Shipyard Curiosity and the cat -- pfap

Threads taking place in the abandoned shipyard.


Off to the wide blue yonder!
Played by
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There aren't too many cats that can play with Seal in the shipyard. Maelstrom's awesome, like super cool and nice and interesting, but they're too big to play tag with, and they don't really care about mossball like Seal does. It's alright; they try. And that intimidating black tom, Smoke, he has little kits--but they're too little, Seal would crush them if they played! Also, one of them bit Seal one time, and those tiny little baby teeth hurt surprisingly a lot, except she can't retaliate because, again, too big. So she's on the lookout for a play-buddy at the moment.

The good news is that she's seen a cat her age hanging around lately--that dark fur was easy to notice on the pale sand and greyish tide. The bad news is that she's been having a really difficult time tracking them down.

The shipyard isn't all that big, but it's big enough for a small cat to disappear in, what with all the piled up twoleg artifacts and hideaways. If they don't want to be found, Seal might have to give up the ghost and go back to pestering Maelstrom for games. Still, she pokes her head through a hole in the rotting wood of a twoleg structure, peering into the darkness.
"Woohoo, anyone there?"

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  • ooc: please wait for @Squid to post!
  • SEAL — she/her ・ 5 MOONS ・SHIPYARD CAT ・ PENNED BY @Kangoo!
    A round, lilac point/silver spotted tabby chimera with high white and blue eyes.

At first, there's no response from the darkness, but then something creaks with the weight of an unwise footstep. Squid holds his breath for another second, trying to see if the other cat will go away—but no luck. The jig is up. He slinks forwards and stands a few feet from Seal, just far enough he'd have time to escape any stray paws.

she says.
"Are you looking for something?"
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She did not have any sincere interest in babysitting these young cats.. they're old enough not to need constant supervision anyways and it's not like there's much here to hurt them. Maybe they'd stumble and fall into some abandoned boat and need to be fished out? Lichen can't explain what possesses her to follow the dappled cat known as 'Seal' but she does know that she's found herself an unwilling witness to... something. There's sound of another presence, another child's voice... Were they just meeting up here to play? The lynx point isn't sure, but decides to loom a small distance away, folding her paws neatly under her chest to stand as idle sentinel. Just in case....
𓆝 . ° ✦
Victory! She knew there was someone in there.
Seal grins, tail lashing in excitement.
"I'm bored, do you want to play?"
The other cat looks, huh… ruffled. And a little terrified, actually, so she sits down very nicely -- glancing back at the adult watching them, imitating the way they fold their paws -- and lowers her voice to a hush.
"We can stay under there if you want. I haven't explored this part of the 'yard yet."

If the other kit says no, she'll leave -- it's no fun pestering someone who doesn't like it. But it would be really cool if he said yes. She hasn't really had a friend yet, aside from Maelstrom, who's, like, cooler than a normal friend: everyone else around the shipyard already had friends or colonymates or siblings coming in, and they don't know each other well enough yet to merge groups like that (though Seal has plans -- they could have a GIANT game of mossball if they gathered everyone in the yard.)
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  • ooc:
  • SEAL — she/her ・ 5 MOONS ・SHIPYARD CAT ・ PENNED BY @Kangoo!
    A round, lilac point/silver spotted tabby chimera with high white and blue eyes.

That question takes Squid aback. It's not about scraps, or about who gets a nice place to sleep. He had expected to be told to go away—was ready to slink off to some other hiding hole. Not to be asked to stay. It confuses him so much, in fact, that he goes silent for a few excruciating seconds.

"Sure," he says finally, waiting for the other shoe to drop. It can't be that easy, can it? Maybe she's just messing with him. "I don't know many games"
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𓆝 . ° ✦
Unlike Lichen, Bubble is often drawn to the kits of the shipyard. She isn't too far from their age, so in many ways the young molly feels a kindredness with their naivete and playful natures. To her, it's less like babysitting and more like just being an awesome older sibling with (barely) enough wherewithal to be considered a guardian of sorts. She is drawn to the sound of play initiating, but finds that she's run into the lynx point nearby before she's reached either of the kits.

"Oh hello...! Um..." Bubble's excited greeting trails off when she realizes she isn't overly familiar with the lynx point and has to search for her name in her memory for a long moment "Lichen, right?" Lichen, who looks entirely disinterested in doing any sort of playing, Bubble assumes mustn't be the parent to the kits. "Aren't they cute?" she asks, trying to generate friendly conversation with a cat she doesn't really know other than by name.

However, Bubble's attention span is notoriously short, and she finds she's now focused on the conversation between Squid and Seal instead of listening for Lichen's reply. "Hey you two!" she calls, standing to move closer to them "What sorts of games do you both like? I know plenty if you want someone to teach you a thing or two!"
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  • ooc:
  • 74401750_pjtK6IU1yaAaxNj.png
    longhaired silver classic tabby with moderate white spotting and blue eyes. bubble is the people's princess. i'll make a real description eventually go read her tags.

An ear flicks in the direction of a voice shrill with youth, turning to glance towards Bubble with a sort of questioning scrutiny. What exactly was the goal of approaching her? She wasn't the one playing games... and she would certainly not be dragged into it- she had enough responsibility fussing over Smoke's unruly crew.

"Yup... that's my name," she responds with a twitch of her whiskers, following the she-cat's gaze with an amused lift of her brows at the proposed question. Cute? Kittens? Saying they're ugly, nasty little things would surely get her a few enemies... even if she knew well enough from first paw experience. The amount of times Cicada had sunk his razor sharp teeth into her ankles was more than she had toes to count on... "They can be... mostly from afar though."

That was a polite way to put it... and explained why she kept her distance when she could afford to. "Just making sure they stay safe... that's all."