Every day was more tiring than the last, he wondered briefly what the point of fighting the inevitable was but then he saw his fellow colony cats skinny, rib cages showing like iron bars rung alongside their slim figures and he grit his teeth and forced the defeatism down; wallowing in self-pity never served anyone more than grief. Grief. Great cats of legend, he was more tired of that than the starvation, the ache in a belly could be fulfilled even for a moment but the one in the chest settled like an unruly beast, claws dug in and clinging fast - unwilling to be dislodged. Every cat here had their taste of it, bitter and sharp like swallowing holly leaves, so he felt somewhat selfish for even dwelling on his own; its not like he hadn't had time. His father had always been there, they'd enjoyed moons of togetherness, he had a parent who had loved him unconditionally and for that he ought to be grateful. Be grateful like so many orphaned kits that Fray had not be snatched from him before his time. Grateful he'd gotten to bond with the older tom, to grow beneath his sheltered wing. Fray had lived a long life, his suffering now a mix of weary bones aging and failing to uphold his weight and the hollowness of hunger forming a deep pit in his stomach. Though Hawthorne tried to ensure his father fed, the old tom could barely chew, could barely keep it down, so weak now his battered head remained tucked between too long claws and cracked pads.
From the hollow beneath the ancient tree the tabby tom slid out with the untouched mouse between his clenched teeth, blood still freshly seeping; prey his father hadn't wanted and so his mismatched eyes wandered to find another to bestow with it, not feeling the urge to eat himself despite his own hunger pains - the nausea was too overwhelming, his anxiety gnawed at him; a great dog picking clean the bone. Spotting a cat nearby he approached with his head up, morose expression falling aside as he trotted forward on long slender legs to cheerfully whip the mouse by its tail out in a wave.
"Hungry?" He asked, tone lighthearted. Normally he would have prioritized his mate but her brother had tended to her already and so he hadn't needed to worry - sometimes it was nice having Water Snake around, other times he could never really read the guy.