Hierarchy was a newer concept to Wolfpack, not entirely unknown from the concept alone, but certainly not practiced. A cat who moved and lived alone had no need for things like rank. They were their own master, and the master of whatever they were strong enough to enforce their will on, be it cat, mouse, or territory.
But he could understand the need for something different here. It might be feasible to expect one cat to oversee and manage the actions and well-being of five or ten cats, but Shadowclan easily doubled that in size and Sable couldn't realistically be expected to have eyes and ears everywhere. There was too much to manage in a single day, and not even Wolfpack would have been keen on shouldering that kind of power if the exchange was his freedom or sanity. Anything the mottled tomcat did was for the sheer want of it– the second that desire left him, so too did his interest.
So he couldn't exactly fault his leader for wanting other cats to handle some of the workload for him. He couldn't say he was thrilled that Mothbite and Possumgrin were considered anything significant, but Smogmaws voice on the council was one he'd have an easier time listening to.
His own promotion to Deputy was surprising only in the sense that he hadn't known Sablestar was planning on taking one. Call it realistic thinking or just plain arrogance, but in Wolfs opinion there weren't many suitable cats to choose from to begin with. It meant his odds had been good from the beginning, but it wasn't something he'd been particularly concerned about. Power and influence had many was of being acquired– though he could admit he rather liked seeing his leader just hand it over to him like this.
Speaking of his lovely leader.
"Sablestar." he called, catching the tom as they were about to retire to their den for the night. "I wanted to speak with you– about my new position."
The explanation came as he made his way over, hoping the older tom didn't have a liable excuse to brush him off. This was actually kind of important.
"More specifically, I need clarification on certain things."
Things that would hopefully put them on the same page going forward.

lshadowclan deputy - male - a large, monochrome chimera with mismatched eyes and several scars