Sleep had been nothing but fitful for Sparrow as of late, maybe the warming of the seasons was enough to disturb his rest but the young tom found himself stirring in his nest. There was a temptation to stretch his paws, go outside and pace the barn to wear himself grew stronger, though the nervous memory of the dog that tried to attack some of the barn cats was enough for them to stay curled up. He pawed at his bundle of leaves and seeds, maybe he could count them again? Inspect them for rot or the sorts. If he was gonna take care of his friends he couldn't let what he had go bad... But then again, it was late, too dark for a good inspection. Maybe when the sun rose...
The young tom was caught in a loop of thinking, thinking, overthinking; only snapped out by yowls from deeper within the barn...
"Fire..." He breathed a single sound before the terror struck like a claw to the chest.
"FIRE." Every last fur on Sparrow's pelt stood on end, the faintest scent of smoke was enough for their blood to run cold. This wasn't some cruel joke, no mean-spirited cat trying to scare them all awake. This was real. This was
actually happening.
Rearing around to face Starling, who stirred at his yelp of terror, he pressed a paw hard at their side, jarring them awake as they looked to him with bleary eyes.
"Ya' gotta get up." He whined, heart racing as their eyes flickered between the boards and metal they slept behind, if they'd not been awake it would have cooked them alive, the thought making his mouth bitter in terror.
"Starlin' please the barn its- Ya' gotta get outside, take my bundle. I gotta help Chick." Their sibling tried to interject, but shoving Starling to the door, the others eyes widened seeing the fire up high in the barn, pleading Sparrow to be quick before hightailing out, shouting for cats to leave too.
Taking a shuddering breath, heart racing with adrenaline coursing through his whole form, he had to find Chick. He shouldn't be too far, curled up somewhere comfortable since he wasn't wound about Sparrow's side. His stomach dropped though, seeing the flames licking the hayloft, blood running cold knowing just how many cats slept up there. Merry, Ice, Pebble, Alder.... They swallowed hard, they couldn't help, so they had to just
hope so desperately they'd all be okay.
Now, he needed to get Chick. Hopping up atop a nearby box, the tortie peered about the entrance, Chick had an awful habit of sleeping in the most peculiar places.
"CHICK?" The tom called, eyes flicking between the open barn and the steadily growing fire, seconds felt like hours with his heart thumping hard. Though he could breath a sigh of relief seeing that telltale yellow fluff stirring from within an old monster wheel propped up admist some hay. Sparrow swallowed hard again, the smoke irritating his lungs as a breathed, padding as fast as he could towards Chick as cats poured out the barn, yowling and shouting. A cacophony of terror weeping from the smouldering walls. The tom nudged Chick hard at his side, stifling a cough as they spoke with urgency.
"Chick, c'mon wake up the barn its-" The young tom's voice faultered, speaking the truth out loud was enough to make his stomach churn, the barn would be gone.... Sparrow blinked away the pain in their eyes before continuing, his voice pained.
"We gotta go." Sparrow grabbed the bleary Chick by the scruff of his neck, dragging him out of the wheel.
"We gotta go, now" He demanded, voice wavering. Sparrow wasn't brave like Swift, or strong like Buck, but he'd still try his best to save the cats he could.
Keeping to Chick's side, the pair escaped the barn mostly unscathed. They breathed a sigh of relief seeing their sibling okay, butting a gentle head against the side of the other. Immediately fretting about the both of them for any injuries, only to be reassured nothing was wrong. Though as more cats poured out, it couldn't be said the same for a lot of the other cats. Burns and gashes, exhaustion from the smoke. They were lucky at least the coldest moons were past them or else they'd be more doomed than it felt as if they already were. Sparrow desperately wanted to try and help these cats, these friends who cared for one another. But for just a moment Sparrow had to curl up at Chick and Starling's side and mourn what was lost.
But mourning wasn't something Sparrow could do in peace, as his mind raced trying to give themself a moment.
'Whos missin', this can't be everyone....' He scanned the crowd, looking to see who was here. They spotted Hollow, Merry's dear friend holding another smaller cat away from the flames, Clover he recalled. She looked heartbroken, the tom's heart shattered. The poor girls mother was no where to be seen. They looked to the smouldering barn, hearing creaks of the wood giving way within. He couldn't bare to look. Though... If Hollow was here, Merry wasn't with her? Maybe he was helping other cats?
Sparrow stood up from beside his two dearest companions, nudging them both gently.
"Please don't go nowhere, 'm just gonna find Merry.". He padded through the group of cats, trying to figure out who was around and who wasn't. Lucille stared u horrified at the ignited barn, Hollow comforting Clover, Cherrie had an awful burn across his whole tail, the young tom cringed at the sight, oozing blood and seemed awfully painful.
"Cherrie sir, it ain't much but I got some poppy seeds to help with yer tail, makes everythin' hurt helluva lot less." He pried open the small leafy bundle he had, setting aside the other plants he'd hoarded and carefully pushing forward the small amount of seeds he'd managed to scavenge up.
"There ain't many, but I hope it helps ya' a lil."
Looking away from the older tom, trusting his herbs would be safe there for a moment, he peered around with a growing distress, so many cats were missing still. He would have gone into full overdrive if it wasn't for the sight of Merry limping out of the barn, Swift following behind. He sighed in relief, he was okay too at least. Or well... Sparrow watched as the top limped towards the fence line, as did all the other cats as demanded by Goldy, and the painful steps and heaving breaths struck fear again into the young cat. Sparrow padded towards Merry, heart dropping for a moment seeing him collapse to the grass with a huff. He nudged Merry's face with concern, but the other was still awake, just clearly in pain.
"'m glad yer okay. I woulda given ya' my poppy seeds but I gave the last to Cherrie, he's burned somethin' foul." Sparrow whined, trying to be brave but his heart ached at this all.
With the cats gathering closer together, Sparrow checked again to see who was about, Dawn skittered out the barn too, plenty of the younger cats got out but he knew there were many missing. Ice and Pebble, Peafowl, Nutmeg and Meadow...
Meadow. Any composure left the young tom realizing his other dearest friend, one who'd been at his side so much was no where to be seen. Not even her mother admist the crowd. Itd taken them this long to realize she was gone, what if she was... The young tom looked to the barn, smouldering with cinders rushing through the clear air, fire staring to lick the edges of the barn for where it started to escape. They wouldn't be able to go back in, they'd be useless to help. Instead he sought the help of the other cats around.
"Meadow? Has anyone seen Meadow 'nd Nutmeg? I've not seen 'em anywhere?..." He breathed heavy, still scanning the cats, hoping for one of them to pop up.
"Please tell me someones seen 'em."
offerin @CHERRIE some poppy seeds for his burn pain and asking around in general if anyone seen meadow or nutmeg!
✦—Barncat -> Future Windclan Apprentice
✦—A longhaired tortoiseshell with amber eyes and protruding canines.