Private Shipyard Backwritten I fear not the weather, I fear not the sea || Farewell

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Threads taking place in the abandoned shipyard.
This thread occurred at a date previous to its posting date.
Medicine Cat
Played by

JINGLE(MOON), 22 Moons, Kittypet, Future Riverclanner // He/They // #3b90ff
A long furred blue tabby tom with low white, long pointed ears with curved tips and dazzling blue eyes.
Son of UNKNOWN, sibling to ASTRO
Always walks with a jingle in his step! Good listener and ever curious about the world.

Thunder still rumbled up ahead amongst the clouds and the occasional flash of lightning lit up the night sky for just the briefest of moments before everything fell dark again. This night felt like the longest night of Jingle's life. There had been so much chaos, so much uncertainty and pain. At least one cat had been lost when the shelter collapsed and guilt had been chewing away at him for not having been there to help sooner. When he was there to help he spent most of the time patching up what he could of the injuries sustained by the cats who had been brave enough to try and help others out first before themselves. Wave in particular had given him quite the scare when she had collapsed, unable to push herself any further then she already had. There had been so so much blood, Jingle was sure he would never be rid of the smell of it or at least not for many moons to come...

But the night wasn't over yet either, not for the blue tabby tom at least. His body ached for slumber and rest after all he had done already but what he'd done already wasn't yet enough. He had to check over the other Shipyard cats through the night to make sure their injuries didn't grow any worse overnight. There was also the matter of saying his farewells. Not to his housefolk-- He couldn't risk getting locked inside again for good. But to his kin, he owed them that much and didn't want them to fret about his whereabouts, Astro had always been a good brother to him so what kind of littermate would he be to just leave without at least saying goodbye?

After quietly weaving around those he had rested near for the night after the shelters' collapse Jingle would step back outside into the rain. The storm was still there but not quite as strong as it had been earlier on in the night. With raindrops dripping on his nose and beginning to soak his pelt again once more, the blue tabby tom would start to pad back towards his old home for the final time.

OOC: This thread is set around the night of the shelter collapse but before the Shipyard cats leave for their new home.

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What if you look your fears right in the eye,
say you'll see them another time—

ASTRO, He/Him / 22 moons / Kittypet
Short fur blue tabby tom with low white / Black smoke with ghost markings chimera has sharp features and sectoral heterochromatic eyes.
Whimsical and calm with supposed hidden potential, also basically an astronomer if they were a cat!
Tagging [@]

It had been a short while ago that a thunderstorm had blasted and battered the area, and the housefolk went on about their complaints both about the storm, some other things that a cat need not worry themselves about and a few more things that were of some concern to the oddball Kittypet by the name of Astro. However, in this moment, none of those things held much importance to him, he had something else to concern himself with right now. Earlier in the evening, one of his kits; Twinkle, had spotted their uncle Jingle scurrying away outside into the stormy weather. Thank the stars that Comet and Eclipse were asleep this entire time or else there would have been an even bigger problem on Astro's paws.

Though concerned, Astro had always needed to be crafty about going outside during bad weather as in such a situation he had little to no means of going out there after Jingle since his own housefolk were rather responsible and aware of the continued safety of all beings under the roof of the place. Astro also knew what the outside world was like, and had faith in his littermate as well... Although, he had to admit that there was a different feeling in the air, something felt different. The vocalizations and tone of some of the housefolk's arguments with visitors he had overheard stuck to the back of his mind— he could tell that it was about his kits and he wasn't about to let untrustworthy or unruly housefolk touch a single bit of fluff on his little ones.

Speaking of those little ones, Twinkle was sitting by her father, noticeably more anxious and fretting over Jingle's safety— especially after a particularly bright flash of light and rumble in the distance where he had scurried off to as they had seen outside the window to the room they were in. "Hey, he'll be alright. He better be, else I'll get him myself!" Ah, the fond memories of sibling play fights. The statement thankfully got a little smile out of Twinkle and eased her worries.

Eventually, Astro could see the shape of a cat outside the window and the faint rhythm of a specific number of bells, so he knew straight away who was approaching. Now all Astro needed to do was to get Jingle's attention before he got too close and his own housefolk noticed. Luckily, there was a little light up toy sitting by Astro, which he pointed out of the window and briefly batted at it to get the light to momentarily activate, hoping Jingle could see it, after which he would know to come this way instead so they could catch up.

What if for once, you could find the piece of you that you've been hiding,
you've been hiding...

JINGLE(MOON), 22 Moons, Kittypet, Future Riverclanner // He/They // #3b90ff
A long furred blue tabby tom with low white, long pointed ears with curved tips and dazzling blue eyes.
Son of UNKNOWN, sibling to ASTRO
Always walks with a jingle in his step! Good listener and ever curious about the world.

The very wet trudge back would eventually come to a halt as Jingle padded within sight of his brothers' twoleg nest. Lifting his head up for once during this short solo journey as droplets of rain ran down the fur on his face, Jingle would look out to the window and spot a small light bobbing around. His whiskers twitched as he watched for a few moments before flicking his tail-- Sending some of the water that now soaked it again splattering across the grass, eventually he started to slink towards the way of the window where the light had been coming from. It would be a safer way to try and approach Astro anyways as trying to get inside the nest itself would put him too much at risk at being caught by his brothers' twolegs. They weren't harmful housefolk by any means but he was sure they would bring him back to the place he no longer considered home if caught.

Jingle's usual bounce in his step wasn't present for the moment and that would be something his littermate might've been able to pick up on especially by the way his bells didn't jingle in their usual bubbly manner. Out of everything he would be leaving behind tonight he knew he was going to miss his brother and kin the most. The toothy faced grins of his niece and nephews as they got up to all sorts of mischief, the way he and Astro used to play for hours on end before crashing together in a nice warm sun spot to rest, it would not be coming with him and he knew that, only the memories would remain.

With a deep sigh Jingle would leap up onto the windows perch his claws digging into the wood briefly to get a better grip as he felt himself almost slip because of how soggy his pelt had become in the journey over. It didn't take long to pull himself up onto the perch properly though and once he was he began to paw as quietly as possible at the window itself in hopes of potentially propping it open even just a little bit-- Or to get his brothers' attention so that they could meet somewhere where they could mew their goodbyes without the silly window in the way.

What if you look your fears right in the eye,
say you'll see them another time—

ASTRO, He/Him / 22 moons / Kittypet
Short fur blue tabby tom with low white / Black smoke with ghost markings chimera has sharp features and sectoral heterochromatic eyes.
Whimsical and calm with supposed hidden potential, also basically an astronomer if they were a cat!
Tagging [@]

"Excellent, I think he saw the signal." Astro started to look for a way to slowly wedge the window open so that he could avoid being caught by the housefolk. While doing so he noticed the spring in Jingle's step was less springy. In fact, it basically wasn't even there at all. That didn't bode well, not at all. If Jingle wasn't in a good mood then something must be seriously wrong. It was likely to do with whatever it is he had seen out there in the storm... "Hmmm... Twinkle, I think we need to get out this window and shuffle through to the shed just outside, follow me, okay?" Astro eventually wedged the window open enough for him to fit through it and gently guided his child as he signalled for Jingle to also follow along— it would be a secret path that both he and Astro knew about. "Shed, secret path, quiet as possible." That way the housefolk would just mistake the bells as their windchimes would be the logic here.

Astro would then lead both Twinkle and Jingle through the secret way to get into the back shed where they could talk in private without interruption for as long as they needed. Once the three were in the shed, Astro plodded around for a bit, keeping Twinkle to his side as he looked over Jingle. It was so... Odd, off putting even to see his brother with such a sullen expression. As for being drenched with water like that? Yeah, sure that wasn't abnormal. The pair of them kind of liked playing in the water which was pretty quirky for cats.

With a mew of concern, Astro tried to rest his forehead on Jingle's for a moment. "Alright, what's wrong? It's not like you to just be the J without the ingle." Unsurprisingly, his first thought was for his brother's emotional health, but he wasn't hiding his own unease whatsoever. "What happened out there?"

Note: Permission was given from Jingle's player to have him follow Astro!

What if for once, you could find the piece of you that you've been hiding,
you've been hiding...
Well I know you're afraid,
but if even just one of us has faith...

TWINKLE(TUFT), She/Her / 6 moons / Kittypet (Future Riverclan Apprentice)
Fluffy rosetted silver tabby molly with tweed white hairs and soft blue eyes
Daughter of ASTRO and NEBULA, Sibling to COMET(TAIL), & ECLIPSE(SHADE)
Whimsical and oddly wise beyond her years if not a bit silly, has dexterous paws that are good for making things, goofy and bluntly honest
Tagging [@]

To say that Twinkle was worried would be a massive understatement, ever since she had waddled awake in the night and managed to see her uncle scurry off into the flurry of wind and rain she had thought to go after him but realized that was a much more Comet or Eclipse thing to do. Since she wasn't them, she decided against it and instead chose to find her father, but he had already picked up on something not being quite right. In any case, Astro had stayed up with Twinkle to keep her company and keep her mind off of things which worked for the most part. Her father making a few jokes did manage to make Twinkle smile, but nothing would truly put a stop to her anxiety until Jingle was proven to be safe!

Following closely alongside her father and uncle, Twinkle took note of the mood. Even she knew something was going to be seriously wrong, she kept quiet as the three of them entered the back shed for sake of privacy. It was probably the best that they could do at the moment, it wasn't like they could all go outside fully.

"Wuh? Without the ingle?" Twinkle gasped. No, no, that wasn't right at all, that was... That was... Words she didn't even know to say just yet! With a frightened meep, Twinkle scurried over to Jingle, looking up at him with big soft blue eyes and sniffled. "Y-you're not sick are you, you're not hurt right, uncle Jingle?" Her eyes widened with concern with every syllable. "I-I can help find your lost ingle, would that help?"

You can be certain that some day—
All of our dreams will come true!

JINGLE(MOON), 22 Moons, Kittypet, Future Riverclanner // He/They // #3b90ff
A long furred blue tabby tom with low white, long pointed ears with curved tips and dazzling blue eyes.
Son of UNKNOWN, sibling to ASTRO
Always walks with a jingle in his step! Good listener and ever curious about the world.

Once the window was wedged open enough for Astro to fit through Jingle would look apprehensive to go through it himself to go inside the twoleg den-- Thankfully though Astro suggested that they meet inside the shed instead to talk, guiding Twinkle as he did so. Giving an understanding nod the blue tabby would follow after his brother, jumping down from the window ledge as quietly as he could, placing a paw on his bells after having leapt down to stop them rattling. Hurrying as quietly as he could muster along the secret path to the shed Jingle would let out a sigh of relief after the three of them slipped inside.

As soon as they were inside the tom would plop himself down into an exhausted sitting position, his wet fur already starting to leave wet marks on the floor and tiny pools of water as well where his fur was most soaked. His brother seemed to look him over which felt strange to have done to him after having done the same to so many other cats earlier today. Jingle would close his eyes and lean his own head forwards to bump it against Astro's as his brother went to rest his forehead against his and just waited a few moments to lap in this feeling one last time as Astro asked what was wrong.

Jingle would open his eyes wearily to glance to Twinkle once she spoke, should he be fully truthful and honest in his answer in front of the young cat? She was still so little though no longer a full kit anymore and he knew the trio didn't tend to enjoy still being treated as much, but still it was heavy news and he didn't want to see her upset. He would raise a rinsed paw to her head and ruffled the fur atop it gently after she had scurried over to him, looking up at him with round eyes. "I am alright, little light. I am of the lucky few who were not injured and I'm not sick, not yet anyways" He'd draw his tongue along one paw before drawing that paw over his head, if he kept up being as drenched as he was that might change though...

"My pain is a different kind of hurt, because I know I must say goodbye now, to you both and to your brothers as well Twinkle" He unfortunately would have to let them pass on that news to the two young toms as even now was time he should've still been at the Shipyard, time he didn't have much to spare. He would lean down and press his cheek against the top of Twinkle's head, hoping all of this wasn't too upsetting for her to hear, he knew one day she would grow into the most adventurous and kind cat and he wished he could get to see that day too. Maybe one day he could come visit but who knew what the future held in store for him now. Looking to his brother he would continue "The main shelter out by the abandoned docks collapsed during the storm while most of the cats were sheltering inside" He closed his eyes and shook his head, "Thankfully most made it out in time but there were a lot of injuries and one cat... " He sighed and looked away, he should have been there. He should have been there.

"I've been trying my best to mend what I could all day. Only now have I gotten a moment to come say my farewells. The group is talking about leaving and I will be going with them" He'd give his brother a sorrowful look, he knew how much he was going to miss him but this was the right thing to do. "If I had of just left sooner. Maybe no cat would've been lost to the sea" He never outright said it but it was clear Jingle thought the loss of Dewdrop was his fault or that he could have changed the outcome if he had of arrived sooner. "But I couldn't leave without at least saying goodbye to my kin"
What if you look your fears right in the eye,
say you'll see them another time—

ASTRO, He/Him / 22 moons / Kittypet
Short fur blue tabby tom with low white / Black smoke with ghost markings chimera has sharp features and sectoral heterochromatic eyes.
Whimsical and calm with supposed hidden potential, also basically an astronomer if they were a cat!
Tagging [@]

Astro was always the observant sort, so it didn't take much to notice that Jingle really was carrying something heavy with him in many ways without needing to say it, Astro could feel it when Jingle rested on him. "Heh. It's funny. I was usually the real big snifflekitty, wasn't I? Now look at me, comforting you instead." It wasn't an attempt at making a joke, it was a genuine observation, as well as a show of infinite gratitude. "You know, I always did feel like everything would be alright when I heard your bells ring. Still do." Now, those bells had a greater calling, thats what Astro was getting the sense of in this instance. This turned out to be true, and the situation was far worse than Astro could have feared. "Wait, the... The whole thing?" Astro choked up a bit, he had no idea what the extent was since he wasn't there but if Jingle's mannerisms now were any indication, the worst had happened. "Oh, J..." Astro mewed supportively, he knew well enough the kind of cat his brother was, he would have tried to save everyone in sight. "You really are Star-touched, honestly, I believe it with my whole being that you are. You must be." Astro, despite being a Kittypet, had a strong sense of faith, he believed in something, something greater than life, an existence beyond death that reached out to living cats with the right mind and heart to be their Star-touched, noble and good cats. "After tonight I refuse to believe you could be anything else." Alas, it was merely what be believed, Astro had no way of really confirming anything truly mystical at this moment. "It won't be goodbye forever either, not by a long shot."

As sad as this was overall, Astro had something to say as well, and in this way maybe some sadness would be alleviated. "Jingle. I need you to help me get Twinkle and the boys away from here. Those rowdy two-legs that keep coming here, they're getting more and more insistent." Astro sat up slightly as his fur bristled and his tail flicked, he was furious even just thinking about it, in truth. "I do not want them near my kits." He huffed. "Do you know roughly where this group will be going? Away from the docks, sure, but how far do you think you'll be from here? Or Horseplace, even?"

What if for once, you could find the piece of you that you've been hiding,
you've been hiding...
Well I know you're afraid,
but if even just one of us has faith...

TWINKLE(TUFT), She/Her / 6 moons / Riverclan Apprentice)
Fluffy rosetted silver tabby molly with tweed white hairs and soft blue eyes
Daughter of ASTRO and NEBULA, Sibling to COMET(TAIL), & ECLIPSE(SHADE)
Whimsical and oddly wise beyond her years if not a bit silly, has dexterous paws that are good for making things, goofy and bluntly honest
Tagging [@]

Twinkle wiggled on the spot a little and gently kneaded the floor at Jingles reassurance. He still had the ingle within him, this was good news. "Yeay..~"

Afterward, there was not so good news, Twinkle could tell that much herself. She was young, but not stupid, plus the presence of her father and his own words comforted her— he was right, uncle Jingle was a good cat, a great cat even! One of the best! While she was a clever young feline, she was still just that, young, so her faith in her family was blunt and to the point, simple in a sense— but just as honest and loving. Twinkle wasn't sure of what to say but she was completely certain of what to do. She quickly set herself down by her father and uncle, trying to cuddle up to them to comfort them both and in turn hoping to gain comfort from them. "Com' and 'Clip are sleeping right now... I um. I dunno if we should wake them? I.. Hm." She could at least say that much, her big eyes looked up to Jingle as she purred, trying to get a smile from him while Astro held conversation far better.

When it came to those nasty smelly two-legs that kept making angry noises to the nice two legs, Twinkle huffed and grumbled. It was odd for her fur to bristle but she held much the same sentiment as her father Astro did. "They're so.. So..!! Rat-dirt hearted!! Grrr!!" She would fight them herself if they ever did anything mean to her brothers, she would claw, bite and scratch until the evil two-legs went away, leaving her family and the sweet two-legs alone!

What surprised her, was Astro's suggestion to have her and her brothers go, as in leave the place... It didn't sound like it was for a day or two, or for a trip, but, for good? Yet also not forever? Twinkle thought about it, and that would definitely be one way to rid themselves of those nastier two-legs. "Could that.. Could that work?"

You can be certain that some day—
All of our dreams will come true!