There were plenty of reasons why one could be unsatisfied with the home they were led to. Some were far more obvious than others- a lack of preference for muck and grime for one. A distaste for the common meal of frog being another. It was a change that not even Sablestar had been prepared to expect, but it was a solution in the end, and it was a door opened as one slammed shut and locked behind him.
Before the Colony crumbled beneath itself there had been some attempts in exploring the other parts of the forest surrounding the oaks. It wasn't too smart to travel alone, the distance wasn't always worth traveling for a days hunt in unfamiliar territory. He had known of it, though, as he also knew there were lands of open fields and mossy trails on the riverside, but they did not appeal to him the way the pocosin had. Sablestar had always struggled to hunt when he felt too exposed, preferring to keep himself hidden and low to the ground. The thick forests were too noisy for him to stalk through but here, in the cover of night, with the clusters of pond pines together keeping him covered in shade, it felt perfect.
The rainfall was a double-edged sword that would take some skill and adapting to, of course. Wash away the scent of a hunter, but with it the potential trail for prey and predators alike. So Sablestar began to experiment, if one could call it that. At least he had started with a plan to persuade into a new hunting method but at the end of it he just looked like an overexcited pig. Mud caked into his fur that the whites of his coat were indiscernible, save for the speckling across his face.
The would-be tuxedo didn't look all too upset over it, though. It felt quite nice, if he ignored the occasional itch from the silt. "Mm. It feels warm, somehow." A thermal coating nearly from his ears to his tail, but far too heavy on the body for it to be comfortable or useful if he wanted to do anything but sit around in it. The thought of rest at all sparked the aches in his muscles, as if to alert him that he should. Maybe just for a few minutes, and then he would wash away the filth before he was spotted.
Limbs lowered back into the mud, paws tucked beneath his chest and Sablestar hummed in the comfort in his mud bath- at last some peace and quiet.
- "mew"
SABLESTAR— he/him ・fifty-four moons ・leader; shadowclan ・penned by gonkpilled