TW: Sensitive Content Open The Farm In unum infernus ───〃★ BARN FIRE

Please review the more detailed TW summary at the top of the post.
Threads taking place at the farm of Horseplace. This is specifically for Barncats.

Lucille was a beacon of reason in the depths of the despair that consumed them. Repulsive, cold, and unwelcome. Perhaps all things she desired to be, but he sought none of it- she came to him with this attitude. She walked past Nutmeg like a ghost- a mere body block away from saving her life, but she let her go. He shouted at that, a raspy sound akin to a pained 'why?'
As much faith as he had in Nutmeg, nothing… nothing was stronger than that force that claimed their home. Not her, not Meadow. Even from here, he felt the anger in it's glow. It lit up the once dark sky, and the grass, and it illuminated Lucille's form; as if demanding his full attention. She'd earned it.
The kit retaliated against her all too rested demeanor with a hiss- cursing her impassiveness; hackles tall as he flipped back onto his stomach. For a moment, he was ready to pick a fight. Ready to release all the feelings that bubbled up into his throat and made it tight, but how could now- this- ever be the time? Then the energy dissipated, a moment of clarity gripped Peafowl and his large ears twisted and lowered. He wasn't like that. He couldn't take her in a fight. He held firm to his feelings, but he was never so mean. Yet the words he wanted to say to her. He swallowed hard. "...I- I'm sorry ma'am, that's my sister runnin' back in there, I let-you let her." His lips drew into a fine line- his mind a storm in its own right- Peafowl restrained himself. Nutmeg's blood is on this molly's pelt if she doesn't make it back out alive, Peafowl swore it, taking her impassive face to memory. Her empty words.

Peafowl's eyes burned, but he was sure he cried out all the ash that otherwise still dulled the rest of his thick coat. An intrusive thought had his eyes raise in an attempt to peek past Lucille, but he stopped himself, looking down at the cool grass. No, no he didn't want to see. "You're right, she'll be back. I'm waitin' for her." It was a statement. His words were no less cold and direct than Lucille's own.
Words were the only power he held. Too young and inexperienced to retaliate. He could squirm. He could thrash and swipe and maybe irritate an adult slightly. His tail slapping the earth and his refusal to look up was his only warning that he wouldn't go quietly. Leave me be. Please. Please, leave me be. It was getting hard to find the energy to continue putting up a fight.

  • "speech" thoughts
  • peafowlmini-smaller.png
  • peafowl he/him, barn cat, four moons, 10.13.24
    long haired blue smoke chimera with bright amber yellow eyes
    comically large, fluffy ears and a long tail with black striped markings
    maine coon genetics
    always smiling. ever optimistic

    mentored by x
    open to all bonds
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    penned by idola / / tag @.idola appreciated

  • Sad
Reactions: nutmeg ♡
. ° ✦
The heat was unnatural. She had been born in leaf-fall and only new the cold biting days and weak sun that barely peeked through the clouds. The newleaf sunshine was welcome and prowling outside of the barn had been much more enjoyable. The heat that filled the barn now, though, was nothing like the gentle yellow glow that had been slowly heating their farm.

It was hot and red, and all-consuming. The screams pulled Nip from her lull before the smell of smoke or the crackling heat. Cats bolted past her and overlooked her huddled form. She was known for her spitfire and quick words, but now she was huddled away from whatever chaos roared outside her hidey-hole. She closed her eyes against pained screaming and panicked calls to lost loved ones. It was too much it was all too much.

Please answer me, Nip!

Her caretaker's voice rang out of the din. Nip snapped open her eyes and looked aorund frantically for Alder's pelt. "Alder!" She called back, slowly wandering into the fray. Bodies rushed past her, some not even caring for her and nearly bowling her over. Nip did her best to stand her ground and move through the panicking cats. "I'm here! Ice? Pebble?" Her siblings were also lost from her sight and she felt so small.

She suddenly spotted her adopted sister's pelt among the crowd and Alder standing with her. Relief filled her body until the terrible cracking sounded above them all. Alder pushed Ice away, and-

Nip didn't watch, she looked away at the last second. "ICE! ALDER!" She cried out, uncertain she would get a response from either. Her eyes burned from the smoke and she didn't want to open them again. Her skin felt too hot. The noise was too loud. Her grief was too big. It was all too much.
° . . °
  • ooc: calling for @Icepaw and @Alder
    silver tabby with high white and yellow-green eyes. a grumpy, independent she-cat that prefers to bite before she speaks. raised by alder. adopted sibling to ice and pebble.
The cries of cats woke him well before the fire did, but not for lack of trying. It reached upward into the lofts, a wretched thing desperate to grab hold of the cats just out of reach and burning up the walls and posts to get to them. Dandelion springs upward, its probably the first time he's woken up so immediate and he prays its the last as he clambers over already smoldering hay to get to the edge of the overhanging perch, desperate to be out of the pile of kindling that was the hay wheat they all slept upon. He wonders what might've become of them if they had not stirred and realizes he doesn't want to think about it.

Through the smoke he hears his sister's voice, pitched and strained-inhaling thick heaves of black as she cries out for him and his maw parts to reply, to tell her to get out because he's coming but he doesn't get to speak. Instead Dandelion screams, a choked, rattling wail ripping from his throat as he finds himself slammed down onto the ground, the burning rafters above having given in and begun to crumble, collapsing in charred pieces and one such landed across his back: almost. It catches the smoldering edge of a crate, the full weight of it sparred from crushing him but its flattened him down and pinned him under it in such a way he can't wriggle loose. Ebony claws curl and claw at the ground as he tries to pull himself free, mismatched eyes wide and horrified as the flames lick upward around him, wreathing his chocolate limbed form in an unwanted embrace. "Please-!" His voice is a wheeze, tears pricking the corners of his eyes, "Brandy! Whiskey!" Dandelion drags his paws toward himself, folds them over his muzzle with a garbled mewl of a sound; crying like he was a kitten again, mourning at two graves and perched alongside his siblings but they weren't here this time - it was just him. And the fire.

Ooc- He has a planned rescue plot so please don't free him! <3 @COLD
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ You can tell the sun in his jealous sky.

— Future WindClanner (Barncat)
— He/Him

— Chocolate mink w/one green eye & one gold eye.


indent "Meemaw!" Dusty cries out in relief when she hears her grandmother's voice. Although the situation is dangerous, she can't help but teake a moment to bury her head in the crook of Chicken's neck, breathing in her comforting scent. As she pulls back, the smell of burnt fur greets her once again.
"I just sent Pebble out, saw 'im leave. I'm still lookin for Coyote." As she speaks, she shifts her weight on her paws, uncomfortable. She can already feel burns and blisters begin to form on her pawpads, making it painful to stand. She'd have to find as many cats as she could before the fire steals away her ability to help them.

- @chicken -​



I'm on top of the world, 'ey, waiting on this for a while now, paying my dues to the dirt

" Nip! "

Pebble's screech cut through the smoke-choked air, relief bursting across his face as he raced toward her, back into the barn. The fire snarled all around them, heat pressing too close, too fierce, but he didn't care. She was family. Maybe... Maybe she had seen Ice and Mama Alder! Maybe they were okay! They had to be! " Nip! " he called again, bumping his cheek against hers, a desperate, affectionate gesture. At least one of them was here. But not safe, not yet. They needed to-

Oh. Oh, no. Oh, stars, no!

Pebble froze, horror slamming into him as he saw the scene unfold. His breath hitched, his paws rooted to the burning ground. " MAMA ALDER!! ICE!! " His scream ripped from his throat, raw and cracked. His fur bristled in terror as he tried to push forward, before the thick, searing air forced coughs to wrack his small body. Where was Ice?! Where was his sister?! Was she okay?! And Mama Alder, where was she?! Pebble squeezed his eyes shut, trying to fight the dizziness creeping in. The heat, the smoke, it clawed at his lungs, at his mind. But he couldn't... No, he wouldn't leave them.

Shaking, he turned back to Nip, gently butting his head against her, his eyes wide, wet with panic. " Y-you need to get out, Nip…! " His voice wavered, cracked as he stumbled over the words. " We both do…! " He glanced back, toward the fire, toward the last place he had seen them, the place they should have been escaping from. " Ice… and Mama Alder… they will… they have to-- " His voice broke, choked off by another ragged cough. Tears streaked down his smoke-stained face.
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@gorsepaw !!
Everything seemed to be going well one second, and then everything seemed to be going wrong the next. Cats started running in all directions, trying to gather as many as they could while they were leaving or in the heat of the moment, and panic quickly broke out. The chocolate-toned feline is quick to her paws as she stirs her mate, @beetle, up with urgent shakes.
"My moon, get up quickly! The barn is on fire!"
As soon as the black and white tom roused from his slumber, she would squint as she attempted to find the exit through the thick billows of smoke and roaring flames. A cough erupts from her from the exposure of smoke before seeing the subtle flicker of light as she motions them forth.
"That way! Let's gather who we can on the way..."
Glade would murmur towards her mate as she caught sight of @BRANDY, who is disoriented with fear and concern for her siblings. Her azure eyes dart around, trying to find the younger girl's sibling, but she is too overwhelmed by everything happening at once to notice them. The names are blending into screams as everyone calls for someone, either to be heard over the roaring fires or to be drowned out.

"Brandy! Follow us; the exit is just up ahead. We'll look for Dandelion and Whiskey."
The rosette tabby would respond as she hopes that the other would accept her offer to join her and Beetle to escape the barn before they searched for the siblings. They had a limited amount of time, so she had to try her hardest to help everyone she could get out of the barn before it collapsed on those who were left inside. There was no doubt that there would be injuries, which increased her worry about getting everyone out safely. Once they reached the exit, Glade would touch her nose to Beetle's to assure that she was fine and to check on him as well. She darts back into the barn as she glances around the roaring flames to catch sight of either of Brandy's siblings, her ears twitching as she hears Dandelion's and attempts to find him.
"Whiskey! Dandelion!"
The she-cat would call out as she catches a glimpse of @WHISKEY and makes her way over as she does her best to evade falling debris and the flames.
"Wh - cough - Whiskey! Follow me!"

interacting with @BRANDY , @beetle and @WHISKEY

Status: Confused, Worried

She sleeps in the dirt outside, comfort taken in a hole in the ground compared to the instead of a stuffy barn. So Miley is not immediately aware of the events that are transpiring inside, for she is dead to the world in a hole she had dug the night before, half buried in the dirt. It isn't until someone kicks her that she wakes with a rush, the scent of smoke reaching her more sensitive nose. The cat that kicked her had actually tripped, sprawled on the ground in front of her before scrambling to their feet, screaming about a FIRE before running towards the barn. The barn that she can just barely see isn't dark like it's meant to be at night. It's orange, and bright enough that even she can see it. A fire….The barns on fire… Sucking in a breath she frantically looks around for her sister. Her sister that she couldn't see in the dark. "Lucille! Sister!" Scrambling out of the dirt, the small molly dashes around. Her sight in this instance is a hindrance, all she can make out are blurry shapes against a backdrop of fire.

"Has anyone seen my sister?!? Please!" She asks any cat who will listen. She wants to help, rush into the barn, save who she can. But she knows she is just a hindrance with her eyes, she'd get herself or someone else killed. Instead she has to find her sister. "Where are you!" Miley screeches at the top of her lungs, frantic energy making it hard to focus, smoke making her already bad vision worse. She wouldn't find her sister at this rate. Lucille could be dead and she wouldn't know it. Tears leaked from her eyes as she could only stand there despondent, barely there hope that her sister would appear out of the gloom or someone will have seen her, safe, outside of the barn. "Please….Don't leave me…." Without her she doesn't know what she would do.

  • OOC:
    Looking for @LUCILLE
  • Miley
    - Black/Cinnamon Chimera w/ high white ꩜ She/Her ꩜ Barncat ꩜ Penned by Snowy ꩜ 24 moons
    ꩜ Contact TimelordSnowy on Discord for plotting



Cold should have gotten out when he heard the shouting start.

He'd had every chance after all– was right there by the doors because he liked to know who was coming and going while the rest of the group was asleep and vulnerable– but his paws had refused to budge toward the open doors, hesitating. He couldn't leave yet.

Not when he could see cats still trapped up in the loft where the flames were bringing parts of the rafters down.

'Dandelions up there!'

Another deafening crack as more of the rafters go down, and while Cold couldn't see him, there was no mistaking the scream that rose above the roaring fire.

It was a cocktail of adrenaline and fear that had him moving after that, charging deeper into the barn and leaping for a smoldering post that he all but clawed his way up to reach the loft above. The heat was overwhelming, the smoke suffocating– but he could hear the quiet cries and choked off breaths of the other cat, and that proof of life was enough for him to press on.

"Dandelion!" he choked out between coughs as he caught sight of them at last, pinned beneath a chunk of smoldering debri.

He wanted to tell them it would be okay, that he wouldn't leave them there to die alone in a fire no matter what happened, but he'd hardly been able to force their name out without falling into a coughing fit. So instead, he threw his weight against the beam with everything he had, summoning every ounce of strength in his legs and shoulders to try and budge the fallen beam even just an inch- enough for the other cat to claw their way free.

He'd either get Dandelion out or he wouldn't, but either way he wasn't leaving them here to die alone. If death wanted to take someone else from Cold, they'd have to burn him to fucking ash first.

OOC- @Dandelion

barn cat/future windclan- 7 months - male - an athletic gray tabby with yellow eyes

It's a rude awakening, being surrounded by smoke and fire. Harefoot's ears move this way and that, far too much noise, too much– everything, too much of everything. He'd been sleeping near Dawn, but in the smoke and haze, he can hardly spot her, but he hears her– before he can act, she is scrambling out, and he follows on her tail, ready to pull her back should a piece of the wooden beams above them fall. It is because of this, perhaps, that he does not notice the ache in his lungs, the weariness of his bones, or the piece of wood that falls directly above him.

By the time he does notice, it's too late. The beam falls, hits him, flattens him– it hurts. But it doesn't burn. Not yet. But as he looks to his left, he sees the fire licking at the edge of the wooden beam, crawling towards him–

"Help," he croaks out, "help!"

// ooc: planned rescue by @BUCK
  • Love
Reactions: Hollow
Voices were clamoring everywhere. Faces familiar, old and young, stumbled out of the barn and into the outdoors. Expressions of raw fear paint their features, as they all reeled from the shock of having their carefree and quiet barn cat lives abruptly shattered into pieces. The chocolate tabby tom assisted in ushering out some of the weaker residents who were either impaired by physical condition or by smoke inhalation. His lungs were starting to burn, too, a couple of hacks sputtering from his maw the more he stood near the entrance of the fiery structure.

The gut-wrenching sound of crackling wood, followed by a loud crash and a call for help. That voice was familiar — Harefoot! Buck abandons fear, willing himself to swallow it completely in the name of courage, and charges into the plume of dark smoke. Fire was unforgiving and all-consuming, and it certainly would not spare him any mercy should its bright tendrils sear against his fur, but Harefoot was in trouble.

It's difficult to see amidst this chaos, but Buck eventually finds the fuzzy outline of a figure struggling beneath a wooden plank. "Hold on, I got you!" Buck shouts above the roar of flames. He springs into action, wedging himself underneath an opening and bunching his muscles. The plank yields to his strength, just barely enough for the trapped tom to slip free, though he knows he cannot hold this position for much longer. His legs tremble, the debris in the air having begun to take a toll on his body. "Move! Hurry!" Buck barked the orders in Harefoot's direction. Even if he'd gotten hurt, if he could at least get out from underneath then Buck could help him toward safety.

Descriptions of fire and injury.

And I wonder what its gonna take
And you wonder if it's all a waste.


The sharp scent of smoke hit her nose before her eyes even opened. At first, Meadow thought she was dreaming—imagining the crackling and the far off shouts. Then something jabbed sharply into her ribs, startling her awake.

Her eyes flew open, blinking blearily up at Mama's frantic face. Meadow tried to breathe, but the air burned going down. She shot upright from her nest in the loft, coughing violently, heart pounding in her chest. Below, the barn glowed with orange light, shadows dancing wildly across hay-strewn walls. Cats were yowling—a panicked, horrible song in her ears.

"Mama?" She whimpered, squinting against the heat that rose. The hay around them was catching now, flames licking toward the beams above. Eyes stinging, floorboards warming beneath her paws. She followed, unable to tear her eyes away from the horror even as Mama yelled at her for being slow.

A pit hallowed itself into her heart as she thought of Nutmeg—of Sparrow and Chick—Pea—Ashen—and so many more that she cared for. Were they safe? Or were they in the fire somewhere? Scared? Hurt?

Then the answer came—a cry, half-swallowed by the uproar of the fire. Ashen. She knew his voice, even through the chaos. Engraved into her memory from how often he'd berated her. Were they friends? Had either of them really given the other a chance to get close? Meadow had kept him like a secret, as she did with all the cats she liked. She climbed trees to fetch feathers for him, waged war against the chickens on his behalf, popped around corners just to get a rise out of him.

And now, he needed her for a different reason. Meadow froze, ears swiveling, chest tight as she tried to track him through the noise. Her mother spun on her, teeth bared, growling for her to move. Meadow yelped as teeth dug into her scruff, dragging her toward an open window.

If it had been anyone else lost in the fire, someone she didn't know—Meadow might have listened. She never disobeyed before. She always tried so hard to be good—to avoid her Mama's anger and disdain. Meadow crawled after the orange molly looking for crumbs of praise and flickers of approval—rare things, unlike Nutmeg's warmth, which was given so freely.

She wasn't brave like Meggie. She didn't want to make Mama mad. Didn't want to upset her. Mama often used Nutmeg as a cautionary tale—An ungrateful disappointment that she regret ever bearing. Not like her Meadow. Mama would raise her right.

But… Meadow loved her sister. Nutmeg was kind, and brave. Everything Meadow wished she could be and feared becoming, because she was terrified of losing them both. If she behaved—if she toe'd the line—she could keep the little things. The tiny, fleeting moments where her mother was warm and doting. Going on adventures with Meggie. The times when they didn't fight. It was enough… Meadow didn't dare ask for more, not ever.

She would be good and quiet and keep her secrets. But... this was different. Meadow couldn't leave her friend to burn.

"He needs help!" Meadow cried, trying to twist away. "Mama please! We have to—" Her heart battered against her ribs. She was scared—of the fire, of her mother's voice, of the consequences she was sure to face for defying. But something took over.

"Let go!" She thrashed against a firm grip. Harsh words muffled into her fur, telling her to leave it—to leave him. Meadow ripped free and tore away into the smoke before she could be grabbed again. Her Mama's frantic voice chased after her. But she couldn't listen, not this time.

The barn roared around her, swallowing furious cries as Meadow plunged deeper into the fire. Meadow coughed as the smoke curled into her lungs. "Where are you?!" The smoke wrapped around her from all sides. Every breath was painful, the inside of her throat feeling raw, scratchy. She coughed again and again, dry and cracking.

Her green eyes caught movement in the haze. Meadow didn't know where her courage came from—or how it boiled to the surface despite the terror strangling her heart. She leapt down from the loft, sharp pain shooting through her limbs as she struck the hard straw straw-strewn floor. The heat slammed into her like a wall—searing her face, smothering her senses. She yelped as sparks singed her fur, the flames closing in on all sides.

But she saw him. There was hope. She could see Ashen now—soot-smudged and wide-eyed, wilted into a corner. "We have to go!" Meadow cried hoarsely as she rushed to his side.

Above them, the wood groaned and splintered. The barn was falling apart. The wood groaned, sharp cracking rattling through the building as something gave. Instinct took over, and with all her strength she shoved him, sending the tom tumbling away just as a large beam crashed between them.

Hot sparks and fragments of wood rained over her. Something blindingly hot struck her flank—her leg—and she shrieked, twisting away. Meadow stumbled back, squinting through the flames to make sure he'd made it.

"Ashen!" She gasped, fighting to find her words between shallow breaths. "Go! I'll—I'll find—just go!" She stumbled in the opposite direction, her head feeling thick. The pounding in her throat dulled the pain, just barely.

I have to get out.

Hot. Hotter than anything she'd ever known. Moving felt wrong now. The scent of burnt fur mingled with that of charred wood. Meadow didn't dare look and instead staggered forward. Her vision was swimming. The barn was unrecognizable—The nooks and hay bales that she once played in, consumed, melted away, soon to be ash. She couldn't see the loft. Couldn't see how to get out.

"M-Mama! Meggie!" Meadow called out softly, her voice lost in the flames. Her eyes streamed, stinging as the heat battered her from all sides. The more she dragged her paws trying to find an escape, the heavier they felt. She tried so hard to make sense of where she was, to find something familiar. But the smoke clogged everything. It was in her nose, her throat, her eyes, and chest. She couldn't breathe.

The tortie hacked violently, choking for air. Somewhere in the flames, something else gave, splintering as it struck the ground. Her paws folded, body scraping the scorched floor. She tried to lift her head, eyes fluttering as she tried to keep her consciousness afloat. Just a little farther... There had to be a way out somewhere.

And then—nothing.

OOC- Preplanned plot with @ASHEN and @NUTMEG

Speech, thoughts/emphasis

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My broken wings dream of the sky
and they'll never be able to fly,

CHICKENSCRATCH, She/Her / 50 moons / Future Skyclan Warrior
Long hair Amber 'blue' molly with flame point / short hair cream tabby chimera with golden eyes
Daughter of HOOT, Sibling of OWL(BEAR)
Super chill and a good listener, tends to look on the bright side wherever possible (maybe even a bit too much), almost always gives other cats silly nicknames so prepare yourself
Tagging [@]

Dread set in immediately within the barn cat community, some of those that were awake and lucid enough had bolted immediately upon getting a whiff of the smell of smoke and flame unbound from the tiny glass container that the farm-folk twolegs liked to use— Buck's warning and thereby call to action kicked many more cats into gear. Further into the barn itself, Chickenscratch among them calling out a similar warning shortly after. "FIRE! GEDDUP, OUTTA THE BARN ALL'A YA!" This was no time to mess around, this was deeply serious. Being faced with the uncontrollable disaster of hungry flames— even Chickenscratch's seemingly endless optimism had its limits.

Chickenscratch had to be quick, find a path to guide the young, the frail and afraid. "C'mon, c'mon, out, out, out! Follow my voice!" She instructed, nabbing some smaller cats away from falling beams and debris as she made sure they could get out in front of her first. With those immediately around her at the start of the disaster out of harm's way, her thoughts turned to looking for others that needed proper rescuing; but the sight of others such as Dusty, Merry and Goldy working hard to do so gave her some small bit of hope that as many cats could get out of this okay.

This allowed her to look around to see if her own kin were anywhere to be seen, her Poppa Hoot, her sister Owl and Owl's mate Daz, where were they? "Poppa! Owlybird! Dazzley!" She coughed, not able to see any of them, nor could she look any further as a chunk of wood off of a side wall cracked and whacked her in one of her front paws so suddenly that she stumbled and sprained her ankle. "Oh, no, no, no, no-!" She strained to get up and move. "M-my family, my kin! Help, I need to save them—" What use would she be like this in finding her family if she couldn't move properly, nor quick enough, and potentially slow them down? For all she knew they had already gotten out... Even so, she had to know for sure, she had to check, she had to risk it. She had to risk herself, right? Would they forgive her if she did that for them?

Ultimately, she would not be able to act on this, as in the moment she thought it over, a younger cat came whizzing by near her, calling out to her, they had heard her plea for help...

OOC NOTE: If anyone would like for their cat to have been guided by Chickenscratch earlier on in the disaster as their way of escape, feel free to do so!

Only if we never try...
On my
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Well I'm still here...
They can't tell me who to be... Cuz I'm not what they see—


COMET(TAIL), He/Him / 6 moons / Barn Cat (Future Windclan Apprentice)
Short fur black self tom with low white and fluffy tail + ginger somatic mutation in tail, bright yellow eyes
Doesn't typically sit still, Quick on his paws and with his wits, Mischievous and a bit of a prankster but not unkind
Tagging [@]

Earlier on, well before any chaos had occurred, Comet just was outside, not too far from the barn, choosing to play around with his old ball. He was just bapping it around absentmindedly for a bit thinking his little thoughts.

Comet had to admit, it was actually kind of fun, the whole being at the barn thing. It wasn't perfect since his father, mother, uncle and sister weren't here, but Eclipse was here! That certainly counted for something in Comet's eyes and he would never shy away from saying as much. In some way it was calming that the brothers stuck together, and even if Comet had no idea how to put it, he felt that Eclipse needed him in a lot of ways.

Now more than ever, actually.

It only took a second, and all hell broke loose. Comet heard the panic before he saw it as lots and lots of cats started streaming out of the barn screaming about a fire... "F-fire..!?" Comet dropped his toy immediately and bolted towards the barn, weaving through other cats that were coming out as fast as he could. He saw a few familiar faces managing to get out, but one in particular he hadn't yet seen...

"Eclipse?!" Comet yowled. "ECLIPSE! Where are you?!" He whirled around passing cracked bundles of wood, seeing cats rescuing each other, frantically seeking his brother until he heard the familiar voice of miss Chickenscratch calling for help! Scurried over to her and saw that she was hurt. "Oh no, oh no—" Comet panicked, looking around once more for Eclipse with no luck. He couldn't see anyone coming to help miss Chickenscratch either so he decided to do what little he could, supporting at least one of her legs with his own body. "I-I can help!" He squeaked, managing to get Chickenscratch away from the barn as others also managed to drag out more injured cats themselves.

Eclipse was not among them, and now that he had seen Chickenscratch, Comet also noticed that Owl, Daz and Hoot weren't accounted for either... Chickenscratch was injured, and Comet had only now realized that the call for help wasn't just for her, it was for them too. "I-I'm sorry- I— I'll- I'll find them! I'll find them I promise!" Comet mewed, leaving little room for protest as he bolted away again after Chickenscratch momentarily layed down, she was only a fraction too slow to stop him...

Getting back towards the barn was a risk, a risk that Comet had to take. Making his way back in, he took a slightly different path and heard the voices of Owl and Daz just after a beam fell off to the side near them. "O-owl, Daz!" He cried, tears welling in his eyes both due to the desperation to find his brother as well as the smoke getting worse. "Miss Chickenscratch— I helped her outside, where's sir Hoot? D-did he get out, is he ok?" He sputtered. "I can't find Eclipse either! please, I need to find him, he needs me!" He begged, looking up at the older cats for guidance, then now remembering that Owl was pregnant. "Ohggh.." He looked between Owl and Daz and into the barn as it got worse. "I can bring miss Owl out, I know the way! But my brother, I-" He sniffled. "P-please Daz, please find Eclipse.. I can't lose him, please...!"

[ Interacting with @owlbear & @DAZ ]​

Yeah the world is still sleepin' when I keep on dreamin' for me,
And their words are just whispers and lies that I'll never believe!
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ECLIPSE(SHADE) // 06 moons // Future Windclanner // He/They // #ff9e42
A scruffy long-furred tortoiseshell tom with low white, large ears and sky blue and soft yellow heterochromia eyes
Son of ASTRO and NEBULA, sibling to TWINKLE and COMET
A young cat with a bit of an attitude, sometimes snarky but also loves to explore and fascinated with the stars.

Everything had happened so quickly.

One moment he was fast asleep in a pile of warm hay and then the next the hay was no longer just warm-- It was ablaze! Eclipse had been quick to scramble to his paws and rush away from the hay, but by the time he was up on his feet and finally aware of what was going on around him it seemed as though every way he looked there were flames. Ear flattened back against his skull as the fur along his spine pricked in pure fear and terror, his dual coloured eyes darting this way and that searching desperately for a way out, but no way seemed clear. In a panic the young tom would fling himself towards one of the vertical wooden beams that usually kept the barns' roof up, now though it was teetering slightly, cracking and creaking and clearly already suffering from the effects the blaze was having on the barn as a whole. Eclipse would claw his way up the wood as quickly as he could to try and get himself higher then the flames-- The fire was eating its way up the barn anyway but in his panic the tortoiseshell wasn't thinking about that yet and saw it currently as his only means of escaping the flames.

Eclipse would cling to the splintering wood for dear life as he watched the flames below slowly creep up the beam after him, fire was everywhere and the heat and smoke from it all was making him wheeze as his eyes watered. His brother. Where was his brother!? Had Comet made it out already? He hadn't been beside him where the duo usually slept when Eclipse had first woken up... Was he already...? No, no he couldn't be! "COMET!?" He screeched out, trying to have his cries be heard over the roaring of the flames and panic of the other cats who were also fleeing the blaze. Eclipse was in no position to help his brother if he truly was in any danger as well but all rational thought had left the young cat as he clung to the wood in frozen fear, his chest heaving in panicked breaths and his eyes wide with terror as he tried to search what was left of the barn for his brother.

"Comet where are you!?" Every ounce of pride, ego and attitude he usually had had left Eclipse for now, he wasn't too stubborn to flee the barn he was too afraid to move at all!

Ooc- Calling out for @Comettail Open to being rescued by others though! Especially @DAZ (If you would like of course!) If anyone else is potentially wanting to save please feel free or maybe shoot your idea my way in my discord channel in the personal purrgy server!
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HOOT(WHISKER), 125 Moons // Barncat // He/They // #ffebcd
Chocolate spotted tabby with pronounced countershading and golden eyes.
Gruff and a little on the grumpy side around cats he's not familiar with. Big family man, adores his kids! Loves to tell stories and teach younger cats especially kits all he can. Might talk your ears off though. Some of his stories might be a little exaggerated but no cat is old enough to debunk them!

Hoot woke slowly from his favourite spot up atop the high wooden beam of the barn. The same spot Owl had said he shouldn't be up on the last time they caught him dozing off here. There were so many noises, cats screeching and crying out for one another as they fled the barns walls, the loud roaring and crackling as flames greedily ate away at everything they could touch before dancing on to the next scrap of the barn they could engulf next. Wheezing from all the heat and smoke the old tom got to his large paws and peered down, the way down seemed to twist and turn in his vision, rippling from the heat waves cause by the flames. He didn't have time to wait for things to stop spinning though.

As carefully as he could manage the broad shouldered tabby tom would pick his way down the wood that now groaned and creaked wearily under his weight, he was most of the way down without any incident when he tried to leap for the ground below like he always did, everything seemed as though it was still moving though and no amount of trying to squint to see properly through the haze of smoke made it any clearer. He made for the jump anyway and landed hard, his big paws skidding across the hot floor of the barn as he hit his shoulder and landed on his side instead, for the first time in his life he failed to land the jump when getting down from his favourite spot! He always landed that jump... There was no time to linger on that though and despite the heavy fall the old tom still heaved himself back up onto his paws, wheezing and coughing up a storm now.

Maneuvering his way through the barn he'd head towards the entrance instinctively but his stubborn soul wasn't going to allow him to step a paw outside this structure without being certain that all of his family had made it out first, no matter how close it was to all of it collapsing. Thankfully he would soon come across Daz and Owl and wee little Comet that he'd met before as well-- Though his brother didn't seem to be with him now. Hoot was happy to overhear though that Chickenscratch seemed to already be outside and mostly safe, "Little feather- And you too Daz! You both had better get your tails outta this barn this instant!" The old tom tried to bellow out but his wheezing for clear air and proper breath wouldn't allow for it, instead coming out much more mellowed but still determined all the same-- No flame could snuff out his determination to keep all of his family safe.

But little Comet seemed frantic too, he had helped Chickenscratch out but was still looking for his brother and pleaded for Daz to help find him, offering to help lead Owl out safely in return. Hoot would let out a heavy breath through his nose before twitching his long feathery whiskers into a smile to Comet. If the young cat was being truthful-- And he had no reason not to believe otherwise, then he had helped keep one of Hoot's kin safe and was offering to do the same for another. The least the old man could do was make sure his brother made it out safely too. He had a big attitude for a little cat but he was still young and Hoot didn't want to see any young cat become a victim to these flames.

With a look to Daz that unspokenly said he had better make it out alive for Owl's sake, if he chose to follow- The old tom would then turn to head back further into the barn. "Get yourself and Owl to safety and stay there young lad, we'll get your brother out, y'hear me? We'll be right behind ya soon enough" He'd glance back to Owl with a comforting and confident smile, full of all the spark of bravery and adventure he'd had so often especially in his younger moons. He wanted her to go ahead with leaving the barn now and knew they wouldn't do that if he showed his true fear. "I promise"

Ooc- @owlbear @Comettail @DAZ Hoot can aide in helping Eclipse but can't be the one to actually rescue him due to a preplanned plot !

Everything seems to happen at once, too fast for Owl to keep up with. Daz, her Daz– he appears beside her, gentle and steady, safe for now.

"You're here," she says, softly, nodding.

Daz continues, urging her to get out of there– he'll find her family. She knows he's right, that she should get out of there, but it's… it's her family. How could she leave them…? It's then that a little Comet appears, with news and pleas of his own. Chickenscratch is outside, thank god, but her dad– where is Hoot? Out of seemingly nowhere, her father appears, and she goes to him, brushing her face against his shoulder.

"You old fool! Were you sleeping up in the attic again? I was worried sick!" She sniffles, part tears of worry, part smoke stinging her eyes.

All of her family is safe, thankfully.. now they just have to get out. But then their father speaks, and the worry is right back, gripping her heart like a hawk's claws.

"No!" She cries, "no, dad, you can't…!"

But he will. They know he will. She can't stop him, and Daz… she can't stop Daz either. She knows, she knows she has to get out, she has to think of her kits, their kits. She swallows roughly, meeting her father's eyes, seeing the determination in them. Turning to Daz, she presses her muzzles to his cheek.

"Don't you dare leave me now, Daz," she whispers. "Don't you dare."

She lingers for just a moment, then moves to Comet's side, curling her tail around him to keep him close as they make their way out of the barn.

Somehow in the middle of all the chaos Ashen had ended up separated from his mom. He was scared, terrified and it was difficult to see through all of the smoke.
" Mom!, momma where are you?!."
He cried out after his mom who he no longer could see anywhere. The two had been together just a moment ago! but Ashen had fallen behind as the two had run for thier lives and now...he was all alone. Ashen was about to call out for his mom again when fire from the roof above fell right in front of his nose. With a startled shriek the kit stumbled back until his back hit the wall. In fear he crouched down to the floor and shivered, trembling in fear as he got paralyzed, unable to move. Momma was gonna come for him!. She would save him!.

" Where are you?!. "
A voice?!, it had to be momma!. Through tearful eyes Ashen's hope got restored.
" Momma i'm here!!, momma!!."
he cried out and sniffled only to find a spotty cat running towards him in the flames and not his cinder pelted mom...Disappointment were not afford to feel in that very moment as he called out that recognizable face.
" Mallow!! Mallow help me!!."
He of course nailed it on calling out the right name in this dreadful and horrible situation, as expected from Ashen.

He would nod his head to her instructions that they needed to move like right now! - more then ready to run to safety but he failed to see the danger above and suddenly he got pushed right out of the way as more flames got crashed down at the very spot he had been just a second ago. Ashen's fur stood up on his back in terror as he realized how close he had been to get burned to crisp. He stared wide-eyed into the flames briefly paralyzed before Meadow's voice forced itself into his head. Blinking he snapped back and this overwhelming feeling of panic and fear kicked in at the same time clouding all rationality. She...did not need to repeat herself, with a cry of fear Ashen was back up on his paws again and run not even thinking twice about it as he left Meadow behind in the flames without even looking back....He was running for his life away from the danger of fire to escape out from the barn that once had been his sanctuary and out into the unkown world he never once had dared to cross before.

He reached outside without a second thought before stumbling and crashing into the ground. He could barely breath as he cought for air, some of the smoke having got stuck inside his lungs.
" Ashen! oh Ashen my baby boy you're safe!."
His mom was quick to arrive at his side to hold him into her embrace and it was then he broke down into tears as he just started to cry, only thinking about what he just gone through and the comfort he desparately needed from his mom. Meadow in that very moment was not on his mind at all.

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