The sharp scent of smoke hit her nose before her eyes even opened. At first, Meadow thought she was dreaming—imagining the crackling and the far off shouts. Then something jabbed sharply into her ribs, startling her awake.
Her eyes flew open, blinking blearily up at Mama's frantic face. Meadow tried to breathe, but the air burned going down. She shot upright from her nest in the loft, coughing violently, heart pounding in her chest. Below, the barn glowed with orange light, shadows dancing wildly across hay-strewn walls. Cats were yowling—a panicked, horrible song in her ears.
"Mama?" She whimpered, squinting against the heat that rose. The hay around them was catching now, flames licking toward the beams above. Eyes stinging, floorboards warming beneath her paws. She followed, unable to tear her eyes away from the horror even as Mama yelled at her for being slow.
A pit hallowed itself into her heart as she thought of Nutmeg—of Sparrow and Chick—Pea—Ashen—and so many more that she cared for. Were they safe? Or were they in the fire somewhere? Scared? Hurt?
Then the answer came—a cry, half-swallowed by the uproar of the fire.
Ashen. She knew his voice, even through the chaos. Engraved into her memory from how often he'd berated her. Were they friends? Had either of them really given the other a chance to get close? Meadow had kept him like a secret, as she did with all the cats she liked. She climbed trees to fetch feathers for him, waged war against the chickens on his behalf, popped around corners just to get a rise out of him.
And now, he needed her for a different reason. Meadow froze, ears swiveling, chest tight as she tried to track him through the noise. Her mother spun on her, teeth bared, growling for her to move. Meadow yelped as teeth dug into her scruff, dragging her toward an open window.
If it had been anyone else lost in the fire, someone she didn't know—Meadow might have listened. She never disobeyed before. She always tried so hard to be good—to avoid her Mama's anger and disdain. Meadow crawled after the orange molly looking for crumbs of praise and flickers of approval—rare things, unlike Nutmeg's warmth, which was given so freely.
She wasn't brave like Meggie. She didn't want to make Mama mad. Didn't want to upset her. Mama often used Nutmeg as a cautionary tale—An ungrateful disappointment that she regret ever bearing. Not like her Meadow. Mama would raise her right.
But… Meadow
loved her sister. Nutmeg was kind, and brave. Everything Meadow wished she could be and feared becoming, because she was terrified of losing them both. If she behaved—if she toe'd the line—she could keep the little things. The tiny, fleeting moments where her mother was warm and doting. Going on adventures with Meggie. The times when they didn't fight. It was enough… Meadow didn't dare ask for more, not ever.
She would be good and quiet and keep her secrets. But... this was different. Meadow couldn't leave her friend to burn.
"He needs help!" Meadow cried, trying to twist away.
"Mama please! We have to—" Her heart battered against her ribs. She was scared—of the fire, of her mother's voice, of the consequences she was sure to face for defying. But something took over.
"Let go!" She thrashed against a firm grip. Harsh words muffled into her fur, telling her to leave it—to leave him. Meadow ripped free and tore away into the smoke before she could be grabbed again. Her Mama's frantic voice chased after her. But she couldn't listen, not this time.
The barn roared around her, swallowing furious cries as Meadow plunged deeper into the fire. Meadow coughed as the smoke curled into her lungs.
"Where are you?!" The smoke wrapped around her from all sides. Every breath was painful, the inside of her throat feeling raw, scratchy. She coughed again and again, dry and cracking.
Her green eyes caught movement in the haze. Meadow didn't know where her courage came from—or how it boiled to the surface despite the terror strangling her heart. She leapt down from the loft, sharp pain shooting through her limbs as she struck the hard straw straw-strewn floor. The heat slammed into her like a wall—searing her face, smothering her senses. She yelped as sparks singed her fur, the flames closing in on all sides.
But she saw him. There was hope. She could see Ashen now—soot-smudged and wide-eyed, wilted into a corner.
"We have to go!" Meadow cried hoarsely as she rushed to his side.
Above them, the wood groaned and splintered. The barn was falling apart. The wood groaned, sharp cracking rattling through the building as something gave. Instinct took over, and with all her strength she shoved him, sending the tom tumbling away just as a large beam crashed between them.
Hot sparks and fragments of wood rained over her. Something blindingly hot struck her flank—her leg—and she shrieked, twisting away. Meadow stumbled back, squinting through the flames to make sure he'd made it.
"Ashen!" She gasped, fighting to find her words between shallow breaths.
"Go! I'll—I'll find—just go!" She stumbled in the opposite direction, her head feeling thick. The pounding in her throat dulled the pain, just barely.
I have to get out.
Hot. Hotter than anything she'd ever known. Moving felt wrong now. The scent of burnt fur mingled with that of charred wood. Meadow didn't dare look and instead staggered forward. Her vision was swimming. The barn was unrecognizable—The nooks and hay bales that she once played in, consumed, melted away, soon to be ash. She couldn't see the loft. Couldn't see how to get out.
"M-Mama! Meggie!" Meadow called out softly, her voice lost in the flames. Her eyes streamed, stinging as the heat battered her from all sides. The more she dragged her paws trying to find an escape, the heavier they felt. She tried so hard to make sense of where she was, to find something familiar. But the smoke clogged everything. It was in her nose, her throat, her eyes, and chest. She couldn't breathe.
The tortie hacked violently, choking for air. Somewhere in the flames, something else gave, splintering as it struck the ground. Her paws folded, body scraping the scorched floor. She tried to lift her head, eyes fluttering as she tried to keep her consciousness afloat.
Just a little farther... There had to be a way out somewhere.
And then—nothing.