TW: Sensitive Content TW: Death Open Event Camp so don't yet say goodbye // NIGHTMARE

Please review the more detailed TW summary at the top of the post.
Character death is present in this thread.
This tag indicates this is an event specific thread.
This thread takes place inside the clan's camp.
shadowclan leader
Played by
{$title} sensitive content for blood & injuries & descriptions of drowning. death instances are all within the detailed dream below, as those affected will all experience the same thing. NOTE: YOUR OC IS NOT OBLIGATED TO EXPERIENCE THIS NIGHTMARE

//takes place the night after the meeting !!

The sun had set below the horizon, and with it the springtime sun as the moon brought a cold breeze with it. The pond pines swayed this way and that, leaves trembled as they fought against the bitter grasp that leafbare still held on the night. Sablestar waited for his ranks to return to their dens, most of them that he knew rose and fell with the sunlight, at least. Stoatpaw may have to get accustomed to his own routine and in time, she would find herself attached to the moonlight as he was.

He would allow her the night to rest with her denmates until she settled, it would not be long before she was dragged away from their nests to join him. He would take the quiet that fell over camp for a short rest himself before going on a hunt, curling himself over the mossy floor in the oak. His mind quieted easily, unusual, and Sablestar floated somewhere that felt... in between. Not all quite in a deep sleep but not awake, either. He could hear the rustle of the buttonbush outside his den but when he moved it made him woozy, and slowly, the black expanse opened up into a split of shadowy pines.

Sound erupted from behind him in a thundering clash of yowlings and shrieks. Bodies thrown left and right, faces contorted in pain and wrath. Cats standing over another, claws tucked deep into fleshy throats, teeth sinking and tails lashing. Sablestar doesn't move but his body floats to the center of it all allowing him to be swallowed up by the noise. The heavens above crackle in a flash of lightning, rain pours down on the bloody battle and cats unused to the muddy scape were at a further disadvantage than before. It was ruthless, it was merciless as Sablestar felt their stares on him. Forcing him to see as their life faded behind furious, glinting eyes, paws and muzzles bloodied but in vain.

Another burst of lightning creased against the raven-pitch skies and thunder followed, sounding hollowed, sound enraged. Sablestar looked around him, trying to understand as each boom of thunder rattled in his ears, slowly forming into a chorus of overlapping shrieking wails and groans. They spoke, words of the dead pleading to him.


Sablestar winced against the noise.



The ground beneath his paws flooded below him in a warm, dark substance and the scent of iron filled his nose. blood. His paws were rooted to the ground while the flow of ichor rose higher and higher, the cries of the spirits continuing their spiral.


Sablestar's chest heaved for air as he descended into a river of blood, struggling to keep his head afloat as he thrashed and kicked his legs. He could feel claws loosely grasp at his coat, gentle teasing into pulling him down below but he could not focus on fighting off the unseen attackers and the threat of drowning. He isn't given the choice, when something sharp grasped at his sides and plunged him into the depths. His eyes open against his better judgement. His vision is blurred, an endless sea of red as the shadows of countless bodies thrash and claw their way up to the surface beside him, the chanting screams dulled but still echoed.

The tuxedo pawed at his throat as he struggled to hold his breath against the pressure and now he, too, mimicked the apparitions that surrounded him with useless attempt to fight. His strength wanes from his limbs, exhaustion tugged back on his efforts as each swipe and kick became weaker and weaker. He is lulled back by a cold touch down his spine, finality stilling his movements.

Sablestar gasped awake as he returned from the in between, the fur along his back rising in quilled spikes as the nighttime breeze mirrored the last sensation of his dream- nightmare, more like. The bicolor tom stumbled out of his den, feeling as though his body truly fought with every ounce of strength within it. Spittle flew from his maw as he lowered his head to the ground, struggling to keep air in his lungs.

"Th-the bones." He coughed out, to nothing, to no one. "Bury... the bones."

  • "mew"
  • 93443617_Wtqxz1yqB0cjEgA.png
    SABLESTAR— he/him ・fifty-four moons ・leader; shadowclan ・penned by gonkpilled
    a black and white tuxedo with dark amber eyes
  • Rise!
Reactions: Scarlet
——————————————— Together, we'll make our way home ✦

cw // blood, injuries, description of death of an apprentice (NOT STOAT), descriptions of drowning, emetophobia​

There was still an excitement that welled in Stoatpaw's chest- Stoatpaw. She'd really been apprenticed. It felt so surreal even now, but with the falling of the sun, her eyes grew heavy. Instinctually, she'd turned to head to the nursery before realising almost with sadness that, no, she'd be in the apprentice's den now. Right... She watched with an ache as her father and Monsterkit vanished into the nursery. Thought the apprentice shook her head, no, she was so excited for this and it meant she got a nest of her own now! It probably wouldn't be much now, but she could make it her own if she went on more herb patrols with Cicadabuzz. Just the realisation was enough to make her purr, woes pushed aside. Soon, she'd go train with Sablestar, be allowed to join patrols without being coddled, getting to do something for the clan. That put a pep back in her step, not much though as sleep still tugged at her eyelids. With a smile creasing her face, she followed the apprentices inside the den.

Maybe if she hadn't had such a knack for sneaking around and out of the nursery, she would have been in awe of the den, but she'd been in there plenty of times to come to pester Fleapaw or find Tickpaw to come along a herb patrol. Now, she would sleep amongst them as an equal. Cats settled in their nests, and it seemed there were extras now. Maybe the other had been tasked with setting up nests for the new apprentices? She knew there'd be time she'd have to gather her own bedding, but for now, she was grateful to her peers for the help, so it meant she could curl up and sleep with ease. Maybe cats were trying to speak to her, congratulate her or address her, but she was too tired to process many of the faces around her. She'd gladly talk with her peers in the morning, she'd worked herself up all day in excitement, and just to sleep was all she longed for. For once, she realised, there wasn't a chill in the air. Even sleeping alone for the first time in a very, very long time, it didn't feel cold. She breathed a sigh of contentment, for everything that'd been happening as of late, she felt... Calm. Serene even. An ease in her chest that she'd missed.

Sleep came... Easily? No, she wasn't asleep yet. She'd only just lay down. Her mind was that funny haze, the kinda heavy fog you feel when you're dosing off. She wasn't asleep yet. The air was heavy, breathing becoming a heave if anything. Stoatpaw couldn't help but whine, that tired feeling gone the moment she settled. Her eyes parted, a huff of frustration leaving her lips. There was an ache that gnawed at her bones, a familiar kind that she knew she needed to walk off, so maybe taking a lap around the camp would help...

Taking bleary, wobbly steps out of the camp, Stoatpaw couldn't help but grumble. Her sleeping was already getting all kinds of messed up but with Sablestar as a mentor? Well, she probably had to expect it to get worse, really... "Huh?" Her eyes narrowed, seeing the bushes at the edge of the camp rustle. Stoatpaw's ears flattened, looking around camp; no one else was out there; even after the patrol, a creeping fear still crawled up her spine. She swallowed hard, trying to back up. That was until the ground thundered beneath her paws. Her mind fell back to almost a moon ago now, the thundering roar of whatever passed through camp. By instinct, Stoatpaw dropped to the floor, flattening herself in case it really was something dangerous stampeding through the camp.

Prying her eyes open, her blood ran cold with fear. Around her, where there were no cats before, stood a clearing full of figures, strangers digging rage-filled claws and fangs into throats. Viscera and blood staining the mud a sickly rich red. Stoatpaw tried desperately to claw her way backwards, away from the fight she'd found herself in. In that moment she was thankful she couldn't hear, from the mouths parted in snarls and eyes clouded with fear, the sounds would have been ingrained in her mind. Not as if it was any better than the sights she was forced to behold.

A flash of bright light - lighting - struck fear into Stoatpaw's soul, a terror she'd never felt before. The cat had never been put into fight or flight like that before, and oh stars, she needed to run. Desperate to hold back tears, the apprentice pivoted and tried to run, only to strike into something hard, stumbling head over paws with a thud. She cried out, struggling desperately to capture her heaving breath. She didn't want to turn and see what it was, but she moved without thinking before a cry fell from her lips. A far too familiar curled-up form splayed from where she once stood. An apprentice, bloodied and torn up. Throat streaming red from a fresh wound, terrified, glassy eyes stared up at her. Lips moved, as if to try and speak to her, she could not tell if they managed to utter a noise. But she knew what they spoke.

"H E L P M E."

Stoatpaw was useless to help as the cat fell limp at her paws, their blood pooling where she stood, empty eyes still looking up at her. She couldn't cry, even if she tried. Though the apprentice was snapped from the horror, she beheld when lightning snapped again in the air, lashing the air. She closed her eyes tight. She wasn't asleep yet. She knew she hadn't, right? Oh please, tell her she'd fallen asleep. She wouldn't dare to even open her eyes now as her pelt grew wet; with lightning comes rain. It lashed against her body, sending cold to her bones like she'd never known before. Where was her father? Sablestar? Anyone? Her breath caught as the apprentice realised something that sent a new wave of terror through her whole form; she could feel eyes. Pairs and pairs of furious eyes digging into her flesh. She was next.

The apprentice moved without her own volition. Eyes opening and being met with the gaze of the cats. Their eyes were glassy, like the apprentice. They were... Were they really?- Before she could finish the thought, a roar in her ears, blood rushing, making her dizzy. A voice. A voice?. It spoke within her mind; she could barely comprehend what was happening.


Her head darted around. "Who is that." She pled, body heaving, wracked in sobs. None of the cat's lips moved, and no one spoke to her. Then who?


The voices overlapped, from a life of silence to voices growling in her mind. A rage she thought she had no hand in fueling. It was between her heaving sobs that Stoatpaw realised something terrifying. Water pooled around her paws. That downpour that thundered all around her wasn't any simple storm. The water began to rise, not a gentle trickle, a slow stream, but as if the ocean itself. Full of her own rage, she had lashed to shore and grasped at every cat, living or dead, and clawed at their bodies to submerse them beneath the murky waters. The corpses of the murdered cats bobbed atop the thrashing water. "Wait...". She was barely able to whine, the word slipping from her lips like a prayer that what she was seeing wasn't a reality. This was no water. That acrid, iron smell was something she'd never forget. Stoatpaw was forced to recall the very omen to this moment, the dead hawk she tried to move. The blood that soaked into her coat. The carrion and blood that bittered her lips. The crimson rose, her white pelt soaked a deep red. She tried desperately to paddle to the surface as it rose, to realise she couldn't move. She couldn't move


The apprentice flailed desperately, trying to free her paws of whatever held her from the surface. Her chest heaved as the pressure of the flood pressed against her as if it were to snuff her from existence in one fell swoop. "Please. Please, I'm sorry we didn't know-" Stoatpaw cried out as if these vengeful spirits were to forgive her for her crime. The desecration of their resting place. The dishonour her clan brought to them. "No- Please wait-" Her pleading cut short as the blood lapped against her face, leaving her a spluttering mess with the metallic taste of blood filling her every sense. For a moment, a second even, she dislodged herself. Paws slapping desperately at the surface. She couldn't stop the yowl that slipped from her throat as she felt claws dig into her pelt, soft flesh pierced by unseen claws that dragged her down. She tried. Oh, how she tried to stay at the surface. The flicker of the moon being clouds was the last thing she saw before dipping below a murky crimson ocean. Stoatpaw had no training; she had no idea how to fight off these unseen spirits dragging her beneath the waves. She stood no chance. Another claw dug its way deep into her side, and the young cat couldn't help but cry out, her mouth and lungs filling with blood. Her panicked failing only grew as she clawed desperately, aimlessly at the unseen cats below her. Her vision grew cloudy; she hadn't been able to breathe for so long... She wasn't ready to die yet.......

Stoatpaw's chest burned as she spluttered awake, her face sodden with tears, and her body ached. Was she awake? Was any of that real? Was... Stoatpaw felt her stomach churn, a dizzying feeling clouding her mind. Without a thought or grace, the apprentice fled from the den and thankfully was able to escape before the freshkill she enjoyed hours earlier, which had now dripped from her lips, an awful mushed mess left on the floor. Tears still rolled from her eyes as her body wracked with sobs, burning from her throat made it only so more painful. The apprentice didn't dare to close her eyes. She'd see everything all over again. Though bleary eyes, she looked to the leader's den; Sablestar stood there, just as horrified and dazed.

They'd all made a terrible, terrible mistake in that graveyard...

Her whole form ached, she wasn't sure how long the nightmare had lasted, how real it was but Sablestar was awake now too. With heavy paws and a heaving chest, she wobbled her way to the leader and looked up at him with teared-filled eyes. "Please." Her voice small, shaking with every breath. "They're upset. We need to put them back." Stoatpaw couldn't help but sob again, any joy from that day lost from the nightmare that plagued her every thought.

  • Stoatpaw
    ✦—Shadowclan apprentice | 6 Moons
    ✦—A slender white cat with faint lilac markings and blue eyes.
    ⤷ Written by Phoenix ☀️


So what if you can see the darkest side of me?

Tickpaw jolted awake with a strangled gasp, his body seizing with terror. His breath came in quick, shallow bursts, his chest rising and falling as if he had just clawed his way out of deep water. But the darkness, it clung to him. Suffocating. Smothering. Pressing against his ribs like a vice. The nightmare still coiled around his mind like a snake, refusing to let go. Yowls... Horrific, bone-chilling yowls, they screamed in his ears, drowning out his own panicked cries. Claws raked through shadows, reaching for him, pulling him under. The scent of blood, thick, metallic, overwhelming, it filled his nose. It coated his fur, seeped into his skin, poured from wounds he couldn't see. He was trapped in it, sinking, sinking, sinking--

With a violent shudder, Tickpaw lurched upright, a sharp, broken screech ripping from his throat. His wide, frantic orange eyes darted around the apprentice den, but it was too dark. Too dark. Too much. The walls felt like they were closing in, swallowing him whole. He needed to get out. Now. His paws fumbled beneath him as he bolted, stumbling out of the den in a wild, feverish panic. His claws scraped against the ground as he half-collapsed outside, gasping for air. The night stretched around him, thick and heavy, but at least it wasn't as black as the den. His heart slammed against his ribs, the echo of that terrible dream still whispering in his ears.

' Focus. Focus. FOCUS. '

Where were they? Where was Flea? Where was Web? Where was Lost? His eyes darted desperately through the dim light until... There. Stoatpaw. She stood near Sablestar, her shoulders hunched, her face streaked with tears. She had felt it too. She had seen what they had seen. She knew. A fresh wave of fear rolled over him, thick and suffocating.

They had made a mistake. A terrible, terrible mistake. And now, something was coming for them.

═════════════⊹⊱ ⟡ ⊰⊹═════════════

Marbleshine sat trembling near the warriors' den entrance, her sleek fur bristling as shudders wracked her body. Her eyes were wide, unfocused, rimmed with unshed tears. Her ears pressed flat against her skull, her breath coming in uneven gasps. She tried to be quiet, tried being the right word.... But the occasional sniffle betrayed her distress. Too much. Too much had happened. And it wasn't stopping.

They should have listened. They should have buried the bones. She had told them. Pleaded. Warned. Wolfpack had listened, at least partially... but it hadn't been enough. Not nearly enough. A violent shiver rolled down her spine, and she pressed herself against the nearest solid surface, as if trying to anchor herself to something real. Something that wouldn't shift beneath her like the shadows in her dreams. That dream...

Her claws flexed against the ground as the memory surged back, suffocating, smothering, deafening. The wailing. The clawing paws of something long dead, dragging at her fur. The overwhelming sense of wrongness. And yet, she had woken up to find that the nightmare had not truly ended. Her body warred between two choices, stay here, rooted in fear, or run. Not just anywhere. To the graveyard. To the bones. She wanted to dig, bury, fix what they had left exposed to the world. They deserved peace. They deserved peace.

Then... movement.

A blur of fur bolted from the apprentices' den, and her breath hitched. Tickpaw. She could feel the fear radiating off of him like a storm, thick and suffocating. She forced her limbs to move, each step shaky and uncertain. Dignity. She had to have dignity. She couldn't let them see how shaken she was. She found herself near Stoatpaw and Sablestar, hovering, unsure how close was too close. A safe distance. Far enough not to crumble.

" I... I will help... " Marbleshine murmured, her voice small but steady.

Her throat tightened, but she lifted her chin.

" I will help put them to rest. "