to move. Cinder collapsed onto his side with a weak gasp, his paws scrabbling feebly against the dirt. He tried to speak, but his words came out in a garbled mess, wet and choked. Raven felt his heart hammering in his chest, his breathing shallow and erratic.

When the plea for help was finally tossed his way... His ears flattened as he took another hesitant step forward. He wanted to respond, to say something, anything... but his throat felt tight, the words caught somewhere between his mind and his tongue. His eyes darted around, searching for someone who could take this from him, who could fix what he had done. But the chaos of the battlefield offered no solace, no aid. Finally, his paws moved on their own, carrying him closer to Cinder's trembling form. He hesitated for a heartbeat longer, his own claws trembling as he lowered himself to crouch beside the dying cat. Slowly, almost reluctantly, he pressed his paws to the wound, trying to stop the bleeding even though he knew it was too late.

" I... I didn't mean to... " Raven stammered, his voice barely a whisper. His eyes burned as he stared down at the young cat beneath him. " Hang on... Please... " Cinder's gaze found his once more, the anger replaced with something far worse, resignation. Raven's breath hitched again, a sharp pang in his chest as he watched the light fade from those eyes. " No, no, no... " Raven muttered, his voice breaking as the lifeblood slipped through his trembling paws. " Someone, help! Please! " he screeched, his voice rising above the noises of the battlefield. Raven's paws remained where they were, now slick with blood, as the weight of his actions crushed him. His mind raced, grasping for any explanation, any justification, but all he could see was the dying form before him and the blood staining the earth.

・゚✦ —— "Lift your broken crown, and let's be warriors."


The prickling tension cutting at his throat relents, and Sable gasped for air as though he never thought he could again. Hawthorne, despite the victory, looked defeated. Sable might look the same despite winning with his soul still in his body. It wouldn't be enough for either of them, to simply walk on with their lives still intact. Maybe Hawthorne would ignore it, maybe he would lie to himself, but Sable saw his reflection in the mirror of mismatched eyes. Hungry for the power, willing to do what he must to keep it.

Sable scrambled to his paws, pushing distance between himself and the point. "RETREAT! TO THE SHADOWS!" His voice is hoarse, but he doesn't wait another moment. He doesn't look for his mate, he knows she would be safer here, anyhow. Better to look a loyal fool than a lily-livered turncoat. He couldn't promise there would be no animosity among his newfound support that she did not throw herself at her friend.

Instead he focused on the marble-patched girl before him, her mother's body growing cold as the frost beneath them. Nightingale had fought for him, how many others tossed their lives for his failure? How many others had he orphaned tonight? This wasn't supposed to happen. He grit his teeth together. Someone squealed. His eyes flickered to the masses fleeing out of the oaks, wondering who among them had played their own game.

"You're coming with me." Teeth latched around Smudge's scruff to carry her off, disappearing with the rest of them.

  • "mew"
  • 85662181_DyROXBUrhtoDqES.png
    SABLE— he/him ・sixty-two moons ・colonist ; no clan ・penned by gonkpilled
    a black and white tuxedo with dark amber eyes


Lightning knows he's only eight moons, but he owes Fray and Hawthorne his life. He's only lived this long because they allowed him to be part of this group, and he'll be damned if he let's Sable and the traitors take it away from him. It's with this fury and teenage recklessness that he throws himself at the first cat he sees with a furious caterwaul, swinging his forepaws wildly in an attempt to scratch whatever part he can reach.

  • ooc — attacking @Vanilla, before the retreat is called


The bicolor molly grit her teeth in irritation as paws swung at her, a curved hook cutting next to her ear and leaving a red sliver of a scar that stung the same way kitten's clambering on her back might; she was a mother, she was accustomed to the rough and tumble of indelicate little paws trodding across her spine and body but she did not have the patience of a mother for other's children and certainly not the feisty molly who wouldn't take the hint to run when given a good and proper threat. She needed to scar the girl more than, send her and her hissing and sputtering brother racing from the clearing; this was no place for cats who wouldn't steel themselves to do what was needed. Halfy's teeth flashed white, she raised a paw to slam forward to try and shove the smaller cat down hard onto the ground to pin, a ragged ear might do the trick, or maybe a claw cut close to the neck enough to make ones blood run cold but not run out. With perhaps much more effort than she intended to she swung her paw down, whether she managed to pin the other or not didn't matter, her size easily made up for it and she could tolerate a few more feeble attempts at clawing her to make her point and cut the other in a way that would forever leave a reminder to not pick a fight you knew you couldn't win.

As she did she heard the sound of retreat, the cry from Sable jolting her in surprise enough her swinging paw jerked and descended too low, too quickly, Halfy yanked back with wide mismatched eyes but it was too late. Far too late...
  • Ooc: Fighting @Currantpaw
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    ♥ — ShadowClan
    ♥ — She/Her
    ♥ — Blue Torbie w/Blue & Orange Eyes.


His efforts were feeble at best, but he was successful enough in giving Juniper the chance to break free even if he did not do much damage in the process. The victory was shortlived, he felt the wind knocked from his longs as he went tumbling head over paw beneath rosette spotted fur, teeth barred in a hiss above him and he kicked his hindlegs in a desperate bid to get Gecko off of him to no avail. Grey's eyes shut closed and teeth clenched with a pained hiss as claws tore across his shoulder, he pushed his forelimbs up to the molly's chest to keep her from baring down on him and reaching his throat but his underbelly was still too exposed for his liking. His blood pounded in his head, he was not the most skilled of fighters but he was not entirely without the means to defend himself but it was clear in just this brief moment alone that Gecko easily outmatched him when it came to raw strength and brutality; his claws scrambled at the dirt and he twisted his paw, scooping up cold earth to fling upward into her eyes - he had to level the playing field somehow and fighting fair with his life on the line was not even a little appealing. Honor could come last to self-preservation. In the distance he's acutely aware of his brother's voice ringing out in a gasp for retreat, maybe he was saved by Hawthorne in that his opponent would follow without trying to finish the job.
  • Ooc- Getting his ass kicked by @GECKO
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    — Colony Cat (ThunderClan)
    — He/They
    — SH Gray Tabby with holly green eyes.