Private Shipyard ✦ Searching

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Threads taking place in the abandoned shipyard.

Squid took on a little bit of pride, for the first time since they'd met. "That's the idea! I've never had someone manage to find me in here. It's perfectly safe, perfectly dry, and... warm enough."

It was all of those things, and her spine prickled a little at the thought. It really would be a shame if she had to leave it because she'd given the spot away. What if the big tom had been watching them? Maybe tomorrow she'd go scouting for a good backup.

He shrunk back a bit at Torrent's further questions. It was embarrassing, not being good at feeding himself. Admitting that kind of weakness, here in his home, made his stomach churn. Or maybe that was just how fast he'd scarfed down the fish. Still, she wasn't sure she could lie convincingly, and felt a little bad considering it. Surely she owed Torrent at least that much (really, much much more.) "Sometimes. It's not really all that bad if you let it dry a little." She cowered, and waited for Torrent to laugh.
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「 ✦ TORRENT ✦ 」
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‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ✦ At Squid's reaction, Torrent turned his attention towards them, confusion glittering in his gaze as they appeared to be self-conscious in their answer. finding other ways to survive in such grim conditions without fishing was definitely a skill to be proud of--certainly they felt the same way? Torrent wondered, whiskers twitching thoughtfully.

"Really?" He asked, surprised it was even edible. "You've got to be on to something; I want to try it!" Torrent insisted, turning his body to sniff the ocean-scented plant some more. "Are all plants edible?" He added, sticking his nose farther into the plants, tail swaying behind him as his mew grew muffled. "I tried chewing on some leaves once, but it made my mouth feel all funny."


✦ 5 Moons | He/Him | Shipyard Cat ✦
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"It's not very good. Fish is much better, when I can get it. Sometimes there are crab shells with bits of crab still inside. That's better than kelp too." Squid shrugged. "Harder to find, though. You have to break lots of shells before you can find any."

She paused to consider for a bit. "I don't know about other plants. I don't go inland too far, so I don't see that many. If it made your mouth feel funny, though, I probably wouldn't try eating it again. I wish there was someone we could ask."

For another moment, Squid grew quiet. "Still, it's not that much. I'm sure your place is much nicer."
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「 ✦ TORRENT ✦ 」
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‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ✦ Pulling his nose from the foliage, he continued to explore the den, his ears perked to catch his friend's chatter. After a moment, he settled down on his haunches, a few tail-lengths away from her. "I had no idea there was food inside of those things." Torrent meowed, eyes wide as he clearly was surprised at all the ideas Squid had thrown his way thus far. "Usually I just search for scraps if I can't catch a fish, but your ways are much more clever." He meowed, wrapping his tail neatly over his paws. He silently wondered if working together would make it easier to get by, his thoughts drifting back to the vision he had of sharing a home with cats he could trust.

He purred at their comment, licking a paw and dragging it over his ear embarrassedly. "Not really, your den is much more hidden; you could see mine from days away." Torrent joked, feeling suddenly energized as he leaped to his paws. "I could take you there now if you wanted!" He offered, his eyes shining in the dim light of the den.


✦ 5 Moons | He/Him | Shipyard Cat ✦

Squid felt a little relieved. Torrent had been decent, but it was still a little unnerving to have another cat in his den. She wasn't used to it at all. The excuse to get moving would be nice. "I'd love to see your den. Let's go."

She slipped around, waiting by the entrance for Torrent.
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「 ✦ TORRENT ✦ 」
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‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ✦ Excitement fizzed in the tom's paws. He couldn't believe he had spent so much time alone before meeting Squid, and he didn't dare think back to how uninspired he felt prior to meeting them. Torrent followed her happily out of the den, bumping noisily through the debris. He shook out his pelt as his paws reached outside, fluffing his thick fur against the biting chill that swept through the shipyard.

"It shouldn't take too long to get there." Torrent began, his gaze sweeping over the landscape as he sought to familiarize himself with the wreckage surrounding Squid's shelter. His eyes brightened as he spotted a recognizable landmark, and a wave of confidence washed over him as he recalled the route they had taken after their encounter with the large, hostile tom from earlier. He parted his jaws to continue, but before he could utter a word, a strange, acrid scent invaded his senses, causing him to freeze and scrunch his nose in distaste.

From beyond where they stood, the sounds of digging and scuffling echoed, and Torrent felt his fur begin to bristle along his spine. A heavy sense of dread settled over him as a large, disheveled hound lumbered around the remains of a boat, snout to the ground as it sniffed along the rocks and bits of wood and metal that scattered the floor. Torrent's eyes stretched wide, his body stiff and cold with fear. He pressed his side against Squid, attempting to gauge their attention, not daring to take his gaze off the dog. "We need to hide." Torrent hissed, his voice barley louder than a whisper. They could easily slip back into the den behind them, and wait for the dog to leave the area.

But his efforts were futile, as the large stray's ears lifted at the sound of his mew, and the dog's hungry gaze locked with his own.


✦ 5 Moons | He/Him | Shipyard Cat ✦
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Squid doesn't even have to think—she catches a whiff of dog, and she's running as fast as her legs can take her. It's every fear at once. Something has found her hideout, and now she's under attack. Still, the thought flashes through her mind. What about Torrent?

"Go up!, she yells, following her own advice. there's wreckage to leap up that will give them a bit more of a boost. If they're lucky, this dog won't know how to climb. "Hurry!"

That said, they peel off into the shipyard.
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「 ✦ TORRENT ✦ 」
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‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ✦ The dog erupted into a wild chase, its deep, thunderous barks echoing through the air as its massive paws sent sand flying in all directions. Its eyes sparkled with a wild thrill, and its tongue hung out, revealing sharp teeth that glistened dangerously in the sunlight. He felt Squid disappear from his side, and without hesitation, Torrent spun around to pursue her, a fresh wave of fear swelling within him. Following Squid's lead, he dashed through the shipyard, the dog's hot breath nipping at his heels. With a powerful leap, he ascended onto the towering wreckage, gripping a splintered wood plank that jutted out from the metal debris. The dog reared up on its hind legs, forcing Torrent to jerk his tail out of reach just in time to avoid its snapping jaws. Gasping for breath, Torrent strained to pull himself higher, but the plank suddenly shifted beneath him, threatening to send him tumbling down. The dog seemed to sense his struggle, barking more frequently as the plank shifted and slipped. Torrent's heart leaped, as he began to desperately paw at the surrounding debris, struggling to find a spot to dig his claws into. It wouldn't be long before he was crashing back into the dogs jaws.


✦ 5 Moons | He/Him | Shipyard Cat ✦

Squid could hear the creaking of the planks and the sudden increase in volume from the dog. She flashed a glance back over her shoulder, trying to figure out what was happening. Torrent was hanging from the edge of the wreck, barely clinging while the dog nipped at his heels. There was a brief moment where the thought running through their head was simply maybe I'll have a chance. Then, they stopped. Torrent had fed her. She could repay him. Prove her worth. She scampered back to the edge of the wreck and leaned over the edge.

She had to brace herself carefully, straining to get into reach. It was hard to stretch down to where she could get a handle on Torrent, but she managed it. "Careful," she said, and then grabbed him by the scruff of the neck and yanked upward.
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「 ✦ TORRENT ✦ 」
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‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ✦ Torrent's eyes flashed open as he felt small teeth sink into his scruff, and his weight lift slightly from the pull. He was shocked to see the light fur of Squid in front of him and hear his soft mew. Relief washed over him as it became easier for him to climb the wreckage, with Squids extra strength being just enough for him to reach the top. With one last huff of effort, Torrent pushed forward with his hind legs, stumbling across the debris over Squid. The wreckage below him tumbled and crashed into the ground, and he heard the dog let out a yelp of surprise as it showered around it. Panting with relief, Torrent scrambled to a sitting position, adrenaline still surging through his pelt. He quickly looked over Squid's fur, checking her for any injuries they could have obtained from the climb. She appeared to be fine, besides the fear that shone in her gaze that Torrent's eyes surely reflected. His claws ached from where they had clung to the plank, and Torrent lifted them one at a time to survey them; but thankfully no blood was visible from his paws.

"That was really brave." He meowed between breaths, eyes shining with gratitude towards his friend. Redirecting his gaze to the dog below, Torrent peered over the edge, watching as it paced back and forth, seemingly searching for another way to reach them. With a triumphant flick of his tail, Torrent blew a raspberry at the brute. "It can't even climb!" He exclaimed, feeling his fear begin to dissipate. But hunger had made the dog desperate, and determined. Growling, it leaped on top of the debris that had fallen, giving it more leveled areas to reach the top where Squid and Torrent sat. Torrent flattened his ears, his brief confidence vanishing as the dog rose closer. But the two still had an advantage, as long as they ran now. "we need to keep going, just until it loses us." He hissed, urgency in his tone as he turned to face Squid.


✦ 5 Moons | He/Him | Shipyard Cat ✦

Pine is shaken from his light sleep by the sound of– barking? Followed by the sound of shuffling paws, of muttered words. He rises from where he'd been dozing, rolling his shoulders before leaping up onto a barrel, then up again and out into the open. He sees, to his great surprise and dismay, the two kits who'd been playing around near the water's edge earlier. They smell of fear and saltwater, but it pales in comparison to the putrid scent of a dog. Those idiots had led a dog right to where he was sleeping. And now… he would have to find a new place to sleep. And he would have to scare the dog off, he supposes.

He considers just going back to sleep for the briefest of moments, but shakes his large head– no. If they died… and on his roof, no less. He dashes towards the edge where they were sitting, leaping into the air once more and sailing over them– he twists in mid air, and lands squarely on the back of the dog, digging strong claws into its shoulders.

"Bastard," he hisses as the dog yowls with pain, "damned mouse brain!"

He bites down on the back of the dog's neck, ignoring the sour taste of its dirty fur and the strange metallic tang of its blood. It manages to buck him off, but having met actual resistance for the first time in his chase, the dog chooses to scamper off. Pine spits the blood out, grimacing at the foul taste. He leaps back up next to the kits, looking down at them with flashing eyes. For just a second he sees the face of his own kits looking back at him, but he blinks and they're gone. They've been gone for a long while now.

"And you," he snaps, "what in the world do you two think you're doing? First flaunting your fresh kill for any cat or predator to see, now a dog! That thing could have torn you to shreds! Don't you have any sense of self preservation?"

Squid doesn't know what to make of the half-instant Pine spends flying through the air, an unlikely savior. He's a terribly strong cat. It scares and impresses her in equal measure—the fact he can wrangle with a dog and come out alright. If he turned his wrath on them, he could snap them like so many twigs.

When Pine snaps at them, she shrinks in on herself until she looks like half the cat. Her tail wraps tight around her legs, and she tries not to look directly at Pine. She tries pretty desperately to weigh—will he be angrier if they don't respond, or if they do? Eventually she risks something, just barely on the edge of being audible. "We're sorry."
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「 ✦ TORRENT ✦ 」
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‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ✦ Torrent's ears flattened sharply as a large shadow cast over them, and he quickly jerked his head towards what he expected to be the dog, towering over them with it's snapping jaws. To his surprise, it was the burly tom from earlier. He watched, captivated, as the tom sank his teeth and claws into the large beast, which began to falter against the debris, not a trace of fear flickering in the tom's eyes. Torrent's heart lurched as the dog managed to shake the cat from it's back, and for a fleeting moment, he feared how the dog might retaliate against him. Should I jump down and help? But before he could act, the dog scrambled off, tail between it's legs as sand flew out from it's paws. Torrent's eyes shown, gratitude and relief washing over his pelt as he stared at the brown tom. Maybe he wasn't as scary as he first appeared; he had risked his life to save them after all--and Torrent suddenly itched to be able to use his claws like that.

But Torrent might have thought too soon, as the large tom leaped back up to them with scorn in his gaze. For a brief moment, Torrent thought he detected a hint of softness in his eyes, but his attention was quickly diverted as the tom began to snap at them.

"Don't you have any sense of self preservation?"

Torrent instinctively placed a protective paw over Squid, catching a quick glimpse of them as they pressed their body into the ground in retaliation to the older cat's firm lecturing. Torrent stared back at him, his gaze daring. He somewhat understood his anger, but it wasn't their fault the dog happened to be in the same place as them... Or was it? Torrent had laid out his fish in the open, and the dog could have easily tracked their scent to Squid's den in search of a meal. Guilt washed over him as understanding fell across his features. One of his ears perked slightly at Squid's faint mew, barley making out her apology. But it wasn't Squid's fault, and he didn't want his friend to shoulder the blame.

"You're right."
Torrent began, holding the older cat's gaze.
"I wasn't thinking about what could come from carrying my fish around in the open, but now I understand."
He mewed, his voice thick with sincerity. His heart jumped as he realized how much danger he had put his friend in--and after just meeting them. What if the dog had killed her? Torrent shook the thought away. He wouldn't let his own naivety put them in danger again.

"Thank you for fighting off the dog,"
Torrent continued, his voice remaining strong.
"I'm sorry for causing you trouble."


✦ 5 Moons | He/Him | Shipyard Cat ✦
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Pine stares down at them, ears flicking with mild annoyance. The scrawny small one manages an 'I'm sorry', but the other one– the one with the bad attitude (which is to say, an attitude like his own), seems to have belatedly come to the realization that Pine had been right. He tells him as much, voice sincere but chest still puffed with the pride of youth.

"I did try to tell you it was a bad idea," he says with a sigh, sinking back on his haunches. At least he'd learned quickly, though it was the hard way. Most lessons are learned the hard way here. Either that, or you die. Then, looking behind the tom at the scrawny one in the back, he says with a tone that's part humor and part sudden softness he cannot stop from slipping into his voice, "I'm not going to eat you, you know. I don't eat cats. We taste terrible."