JINGLE(MOON), 22 Moons, Kittypet, Future Riverclanner // He/They // #3b90ff
A long furred blue tabby tom with low white, long pointed ears with curved tips and dazzling blue eyes.
Son of UNKNOWN, sibling to ASTRO
Always walks with a jingle in his step! Good listener and ever curious about the world.
Thunder still rumbled up ahead amongst the clouds and the occasional flash of lightning lit up the night sky for just the briefest of moments before everything fell dark again. This night felt like the longest night of Jingle's life. There had been so much chaos, so much uncertainty and pain. At least one cat had been lost when the shelter collapsed and guilt had been chewing away at him for not having been there to help sooner. When he was there to help he spent most of the time patching up what he could of the injuries sustained by the cats who had been brave enough to try and help others out first before themselves. Wave in particular had given him quite the scare when she had collapsed, unable to push herself any further then she already had. There had been so so much blood, Jingle was sure he would never be rid of the smell of it or at least not for many moons to come...
But the night wasn't over yet either, not for the blue tabby tom at least. His body ached for slumber and rest after all he had done already but what he'd done already wasn't yet enough. He had to check over the other Shipyard cats through the night to make sure their injuries didn't grow any worse overnight. There was also the matter of saying his farewells. Not to his housefolk-- He couldn't risk getting locked inside again for good. But to his kin, he owed them that much and didn't want them to fret about his whereabouts, Astro had always been a good brother to him so what kind of littermate would he be to just leave without at least saying goodbye?
After quietly weaving around those he had rested near for the night after the shelters' collapse Jingle would step back outside into the rain. The storm was still there but not quite as strong as it had been earlier on in the night. With raindrops dripping on his nose and beginning to soak his pelt again once more, the blue tabby tom would start to pad back towards his old home for the final time.
But the night wasn't over yet either, not for the blue tabby tom at least. His body ached for slumber and rest after all he had done already but what he'd done already wasn't yet enough. He had to check over the other Shipyard cats through the night to make sure their injuries didn't grow any worse overnight. There was also the matter of saying his farewells. Not to his housefolk-- He couldn't risk getting locked inside again for good. But to his kin, he owed them that much and didn't want them to fret about his whereabouts, Astro had always been a good brother to him so what kind of littermate would he be to just leave without at least saying goodbye?
After quietly weaving around those he had rested near for the night after the shelters' collapse Jingle would step back outside into the rain. The storm was still there but not quite as strong as it had been earlier on in the night. With raindrops dripping on his nose and beginning to soak his pelt again once more, the blue tabby tom would start to pad back towards his old home for the final time.
@AstroOOC: This thread is set around the night of the shelter collapse but before the Shipyard cats leave for their new home.