Open Event Camp the earth will shake [invasion!?]

This tag indicates this is an event specific thread.
This thread takes place inside the clan's camp.



OOC-- What's this? In the dead of night, the clan is awoken by the sound of dozens of pawsteps charging into camp. But when they rush to meet their foe, there's nothing waiting for them...

It was late, late into the night when the peace was broken.

Not by the storm, which had come upon them a few days ago and refused to blow over, but something far more distinct and alarming. A sound that rose above the winds and the rain, which had fallen to a lull that evening.

There were footsteps in the camp.

Not just one or two, but dozens. A stampede of angry paws that caused the den itself to shake as what had to be a small army charged into their camp.

Sleep was long forgotten as the Wolfpack jumped to his feet, assured that he wasn't dreaming or insane when several of his clanmates were quick to do the same.

'We're being ambushed'. he thought incredulously, because who would have thought that Thunderclan would have the guts to hit them in the night like this. A chapter right out of Sables book.

Not so righteous after all.

He wasn't mad, wasn't able to feel it so personally as that, but like any animal there was a baser instinct to defend his den and the nest he'd laid claim on. While the blood-red trophy feathers and the small bed of moss weren't much, they were his and he'd never been keen on sharing with others.

"Stay there. If you plan on leaving this den, wait until the fighting's properly started." he called to Marbleshine sharply as he passed her nest, heading toward the entrance of the den with several other warriors in tow.

She would only get in the way if she ran out with the rest of them right now. Would only end up dead if she rushed for the nursery or something equally as foolish before the fighters properly cleared a path through the enemy.

"Rush them in pairs-- they won't be able to keep their footing in the mud. As soon as they fall you take the kill." he instructed at the mouth of the den before pushing out with the group at his heels.

Only to find a completely empty, undisturbed camp.

OOC- Speaking directly to @Marbleshine and /gen his clanmates. Post away, the thread is open!


loner/future shadowclan - male - a large, monochrome chimera with mismatched eyes and several scars

He bursts out of the den, though all he sees is the darkness that swallows the stormy night. Nettlefrost, mostly blind as he was, could see light and shadow, and so he was used to the light of the moon. There was nothing like that tonight. The ground and the sky blended together in such a way that he could not tell them apart. The rain made it harder for his other senses to keep up, though surely he'd be able to detect even a hint of the intruder's smell? All he scents is rain and mud, and its cold as it falls upon his sightless face. The warrior narrows his eyes and lashes his tail.

"What's going on?" He demands. Someone had to see something, right? "I don't smell anything." But he had heard it. They all had. The scents of his clan-mates pressed around him and with it the voices of confusion rising in chorus with his own. The fur on the back of his neck began to tingle. Was it instinct, or fear?
♢Worried 'Bout The Future

Ain't Fuckin' With The Past♢

Had the other warriors in the den not all woken as well Hollowmist very well would have chalked it up to their imagination. The mind playing tricks on them all after a long day with sounds that had seemed eerily real. Without a word they rose to stand beside Wolfpack with claws unsheathed, intending to make good on the deputy's instruction of attacking in pairs. Only to find not a single soul in the camp clearing.

"What the hell." While it held the air of a question the chimera's tone was as flat as ever. Narrowed eyes briefly flicked to Nettlefrost before stepping further into the clearing with jaws parted to taste the air. "No one's here but us. I don't smell anything out of the ordinary."

Movement to it's side prompted Hollowmist to turn, good eye spying the wide eyed face of Sealpaw peeking out from the apprentice's den. So at least one of the apprentices had heard it as well over the rain. Or maybe they were all just collectively losing their minds.

Ain't Got No Time To Waste On Bullshit

  • Hollowmist
    — Thief of Shadowclan
    — It/They
    — A LH Black/Fawn Chimera W/ High White (LaPerm)

——————————————— Together, we'll make our way home ✦

Stoatkit felt the thundering footsteps throughout her very being. It jolted her awake almost as soon as the downpour of clatter sounded throughout the camp. Her tiny heart was racing in a panic; she'd felt something like this before; it struck terror and confusion through her very being, cowering. Though being in the sheltered nursery soothed her terror for a moment, just a moment. She sniffed around, trying to decipher what was happening, but there was no scent, nothing that stuck out to her, and that only drove her fear into a frenzy.

She turned to her father, who stirred with the thundering clatter but pressed her paws at his side and shook him, fear in her eyes. She heard nothing but felt the vibrations, only serving her confusion to grow. "Dad... Dad, wake up there's..." She bit her tongue, she had no words to explain the soul shaking rumble that drove terror to her heart, the closest she had was a comparison to something she'd heard before in one of the pairs expeditions outside the pocosin. "Like... Like the horses. In the barns, it sounds like when they're scared. Dad wake up." There was a panic that was betrayed in her voice. She couldn't hide the frantic feeling in her chest; she wouldn't dare peek out; it wasn't safe.

  • Stoatkit
    ✦—Shadowclan kit
    ✦—A slender white cat with faint lilac markings and blue eyes.
  • Love
Reactions: F l e a p a w
tw - language

A rumble of wheezes and snores emanated from a brown lump in the nursery. Fleakit had already tossed the nest where she slumbered, scattering bits of moss in every direction, pieces stuck in her fur. Aside from a few subtle twitches, she slept soundly. But that was before something started the kit from her dreams. She shot up in an instant, torn between fight and flight, her claws gripping the edge of the nest before she skittered across the floor like a frightened roach, looking for a place to hide. If her ears weren't already pinned flat, they would've been mashed against her skull in fear.

"What the fuck?!" She yelped, feeling the tremors of what felt like a hundred monsters outside the nursery.

Around her, the other kits were in a stir—squealing for their mothers, with Stoatkit mewling for Timber. They were scared. Fleakit was too. But unlike them, she had no parents to comfort her. Graceless. She stumbled on her paws, landing face-first in the mud before immediately bouncing right back up, eyes darting around wildly. Slowly, she wrestled the rapid beating of drums in her chest.

Braver than the others, she inched toward the nursery's entrance. If they were under attack—by monsters or cats, whatever it was—she wasn't going to wait to die. Fleakit would fight, like a real warrior. "I'll rip whatever it is to shreds!" She exclaimed, but her voice didn't match those words, trembling. "I'll—" Swallowing hard, she forced the fear down into a dark pit where it belonged. "Protect us," Cause that's what she would've done back at the mill. She abandoned them once.

Fleakit wouldn't let that happen again.

Hesitantly, she poked her head out, ready to give whatever was out there a taste of her claws. But low and behold—nothing—no attackers, no threat. An invisible enemy that she couldn't fight if she wanted to. Fleakit wasn't sure whether to be relieved or disappointed. She slumped, though her fur remained a prickled mess, puffed up twice her size.

"Wh—what's going on?" She stepped outside, the rest of her courage trickling from a fresh spring

  • ooc —— xxx
  • fleakit-anger.png
    I extend my hand like a mob boss and allow you to kiss my ring but when you lean closer you see its one of those glow-in-the-dark spider rings you win at arcades [MUNCH] you disrespec me - and eat my spooky spida ring! which cost me 50 tickets at funtime arcade and pizzeria. VINNY! Hit her with da sticky hand!​
    - she/her
    - kit
    - 5 moons
    - speech thought
    - some physical powerplay permitted

    penned by user

Marbleshine slept peacefully, curled tightly with her nose tucked into the plush fur of her tail, blissfully unaware of the world beyond her dreams. But something, something strange, something off, stirred her from sleep. A sound that didn't belong. The steady rhythm of pawsteps. Many pawsteps. Her eyes snapped open, wide and disoriented as the remnants of sleep clung to her. It was still dark, she hadn't overslept. Then why…?

Before she could piece her thoughts together, a figure brushed past her. Wolfpack. His eyes, sharp and unwavering, met hers for only a moment, and she understood his silent command: Stay put. Move only when the fighting begins. Her heart pounded. The kits. Marbleshine shot to her paws, panic threatening to steal her breath. Had someone followed her that day? Had Ghost and Hazel... Had she led danger straight to them? The thought sent ice through her veins. If there was another battle, if her clanmates bled because of her--

No. She forced herself to move. Hesitant but unable to sit idly, she crept forward, stopping just behind Wolfpack. A long moment passed. Then another. She dared to peek past him, ears pricked, muscles coiled.


The kind that suffocated. That crawled beneath the skin. That felt wrong. The camp lay still. Untouched. No battle cries, no flashing claws. But she had felt it. Heard the thundering of paws against the earth. Her breath hitched. " There's... There's no one here? " she whispered, confusion laced in every word as she turned to Wolfpack, searching his face for answers he might not have.



Being wrenched from sleep into a state of attack sent a sharp wave of panic through Flamerunner. He rolled to his paws in an instant, fur bristling, ears pinned back, teeth bared for the world to see. There was no trace of the usual calm, collected, some might even say lazy, demeanor he carried. Instead, an unspoken fear flickered in his blue eyes, a tension winding through his limbs. He didn't like this. Moving swiftly after Wolfpack, Flamerunner braced himself, ready to face whatever enemy had dared invade their camp. But as his gaze swept the darkness, his claws unsheathed in preparation, there was nothing.

No battle cries. No lunging figures. No attackers. Nothing.

The tension in his chest didn't ease, it only sharpened. His mind reeled, struggling to grasp how all of them had awoken to the same impending threat, yet saw nothing. A trick? A trap? His tail lashed once before he finally spoke, voice edged with skepticism. " Is this some kind of joke? " Before he could get another word in, he was roughly shoved aside by a black-furred figure. Flamerunner let out a grunt, watching Coalstrike stalk past him, looking more than ready to tear into someone, if only there was someone to tear into.

Rolling his shoulders with a huff, he stepped outside, eyes scanning the camp until they landed on a familiar little form peeking out of the nursery. Of course.


Why was he not surprised that the mangy scrap was one of the first to show her so-called bravery? A wry smirk tugged at his muzzle. " No clue, Flea. " he called to her. " But whatever it was, it sure sounded like something came for us. "


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Coalstrike growled as he shoved past the gathered cats, his narrowed eyes sweeping over their territory. His ears flicked, sharp and alert, scanning for anything, any movement, any sign. There was nothing in sight, but that didn't mean there was no danger. They had all heard it. Felt it.

So where was it?

A sneer curled on his lips as his gaze flicked toward the flame-pelted tom he'd just shouldered aside. Useless. " Can you whine any louder? " he snapped, not sparing Flamerunner another glance before his attention landed on an even more irritating sight.


The scrawny little scrap had poked her head out of the nursery, wide-eyed and bold as ever. Coalstrike's expression darkened. " Get back inside. " he ordered coolly, his tail lashing once. " We need to make sure there are actually no threats before you start playing warrior. "

He stepped further into the clearing, his claws itching to sink into something real. This wasn't right. It couldn't be right. There was no way they had all imagined it. Teeth grinding in frustration, his gaze flickered toward the leader's den. If he had heard it too, then he'd damn well better be getting up to address this. "I suggest we check the perimeters," Coalstrike said, voice firm. "Make sure there's no one lurking nearby."

I'll watch the battle until the dust is clear.
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Pepperpaw was jolted awake by the heavy thudding of paws against the earth. Her light green eyes flew open, confusion flickering into irritation as she instinctively pressed against one of her siblings. Her ears twitched, catching the subtle shift of movement around her. What in the stars was going on?

A rebuttal? Did Thunder finally decide to get off his ass and send someone after them for hunting on "his" precious territory? A scowl twisted her face as she gave Fennelpaw a firm nudge. " I'm gonna check it out. " she muttered, narrowing her eyes as she pushed herself up. As she stalked toward the exit of the apprentice den, her frown deepened. Sealpaw had already poked her head out. Of course she had.

Pepperpaw huffed, reaching out with a paw to tug the younger apprentice back. " Get back here, lil one. " she murmured, voice firm but not unkind. Still, she couldn't help her own curiosity, and the moment she managed to ease Sealpaw back, she shoved her own nose past the den entrance.


No invaders. No battle breaking out in the clearing. Just the older warriors, bristling and tense, searching for something.

Pepperpaw's tail flicked in annoyance.

" …The fuck is going on? "

  • "speech"
  • PEPPERPAW she/her, ShadowClan, eight moons.
    a sh black rusting cat with lightgreen eyes
    mentored by who / mentoring no one
    whichever relations / want listed
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by lion ↛ lionheartedphoenix on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

He had promised peace to the best of what could be in his control. For a while, at least while they continued to settle and gradually expand their claim across the pocosin, it had been kept. Stifled for just a moment with Jadethorn's far too ambitious escapades (how well that worked in his favor is still yet to be heard), but blood was not sowed so deeply into the earth as some might expect with the lingering tension. Sablestar certainly hadn't thought his Clan would have the will to stop themselves from setting out and sniffing around like dogs to finish what he had started, but with pleasant surprise there was mercy. Or perhaps there was more desire for stable normalcy than the violent throes of war.

The emptiness of company once kept in his nest left him longing for sleep and with his frequent nighttime antics, Sablestar had practically become nocturnal these days. Though ShadowClan's ranks filed into their nests to await the sun he remained still beneath the roots of the white cedar, drowsy, lethargic, but unable to quiet his head enough to lull himself down until it was practically daytime already. He had prepared himself for another long night behind the cover of bristly reeds when a thundering shake stirred his attention. The rain and wind had howled for days now, and for a moment he might have been convinced the rumbling had come from the skies if it weren't so familiar. So alive.

Burnt honeyed eyes widened once the realization kicked him to his paws, ears perked and alert as he rushed out of his den with his claws digging into the soft peaty soil to see... nothing.

As his gaze met his other Clanmates the sound and shaking ceased entirely, leaving them all puzzled. "No one saw anything?" His question lacked accusation, simply perturbed within his own confusion. He spoke again, a muttering under his breath, "I don't know how that can be..."

  • "mew"
  • 93443617_Wtqxz1yqB0cjEgA.png
    SABLESTAR— he/him ・fifty-four moons ・leader; shadowclan ・penned by gonkpilled
    a black and white tuxedo with dark amber eyes

if there was one thing geckoflame hated besides living in this filth it was being woken up from her beauty sleep by a stampede of thundering paws and bumbling clanmates pushing past one another to see the commotion. unlike the rest, she was in no rush to pull herself from the warmth of her nest especially not when word travels back to her from the crowd that there was nothing there.

as strange as sounds, if there's no real threat present then there is no reason for her to lift a single paw. in fact, geckoflame simply shifted her position so that her back was facing the mouth of den and rested her head back onto crossed paws with a quiet grunt.
"ridiculous, i'm going back to sleep."



"That's not possible...' Wolf growled as he strode out into the clearing, mismatched eyes razing the place in search of a sign he wasn't crazy. He knew what he heard, what he felt, and so did his clanmates. If some of them wanted to pretend it was just a trick of the wind and the rain that was their decision, but the mottled feline wasn't convinced. no scent, no tracks, no hide nor hair-- and yet the fur on the back of his neck was standing as if to warn him there were eyes still watching from the shadows, claws and teeth waiting for their moment. Never before had he experienced such a contradiction between his instinct and his senses, and he wasn't willing to pass it off as one thing or another just yet.

"Those were pawsteps, plain as day. " he growled, but try as he might, there was no physical sign of what he'd experienced. That stampede of cats should have left marks in the muddy ground, should have left bits of fur clinging to the den shrubbery that'd been shaking as bodies charged passed it.

But there was nothing.


loner/future shadowclan - male - a large, monochrome chimera with mismatched eyes and several scars


Confusion flickered across Marble's face as she watched Geckoflame turn back toward her nest, choosing sleep over whatever disturbance had stirred them. She understood, it was still late, and there didn't seem to be any immediate threat. At least, she didn't think so.

Yet Coalstrike had moved forward, ready to assess the situation, and that was enough to make unease creep beneath her fur. Her ears pinned back slightly as she shrank in on herself, casting a quick glance around the crowd in search of her brother. Was he still tucked safely in his nest? Her gaze shifted back to Wolfpack, and she gave a small nod of agreement. " There were pawsteps… I heard them too. " she murmured, frowning. " But there's nothing here. No one. No signs at all. " The realization made her shiver slightly, and she shook her head, glancing warily around camp.

Steeling herself, Marble took a few cautious steps forward, scanning their surroundings before her eyes were drawn upward, toward the moon hanging pale and silent in the sky. Surely, they hadn't all imagined it. Not this many cats. Hesitantly, she turned her attention to Sablestar. A flicker of uncertainty crossed her face before she spoke, voice quiet but thoughtful.

" Could this have been… a sign? From your... your spirit friend? The one who appointed you leader? "


There is no awakening ruder than being torn from a slumber you'd never found in the first place. The weight of exhaustion pressed down on Smogmaw that night, but consciousness clung to him like a second skin. Counting the seconds between his mate's inhales failed to still his mind—and the dreadful cold between his shoulders made her warmth an unsatisfactory balm. Whether he shut his eyes or kept them open made no difference. So there he laid, absently considering the scent of her pelt when the ground began to tremble.

Everything - and everybody - at once surged up. Warriors spilled from their own dens into the bracing air. Ready to defend the home they've built for themselves in these swamps, stalling warily in the heart of camp, expecting a fight. Smogmaw clambers to his paws behind them, roughly ruffled from being startled upright. He retains enough clarity to flick a glance back toward Halfshade, before bowing forward on his haunches. Entire form taut and quivering in anticipation for the attack, yet none came.

In its absence, disquietude emerges instead. The same line of questioning is made manifest across his clanmates' tongues. What'd happened? Why can't they smell anything? Where are the intruders? Even Sablestar comes up empty-pawed for explanation, leaving the mystery to lurk in his followers' heads. It is only Marble who waxes on an ominous theory. Smogmaw flexes his jaw at her hypothesis. "Forget riddles and superstitions," he utters, lips wrinkling into a mild frown. "It coulda been nothin' at all, or it coulda been somethin'. Either way, the answer here is to make sure this place is safe."

Had he the authority to do so, a whole slew of patrols would have been deployed by now. Scout for signs of trespassers, as far out as necessary. It was well within the realm of possibility that those do-gooders past the Thunderpath were hungry for vengeance, what with ShadowClan's little foray into their claimed lands. Smogmaw wills himself towards the entrance to camp, parking his rump on the wet earth. He's prepared to head out and search, should the same urgency strike his clanmates.


There was nothing outside. Not a paw extra other than her mangy clanmates, who looked bout as confused as she was. There was nothing to explain the roar of paw steps that they had all so clearly heard.

Fleakit narrowed her eyes at Coalstrike, muttering curses under her breath. Burrs for brains was already pricking at her fur. She had half the mind to pretend there was moss in her ears, and stay right where she was til he got the mind to make her go inside. But man, it was too early for this crap.

"What a bunch of dogshit. I'm going back to my nest." But so much for getting any more sleep. Her paws still itched, adrenaline pumping heavy through her veins. Yeah, something told here there wouldn't be anymore dreams tonight.

She huffed, suddenly wishing there was something to set her claws into. Waste of good dreams. Fleakit turned, ready to go back into the nursery but not before sticking her tongue out at Coalstrike.

  • ooc:
  • FLEAPAW she/her | shadowclanner | 6 moons
    mentored by POSSUMGRIN and FROSTSTORM
    former mill kit and kittypet
    some physical powerplay permitted
    speech thought/emphasis attacking
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