PAFP Camp ShadowClan • ☁ Strangers pass by: red, green and gold. I wonder what they're all waiting for? • ☼ • Camp tour ☁ •

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This thread takes place inside the clan's camp.


When were we ever alone?
Shadowclan Kit
Played by
Pheo & Hawk | phoenixwashere
——————————————— Together, we'll make our way home ✦

The kitten couldn't deny she was curious about the newcomers. It wasn't unusual as of late for new kittens and apprentices to show up, it'd been frequent as of late really. Fleapaw's siblings from the mill stumbling to them - a miracle really - Monsterkit was found in the monster tree, and countless other young cats were found on the territory and welcomed into their home. Stoatkit wasn't upset at the prospect, it was comforting almost, she wasn't the strange new face admist cats who all knew each other it seemed. But Dream and Magpie? They were something new and entirely different being from another clan. Thunderclan. Stoatkit wasn't sure how to feel about the other clan, really, they'd hurt her friends and clanmates and it left a bitter taste in her mouth. But these two were kittens. They didn't have any fault in that, and some of the other cats seemed to put the blame onto these two, who had no paw in what the adults did.

She wasn't a fool, she noticed how differently cats treated others depending where they'd come from. Some tiptoed around the pair, knowing they were Sablestar's kits, other covered their mouths to talk about them because they were Thunderclan blood too. It was like how Fleapaw was treated; most of the clan was cruel and dismissive, but others tried to be kind to her, if only because she was beloved by Stoatkit and Timberfrost. That sentiment didn't sit right with Stoatkit.

She watched the pair; she always watched the other cats when she wasn't up to something. She could tell they felt lost, confused. Pondering as she kept a keen eye on the pair, how awful it might be to be taken from Shadowclan and dropped off back to wherever her mother was. Stoatkit cringed at the thought, something heavy clinging to her chest just at the idea. For that, she sighed, softening. Everyone else was busy, especially their father, but Stoatkit wasn't! She was just a little while off of being apprenticed but wasn't going to be given anything to do before then, so instead, she gave herself a task: befriend Magpie and Dream. It was scary being somewhere new with so many people they didn't know - she knew as much from experience - so maybe she could make it all a little less frightening.

The day was slightly warmer than it had been, with the rain and wind subsiding for a moment, and it was as good a time as any. So, dipping into the nursery, she approached the two kits, curled up near Timberfrost, who she met with a smile and a little tail that was held high excitedly. "Magpie, Dream, I know you've only just gotten here really. So..." The older kitten hummed, sitting in front of the both of them. "So you wanna walk around camp with me? I can show you around so you don't get lost while staying here!" She chirped, she glanced up to her father, he couldn't argue with it really, she was telling him where they were going to be and Stoatkit knew better than to let the leader's kits go anywhere they weren't meant to.

  • ooc - please let @lavs @Rai / @DREAMKIT @Magpiekit post first but after folks can join the camp tour too!!
  • Stoatkit
    ✦—Shadowclan kit | 5 Moons
    ✦—A slender white cat with faint lilac markings and blue eyes.
    ⤷ Written by Phoenix ☀️
He'll learn your face by heart
Purple eyes blinked open slowly, eyes squeezing shut before opening wide and his pupils widening into black discs as he recognized the other kitten he had seen when they arrived. Magpiekit was not blind to the looks, the young commentary on their forest scent, the murmurs that quieted to nothing when he was close enough. He didn't fully understand the divide, was it not enough that his father was leader? Or was that merely sparing him the worst of the strange sense of clan specific loyalty that was so pronounced here? Though perhaps it was present in ThunderClan as well, if so he'd never truly noticed it.

Stoatkit is pale as the snow once was now mostly melted, the ground becoming a slushy mess underpaw as greenery fought its way to the surface. She spoke with a voice that reminded him of feathers, soft, without weight, the words fluttering down onto his ears as he pinned them back in thought to the suggestion.
"I'd like that." He trilled, a paw raised to nudge into Dreamkit's side where he lay curled next to his brother, motioning for him to get up as well to join them. A small part of him felt silly for constantly wanting to stick next to the chocolate tabby, he knew it was foolish to be afraid that Dreamkit too may be taken away from him because there was nowhere really to take him other than back to ThunderClan; but he selfishly didn't want to risk it. Juniperstar's warm presence was gone, Asterkit's burbling wheezing noises no longer accompanied them on their play and while Timberfrost was nice enough and a perfect body to curl next to for the same kind of warmth he would've gotten in his mother's embrace it was not the same; he didn't have her rich evergreen scent, the sap of trees, the mist of morning dew, the forest smells had all but faded in the short time they'd been here. Magpiekit was afraid he'd forget the faces of those back in ThunderClan so he envisioned them in his head as he stared off into space, daydreaming in a way that made him look eerie at a glance, stupid in passing when he didn't respond to his name immediately. He didn't hate it here, but he didn't like the newness, the difference, the change, the shift - he longed for familiarity.
"Dreamkit, let's go look around."
In the flick of a feather, he flies to your side

— kitten of shadowclan
— He/They
— Solid black w/low white & blue-violet eyes.
— Has 'wobbly cat' syndrome.


A camp tour had been of no thought at the hour Magpiekit and Dreamkit had arrived to ShadowClan in. The distance traveled upon their paws alone was unfamiliar, exhausting, and taking in new sights and smells atop of it would have been cruel. Instead he had brought them right to rest in the safety of a Caretaker he knew to be capable, entrusting that their peers would take on the new kits. Stoatkit he was confident in offering a friendly space around them, and maybe Cherryblaze's kits, but he didn't believe their time in the nursery would be ostracizing. Not by those their own age.

"When you show them Cicadabuzz's den, make sure you don't touch anything you're not supposed to. Or be too loud." Sablestar warned mildly to Stoatkit, firm in preventing any repeat endeavors from Fleapaw's mess. It would be the leader responsible for picking up after the mess his own kits left behind, and he had far other important things to do, truthfully. Territory to cover, bickering to quell, kits to discover lying at his borders. He hardly had enough time to follow Smogmaw's story on these bones he had found! Ridiculous stories of otherworldly senses drawing him forth.

"And the prey pile is free for your reign when you're hungry." They had no supply of mouse, maybe Magiekit would find something to his liking and Dreamkit wouldn't miss the forest prey too much.

  • "mew"
  • 93443617_Wtqxz1yqB0cjEgA.png
    SABLESTAR— he/him ・fifty-four moons ・leader; shadowclan ・penned by gonkpilled
    a black and white tuxedo with dark amber eyes