Backwritten love is a kaleidoscope // family

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be kind ☆
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"But... I like it here...?"

She sees it. A spark of disappointment in his eyes with the soft ebb of her words. Are they a sword, she wonders, driven into his heart until the hilt catches his ribcage? Worry puddles at her paws, as if she is the one bleeding.

"I can ask Momma. I can be a daylighter... like you!"

The cheery disposition yields nothing pure of her father. Instead, his morose silence morphs into a sharp quickness, fury all but stabbing his paws to the ground beneath him.

Her smile wanes. He departs for his twoleg home and after many silent moments, the child walks in the opposite direction.

"I just... don't get it!" Cygnetkit lounges partially over Rosekit's back, waiting for their mother to return from speaking with Hawkstar and the council. The night is dragging on, but the kittens - perhaps getting too old to be called that - wait for their mother's return still. "Did Crowsight talk to either of you?" She ruffles her fur against the chill that edges into the nursery, pressing even closer to Rosekit (if so is even possible.)

The child had returns and immediately launched into storytelling with her siblings, explaining her very recent encounter with their daylighter father. Call it ignorance or naivety, but the youth struggles to see why her father was so insistent on her moving to be a kittypet forevermore; why any of them would want to. Sure, life in the wilderness isn't easy (it seems every day, a new warrior is plucked from them and given back manhandled,) but isn't that half of the fun?

@Rosepaw @flowercloud @Noia
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Talk about what?
" The amber point emerged from hawkstars den, just merely hearing her daughters words. Green eyes hid pain, a twisting feeling in her chest as she caught Cygnetpaw speak about Crowsight talking to her. Could he have went against his forced agreement? There was subtle pain, a feeling she forced her paw. But she had to. He didn't deserve them, in her eyes. They deserved to be by her side, and it only came of guilt for not talking to them first-

But should she be forced to let go of her children? When the tom was never around? To her, he was a distant and emotionless. He missed their first steps, he failed to encourage and lift up, to come when they cried and searched for him. He failed to be the tom he once was, for warrior life was too hard for him- subjected to the easy life of a Kittypet. She held no distaste for them. Some worked hard for their keep- but he? He had failed to once his kits arrived.

He had continuously failed to be the supporting figure he once was. A sigh escaped her as the longfurred queen stepped forward, gently nudging her nose into each of her kits heads in greeting.
flowercloud ❀ 27 moons ❀ deputy ❀ she/her ❀ pinterest ❀ deidre
Oh, I can't stop feeling I want her love ♡

Rosekit gave a quiet huff as he was unceremoniously draped across as if he were bedding, he rolled his shoulders in annoyance to try and dislodge his sister to no avail so he simply lay there with his face in the nest and a scowl on his maw. "Maybe he figured you'd make a bad warrior and wanted to spare you the embarrassment." He remarked with a catty smile, lips curling to show his teeth as his paws kneaded under him and he wriggled in place before bucking to launch her off him onto the moss nearby as he stood, his head snapping up to see Flowercloud and he cheerfully trotted over to bump his head against his mother's as she checked on them.
"Dad tried to take Cygnetkit away to be a kittypet."The young chocolate tom explained without a sliver of hesitance, his expression one of innocent naivety over the exact circumstances, "But not me because I'm destined to be your deputy later when Hawkstar is gone." She would need someone loyal and dutiful and who was the best warrior and most assuredly it would be him when the time came. His apprenticeship would just be practicing for it.

But all my dreaming is not enough...

  • 75204847_CrnFZadkMepzPz0.png

    — Apprentice of SkyClan
    — He/Him
    — Chocolate Sepia Tabby w/low white & blue eyes.

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Over hill, over dale, through the valley and vale do not weep, do not wail, I am coming home to you

Teaselkit was quiet as they listened to their siblings chat with one another, their ear twitching once in thought as big eyes took in the two. They hadn't the problem Cygnet had gotten.. Or the others, perhaps. Whereas Crowsight had been somewhat present in the life of the other three, he hadn't paid much heed to the small kit that Teasel was. The kit didn't think much of it, believing that perhaps the wind just wasn't right that day. Or the sky didn't rub their father the right way. Or maybe even the feel of the two-leg carried over that day. Teaselkit just knew that the father that should be a father didn't spend as much time with them as they wanted. 'But that's okay, I think? I mean, if he doesn't want to... It's weird though... How dumb...' they thought, their head tilting a bit with a big frown to their face, obviously showing their displeasure with the whole situation and the words that Rosekit retorted to Cygnetkit.

They had wanted to have a dad to bump against and hear stories from, or... Or maybe even fight a bit... They supposed... Not too much, though! All that fighting just fluffed up their fur. A light sneeze came from them before they lifted their head when Flowercloud entered the den. A loud 'mrrrppp' of happiness resounded from the chocolate torby, eyes squinting momentarily in a content manner. It were all the signs that showed Flowercloud that young Teasel was more than happy to see her back with them.

Touching noses with their mother, they sneaked in a quick bump of the forehead against the maw before they turned to look at Rosekit, giving a small noise of disapproval. Cygnet would be a good warrior, surely! That was mean of their brother to say! Shaking their head, there was a soft huff given before moving a bit closer to Cygnetkit, gently letting their plumey tail brush against the other's back, a soft 'mrrp' and a bump of the head being given. If it was up to them, Cygnetkit wasn't going anywhere! They surely couldn't pull the lot of them away from each other, right? That was mean...

Worried mismatched hues found their mother's, almost as if questioning her whether that was true, whether their father would take one of them away to live the kittypet life... Surely that wouldn't happen, right?

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