The Colony LINGER ON ☾ intro

This tag is specifically for The Colony prior to the clans forming. It can still be used for any backwritten plots!
ThunderClan Warrior
Played by

Leaves crunched under paws and the morning songbirds screeched at the presence of the tom prowling through the measly underbrush. This time of year he found it hard to find cover between the now shed bushes. He glanced at the small group ahead of him. Being tasked with hunting wasn't a problem. It was being tasked to do it with others. He ignored the pleasantries they had swapped before this trek, and could see pelts bristling as he brushed it off. He wasn't here to make friends. He was here for survival.

Since Owl was young, survival had been his only concern. He had been born "Henry" as a kittypet kit. His mother had allowed the twolegs to give him to another pair of twolegs, but they had abandoned him. While it had been a rough road to get to the point of skills he had now, he was grateful to the twolegs for abandoning him. He did not need them to live. He figured it out on his own perfectly fine. Now, though, he found it hard to find prey on his own while these other cats pranced through the woods. When they had offered him a place in their colony, he accepted only for the possibility of easy caught prey. He did not need companionship to live. Owl needed food, and that was what this patrol had been looking to find for the past half of day.

It was becoming a bleak prospect. Squirrels were beginning to sleep for the long winter, and the only birds left after migration were stringy small things. If only he could fi-

A rustling of leaves alerted him to a creature not far away from him. Owl opened his mouth and took in the airy scent of a mouse. Not substantial, but it was something. He shot a verdant glance back to the rest of the patrol and sunk into a hunting posture before slinking away to follow the mouse's scent. He pushed through bushes to see the small creature nibbling on acorn shards discarded by some squirrel a week ago. The tom bunched his hind muscles and sprung at the rodent, feeling it squirm under his paws before he ended its life. Its warm, coppery blood on his tongue was a welcomed reminder that there still was prey out in the forest. Owl turned his head back to the hunting patrol to see if they had any luck. This mouse might have had friends.

  • OWL
    COLONY CAT (future thunderclanner)
    50 moons, ages every 1st of the month
    open to peaceful interactions
    penned by muddly

  • ref will go here eventually
  • toyhouse

Squirrels were not Sable's strong suit, this he knew in every spiteful reminder he passed alongside the rest of this patrol. He could hear them chittering to one another, squabbling over for food. No different than squirrels, they would become.

"Nice mouse." The tuxedo's tail tip twitched against the ground as Owl emerged with his own success, Sable's barren paws speaking for his own. The only reason he had rode along was because this path would eventually diverge into where he hunted best among the shady cedars. "Sure it never saw you comin'. Hardly heard you myself." His tone lilted in jest towards Owl's silent steps.

  • "mew"
  • 85662181_DyROXBUrhtoDqES.png
    SABLE— he/him ・fifty-two moons ・colonist ; no clan ・penned by gonkpilled
    a black and white tuxedo with dark amber eyes
It was soooooooooooooooo cold! How anyone could expect the young girl to walk amidst the frost and decay was beyond her! Pretty paws drag, stubborn against the expectation of responsibility as she follows after the hunting patrol, sniffing the air with a pout. She wishes Geckos was here - her mamma would surely do all the hunting for her! She sighs, keeping her voice low only in an effort to avoid scaring away the prey...not that there was much to scare off.

Times were getting rougher. Before, Manzanita could count on Gecko doing all the hunting with Nitta doing all the eating...but with the shift in weather and the prey doing their best to avoid hungry mouths well...As spoiled as the bengal was, Manzanita wasn't going to let her mother do all the work.
Ever so, jealousy sputters to life in her chest as she narrowly avoids bumping into Sable, stepping back to see the only prey in what feels like the entire forest now hanging limply from Owl's maw.

Green eyes drift from the mouth to Sable, soaking in his compliment with irritable green eyes. Where her paws not quiet enough? She glances down at her predominantly white toes, scraping them against the too-hard ground with even more fire behind her eyes. "
How do you keep your paws so quiet when everything is so crunchy?
" she sighs loudly, scraping the frost-hardened ground with her claws.