"But... I like it here...?"
She sees it. A spark of disappointment in his eyes with the soft ebb of her words. Are they a sword, she wonders, driven into his heart until the hilt catches his ribcage? Worry puddles at her paws, as if she is the one bleeding.
"I can ask Momma. I can be a daylighter... like you!"
The cheery disposition yields nothing pure of her father. Instead, his morose silence morphs into a sharp quickness, fury all but stabbing his paws to the ground beneath him.
Her smile wanes. He departs for his twoleg home and after many silent moments, the child walks in the opposite direction.
"I just... don't get it!" Cygnetkit lounges partially over Rosekit's back, waiting for their mother to return from speaking with Hawkstar and the council. The night is dragging on, but the kittens - perhaps getting too old to be called that - wait for their mother's return still. "Did Crowsight talk to either of you?" She ruffles her fur against the chill that edges into the nursery, pressing even closer to Rosekit (if so is even possible.)
The child had returns and immediately launched into storytelling with her siblings, explaining her very recent encounter with their daylighter father. Call it ignorance or naivety, but the youth struggles to see why her father was so insistent on her moving to be a kittypet forevermore; why any of them would want to. Sure, life in the wilderness isn't easy (it seems every day, a new warrior is plucked from them and given back manhandled,) but isn't that half of the fun?
@Rosepaw @flowercloud @Noia