Ice stretched as she crawled out of her nest. She fluffed out her pelt trying to shake out a bit of the hay that had been stuck in it. There was a bitter cold air that was blowing in through the crack in the door of the barn making her cold to her core. "I wish those mouse brained twolegs would shut the door." She grumbled to herself, as she quietly made her way down from the hay loft. Digging her claws into the wooden beam as she did so to keep herself from falling off. Finally she leaped down into the soft hay on the ground below.
Padding out into the opening of the barn she peered around looking for someone to talk to or something to do. Boredom clawed at her making her feel even more impatient and grumpy than she normally was. Twitching her tail impatiently she sat down and yowled really loudly, hoping to wake up some of the other barn cats.