OOC-- What's this? In the dead of night, the clan is awoken by the sound of dozens of pawsteps charging into camp. But when they rush to meet their foe, there's nothing waiting for them...
It was late, late into the night when the peace was broken.
Not by the storm, which had come upon them a few days ago and refused to blow over, but something far more distinct and alarming. A sound that rose above the winds and the rain, which had fallen to a lull that evening.
There were footsteps in the camp.
Not just one or two, but dozens. A stampede of angry paws that caused the den itself to shake as what had to be a small army charged into their camp.
Sleep was long forgotten as the Wolfpack jumped to his feet, assured that he wasn't dreaming or insane when several of his clanmates were quick to do the same.
'We're being ambushed'. he thought incredulously, because who would have thought that Thunderclan would have the guts to hit them in the night like this. A chapter right out of Sables book.
Not so righteous after all.
He wasn't mad, wasn't able to feel it so personally as that, but like any animal there was a baser instinct to defend his den and the nest he'd laid claim on. While the blood-red trophy feathers and the small bed of moss weren't much, they were his and he'd never been keen on sharing with others.
"Stay there. If you plan on leaving this den, wait until the fighting's properly started." he called to Marbleshine sharply as he passed her nest, heading toward the entrance of the den with several other warriors in tow.
She would only get in the way if she ran out with the rest of them right now. Would only end up dead if she rushed for the nursery or something equally as foolish before the fighters properly cleared a path through the enemy.
"Rush them in pairs-- they won't be able to keep their footing in the mud. As soon as they fall you take the kill." he instructed at the mouth of the den before pushing out with the group at his heels.
Only to find a completely empty, undisturbed camp.
OOC- Speaking directly to @Marbleshine and /gen his clanmates. Post away, the thread is open!

loner/future shadowclan - male - a large, monochrome chimera with mismatched eyes and several scars