This thread takes place outside the clan's camp in its territory.


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{$title} introducing web, very windy conditions, set at dusk!
What bad weather to come here in. Her eyes remained trained on the ground, blinking sluggishly, barely able to shed tears before they were whisked backwards onto her cheeks. Everything she knew was ice cold. She could only focus on the rain that slicked back her wolf-wild fur. Even though her long ears were flattened against the gales, they howled full-force past the long unkempt tufts sprouting from them. If @GECKOFLAME was saying anything to Web, she wasn't able to answer, her voice turned into another breathing note on the wind.

The wet, shady forests, that's what that tom had told her. She'd obeyed, blindly, pressing into nature. It'd been calm at first, the low hum of an alive city still faint. Then the weather shifted, ozone was the only eternity, and she was gripping the ground to stay upright. Web never knew she stopped, crying like a newborn against the strength of the storm. It was as if the winter had flooded her brain, kept her thoughts hibernating as she followed the rosetted molly to wherever.

"Wh-" her mouth filled with air, whipping her words away. Where are we going? she was convinced she said, expecting the stranger to turn and answer her, but it was stolen greedily by the breeze.

The rapid pace of these winds whipped something fierce against his eyes and the tender skin of his nose and ears. It came on unexpectedly, like a wolf in the darkness leaping from it's depths. With it of course came rain and rumbling clouds that hung heavy across the sky like a canopy. It frustrated Sablestar to no end as he saw his Clan stumble about and struggle to adapt with the sudden weather. A total halt to their days schedules was not acceptable, and he would have to show them as such... once the incapable numbers of the Clan were assured to safety.

Webkit would go with the others to remain in the nursery until the storms passed and with any luck the Caregivers would be able to keep them all entertained well enough from feeling bold. "Can you keep going?" He looked back to see Webkit had suddenly stalled from her path behind Geckoflame. "You can do it! Use your claws if you must." Burnt amber eyes glanced around behind her, checking to see if any other kits got caught up in the sudden wind as well.

  • "mew"
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    SABLESTAR— he/him ・fifty-four moons ・leader; shadowclan ・penned by gonkpilled
    a black and white tuxedo with dark amber eyes

geckoflame had a litany of curses pouring from her maw, all of which are carried off by the violent gales that threatened to knock her off her paws. if she hated this place before, she loathed it even more now. hell, the only reason she was out here in the first place was to familiarize herself with the territory, trying —begrudgingly— to get used to the disgusting feeling of wet earth squelching beneath her paws. but of course, mother nature decided it would be funny to send a torrential downpour instead and make things even more miserable for her.

her gaze falls upon the small kit that had been toddling behind, noticing she had come to a sudden stop. web was a lone wanderer that geckoflame had stumbled upon before the start of this horrid weather and while the molly is no saint, she isn't cruel enough to leave the kid out here which is why they decided to bring her back to camp or atleast try to.

stars above, this was going to take forever.

geckoflame turned back with a frustrated sigh, trudging through the ever thickening muck with a what looked to be grimace before bending down and plucking this wild scrap of fur up by the scruff.
"c'mon kid, no time for dawdling."
her voice is hardly able to be heard above the wind. with ears forced back against her skull, she resumed this awful trek and tried to keep up with the rest.
𓆝 . ° ✦
Bluegale has found himself caught in a windstorm. What originally had been a pleasantly dim evening hunt had quickly devolved into almost intolerably windy conditions. The blue tomcat has the wherewithal to give it up and go home emptyhanded. It wounds his pride- he typically has fruitful hunts away from his clanmates- but there's no use in hunting when all the prey is seeking shelter and the wind is constantly whipping mud and marshwater into his eyes. It will take him long enough to groom all of this out of his coat before any of the other warriors would let him even step foot into shelter anyhow.

He turns to make the begruding trek back to camp when he spots Geckoflame ahead of him, and he picks up his pace to catch up to her. Safety in numbers, he recalls. "Geckoflame," he addresses the warrior, though his voice is nearly whipped away by the wind. He parts his jaws to speak to her again, but notices an unrecognizable clump of wild fur. "What have you got?" Bluegale asks loudly, though the wind that lashes them all probably carries his question away before it can reach Geckoflame. "Whatever, it doesn't matter," he says flatly, mostly to himself "Let's go back to camp together! Maybe it will help if we huddle close!" Bluegale suggests in a shout, stepping closer to practically yell in Geckoflame's ear. He hunkers close to the other warrior and presses onward towards camp.
° . . °
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    description goes here. here too.