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If you asked him how they all made it safely to their new home, he would like to erase it from memory. Although, it was extremely difficult to forget Knot and her banshee like yowling. How they even managed to get her across? Well... Some things were better left unsaid. I never want to do that again. I'm sure everyone else agrees too. ANYWAY! He can't help but breathe a sigh of relief when all of them are accounted for. They're tired and a little irritated. That much is to be expected when traveling with so many cats. There were some who nearly clawed each other to death and a kit whining constantly caused some grumbling. I meaaaannn this is the best case scenario. More or less. We're all alive. So that's good enough.

Being in their new home was good and all, but there was something he needed to do. He had a mission to fulfill. And so, The silver tom pads to the willow and climbs to the top of the stump.
Multiple sets of eyes turn to look at him, which causes him to gulp. Shoot, I know I called them, but... I'm still not used to this at all. They asked how I knew this, especially Bay. The dark pelted cat makes him shiver. He remembers the intense gaze, it is one he doesn't want to endure any more. I'M SICK OF IT! E-even here! I could feel it! All of them wondering how I even know this place! But! H-how? How do I even explain it without going crazy. Someone clearing their throat in the crowd, startles him. GAH! RIGHT! JUST, UH... GO FOR IT!

"We made it. No one was left behind."
My ears are still wringing from her screams.
"There is plenty of work to be done, just as Adder said. Peachy has been working on making dens, of course she's only one cat so progress is, uhh... Slow. For that reason, I'm asking you all to help Peachy. With more paws on deck, the faster we'll make our dens. I know, it's been a long journey. Most of us want to rest, but we can't do that just yet. At the very least we should make one den for now and slowly work our way from there."

He hates to make them do more work, honestly. If someone told him he had to do more work, he would have groaned about it and contemplated just sleeping out in the open. Unfortunately, this new land was damp. I doubt any of us want to wake up pelted by rain. We'd have to work in the rain then, not to mention how easy it is for us to get sick. I'm still waiting on that errr healer, medicine cat? Cat to show up. We didn't run into them during the journey, so... Either it's one of us ORRRRR it could be some new cat who somehow knows how to swim. He motions to the willow roots below him, where the hollow is.
"Kits will sleep here until we make a den for them and their parents. The injured can sleep here for now too, unless they want to sleep with the others instead."
I know some older folks hate kits. If his gaze wandered over to Lichen, no it didn't. It most definitely didn't linger. Not even for a moment.

Now came the hard part. The part he had been dreading. That much was evident by the way he began shifting his paws.
"I know... That some of you have questions, and a couple were a bit more vocal about it. Of how I even know this place. Why did I keep it secret?"
He has to do this. There is no way he can do the things Seabriar asked of him without telling them the truth.
"I didn't know this place was real. The night before the shelter collapsed is when I learned about it. If I knew about it a long time ago, then I would have told everyone sooner. I wouldn't have waited this long to tell all of you."
I wouldn't have let us suffer for this long. Please, please believe me. I never wanted anyone getting hurt. Or... Or for Dewdrop to die.

"A cat from Starclan told me of this place. Told me to take all of us to this place. This place is where our ancient ancestors lived. Where Riverclan lived."
Perhaps someone within their ranks knew something about Riverclan. He isn't too sure. He himself knew nothing of the clans. It had all come as a great shock when he met Seabriar. Even now, it was still kind of difficult to wrap his head around.
"Today and from now on, we will be Riverclan. Our ancestors may have led us here and we'll be taking on their name, as well as taking on some of their traditions... But we are not like them. We share the same name, but we will be a new Riverclan."
I feel like I could have said that better.

None one is given a chance to interject as he quickly adds,
"There's going to be a lot of changes. First, I'm going to be leader. Next, The adults in our group will be known as warriors. Warriors will take on a suffix, and I will name each warrior. Think of it as a new name, b-but I get it if uhm, you're not really leaping for joy about a new name. I won't pick anything you wouldn't like, and even then if you prefer, then uhm! I can give you a new name, but you can still be called let's say Smoke for example. Soooo, it's not so bad. I'll be also changing my name too."
Not like I have much of a choice. I still think Pikestar sounds silly. It doesn't even make sense you know? I think Pikesplash would be better. I mean it's still kinda strange, but it sounds better. Or maybe Pikesnapper? Nah, they all kind of sound weird... He was rambling once again at the wrong time.

Within the crowd he looks for Torrentpaw and smiles.
"Anyone under 12 moons will have paw in their name and be will be known as apprentices. Kittens under 6 moons will be carry kit in their names, until they're ready to become apprentices."
He genuinely hopes no one gives him a scowl at the very notion of giving kits an identifier as if they didn't know what a kitten looked like. Hey, I didn't make the rules. Ask our Riverclan ancestors about it. Don't claw the messenger. What else? hmmm what else should I? Oh right! Two things occur to him. The first is that he didn't mention a healer in their group, but he still felt like he should keep it to himself. The second, was that he completely breezed over the fact that he would be leader. Without a doubt there would be apprehension. While he did lead them here, he wasn't the most leaderlike cat within their clan.

"I will admit. I'm not really the most leaderish cat in our gr-clan. That's why I will be picking a deputy. A second in command, someone who I trust will be best for the future of our clan. I won't pick them now. I'll pick them after I go to the Highstones. When I come back, I'll announce who our deputy is. Annnd I'll give everyone their new names. Uhhhh, anyone have any questions?"
Oh, how he would regret opening the floor to others. In any case this was a good learning experience in what should and shouldn't be done in whatever this is. A meeting? Announcements? Something.

// HEY LOVELIES!!! We are now officially all in Riverclan territory and are also known as Riverclan. Feel free to have your characters object these new developments, as it was pretty much sprung on them! Pike himself understands that this is a lot to swallow and won't be upset at anyone for being angry about the new changes. The threads made in the loner board such as the swimming lessons, kit wrangling, etc can still be responded to! just know they are retro now. from this point forward we'll be making threads + posting in the riverclan board!

While this is only the start of Riverclan, I'm extremely grateful for this community! I am throwing you all fish lovingly as well as giving a booming applause for everyone who has posted from day 1 to now for making the start of the Riverclam's truly special. There's more to come so be on the look out for announcements!!! I totally missed the opportunity to call us Riverclam smh
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Just close your eyes, the sun is going down... You'll be alright, no one can hurt you now

If someone asked Spooky how he managed the whole journey, he honestly wouldn't know what to say. Luck, maybe. Or sheer determination.

He had watched the others leave with wide, fearful eyes, his tiny paws rooted to the ground in hesitation. But the thought of being left behind... Alone, again, that was even scarier. So he toddled after them, as quietly as he could, clinging to the only constant he'd known since his twolegs had left him here. This time, he would listen to the storyteller, play with the kits, and try his best to be noticed. Surely this time was the time...

Surely today would be the day.

But in the chaos of their travels, he remained just another small shadow in a sea of cats. No one really noticed him, he felt like a ghost like he didn't even truly exist... maybe he was dead all along and he just didn't know this... He didn't exist, not until they reached the river.

That was when he was forced into existence.

One of the older cats had helped him across, guiding him through the water when his own shaky swimming skills failed him. But then they had moved on, off to help others, leaving him once again trailing in their wake.

And now, here they were.

This new place was so different from the shipyard they had left behind, wild, untamed, full of life. It was overwhelming, but also… nice. Like the kind of place a real clan of cats would live.

As Pike spoke, Spooky listened with wide-eyed wonder, his fluffy fur bristling with excitement. This all felt like something out of a story... Was it really real?

And then Pike fell silent.

Spooky hesitated, glancing around at the other cats. His heart thumped loudly in his chest. This was his chance. He just had to--

Taking a deep breath, he stepped forward, tilting his head up to meet Pike's gaze.

" What does a RiverClan do? " he piped up, his small voice cutting through the quiet.

The words left his mouth before he could stop them, and his chest swelled with pride. He had done it. He had spoken. Just like the braver kits did.

For a brief moment, fear whispered at the edges of his mind, what if Pike ignored him? What if he had overstepped?

But no.

Spooky squared his shoulders, puffing out his fluffy chest just a bit more, trying to look confident. He wanted to belong. He wanted to be part of something. And if he was ever going to stop feeling like a ghost drifting after the others, he had to start somewhere.

And today.... Today was the day.

═════════════⊹⊱ ⟡ ⊰⊹═════════════
Let's play like we're children and sing till the moons full

Before the day we turn to nothing but sand

The few days stay at the new island camp was a delight to the cheerful red tabby. Spending the time to get to know Downy was enjoyable and, despite her swollen paw, the technique she had started to learn in weaving slowly improved as the morning turned to night and then into morning once again. It wouldn't be long before the others would get here. When they had left, Adder had nearly launched himself over the stream, like a fish trying to jump out of a net, to start the trek home. She could only imagine how much he missed his mate, inseparable as they were.

As the sound of voices and pawsteps sounded in the distance, the molly perked up from her current task, paws pausing in their movements for ocean blue eyes to stare in the direction of the noises. Part of her wondered if strangers had found this place, her fur bristling instinctively before she smelled the telltale scent of salt lingering in the air. There was no way she could mistake the smell of the ocean clinging to wet fur. And there was only one thing that could carry that scent so far in-land. Excitement fluttered against her chest as she called to Downy. "They're here Downy! Come on, we should welcome them~!"

Clamoring her way onto the rock that Adder had used to scope out the island, Peachy looked out towards the direction they had originally arrived, eyes lighting up at seeing familiar pelts come into view. Despite the haggard and exhausted appearance of the large group, Peachy was quick to call out as the first few crossed over the stream and onto the island Pike had led them all to. "Welcooooome, shipkitties~ Toooooo our neewwww home~!" Like a bird putting on a show to it's potential mate, Peachy hopped down from the boulder and stopped in a pose right in the middle of the island, a small, rather miniscule, pile of fish behind her.

"I hope the journey didn't sink your hope like a ship in a storm cause there's plenty to see~ Right here, we have the start to our new catch pile, from minnows to trouts." Paws danced backwards, placing her next to the pile and lifting a front leg to gesture at all the different colored scales that adorned it. "I know it's not much but, like I said, it's just the beginning and Im sure all of you are hungry after the day's journey. You're welcome to help yourself~ Just try and thank Downy when you have the chance, she worked really hard to get some meals for everyone arriving today!"

Ocean eyes looked back towards the blue pelted molly, knowing that she had a hard time praising herself, from what she could discern from their time together. A soft smile was sent in her direction before her attention was refocused on the new arrivals. "And over here~" Once again, her legs moved her, trotting across the island before she climbed back up onto the rocks she had before, tail twitching excitingly. "is what I like to call, 'Lockout Rock'!" As if to emphasize the name, her front paws lifted and she placed one against her forehead as her back legs stretched her off the ground, mimicking the silhouette of the sea-legs looking out over the raging waves of the sea. However, it wasn't the easiest pose to hold and her stance faltered before she stumbled backwards onto her hind quarters with an 'OOMPH'.

This didn't stop her mood though, a light laugh breaking from her before a paw flicked at an ear embarrassingly. "Name pending, of course... But from here, you can see across the reeds and streams and it's a great spot to watch for any distant dangers coming our way!" Peachy fixed herself now, getting her paws under herself again before giving her pelt a quick shake. Her wrist ached from the small trip but it wasn't nearly as swollen as it had been after the full day of travel just a few nights ago. "Thats not the only high spot though, cause we also ha-" Finally, her words were drawn to an abrupt end as the voice of Pike, who had climbed up to the next spot she was about to show off, called the attention of everyone on the island.

She didn't show any kind of disappointment in the interruption, instead giving a small giggle as her raised paw that was about to point towards the willow now raised slightly higher to point at the tom who lead them all here. "I guess deserves to show off the rest. Let us see what the mysterious tom has to say~" The adjective was tacked on with endearment, although it could easily be heard as something only given to an untrustworthy cat. But coming from a maw as sweet as a peach, it was only meant to draw attention to the newfound leader. The molly settled down where she already was atop 'Lookout Rock' and drew her eyes to drink in whatever the silver tabby had to say.

When he mentioned the dens she had been working on, the tabby felt heat rush to her face. When eyes trailed towards her during the announcement, she gave a small wave before her paw pointed towards a small ridge of reeds that were weaved similarly to the way twolegs did their baskets. It was barely tall enough to be a wall to a kit let alone adult cats, but the actual patterning was sturdy and well made. It was evident that the molly spent a long while to perfect the technique in particular, as there were more haphazardly made....holes placed around the half-done one. None of them were good for a den, but Peachy didn't rip them down in hopes that the kit's could find some kind of playful use for her failures. "It took some tries to figure out the technique but its actually easier than it looks, especially once you get it down!"

Once again, her attention switched to Pike as he went on, the subject switching from the current plans for renovation to something more...strange, even to the bright colored shipcat. 'Dreams? Ghosts? Clans? It all sounds like the type of story Wave would tell...' She looked out over the crowd, searching for the dual toned tabby and watching her features for any kind of...guidance? Did she tell Pike to say these things? To create a tale so fantastical that even the youngest kits wouldn't believe him? A shake of her head was given. 'Wave wouldnt do that... and she didnt even know about this place... She barely wanted to leave the shipyard, after all, and shes not the type to lie....although...neither is ...' A paw came upwards to her muzzle, pressing against the side of it as she thought on this news.

Everything seemed to change, and it wasn't just their location. Their entire group dynamic was about to shift and it wasn't just the adults. The kit's would be pressured to do more once they were old enough and Peachy's chest hurt as she thought of them losing their innocence so early on. Why have them worry about chores when they should be enjoying life! Then there was the revelation that the silver tabby was to be their leader. While Peachy didn't mind that (afterall, she doubted would be the type to force others to obey his every whim), she was sure many others would have their protest... The usually exuberant cat was suddenly quiet, having a hard time finding any words to respond to the news. Instead, she sat atop the rock she was on, lost in thought and ears pricked for how the others might react.
  • ooc
    —— xxx!
  • string of lyrics / lengty or short quote goes
  • Peachy She/Her
    A Long Haired Red Classic Tabby with Low White & Ocean Blue Eyes
    ❀ Warrior of the Shipyard
    ❀ 36 moons; Ages on the 23rd of every month
    speech thought attack
    ❀ peaceful + healing powerplay permitted
    penned by Taru
Fox trails after Pike, padding amongst the large crowd of Shipyard cats. The journey from the shipyard was exhausting— he has never walked that far in his life! Swimming was a bit nerve wracking— it was hard to ignore the distressed wails from fellow cats; whom weren't pleased they had to cross a river. Their new home.... is nothing like the shipyards so many of them grew used to. His paws feel soft on the earthy floor; he had grown so used to the rough, cold feeling from those wooden platforms....

He's amazed by the vast greenery that surrounds the clearing. It all feels so natural; no longer will they be surrounded by twoleg made structures....

He doesn't have much time to take it in, before Pike climbs onto a stump, and yowls to grab everyone's attention. Fox's gaze whips over onto the older tom, silence drawing in the air. It's a relief, really, that everyone made it here unscathed. He was nervous some cat was going to drown when they crossed the river.... but it's a miracle no cat did. Pike isn't wrong, he does feel exhausted, but then he thinks of Peachy... who has been working hard on weaving dens while they were traveling. He isn't sure how good he'll be at weaving dens, but she can't be doing this all by herself. He gives Pike a silent nod— the more paws that assist her, the sooner they can rest with a roof over their heads.

He blinks with some confusion, as the silver mackerel tabby continues to speak. He saw this place.... in a dream? Visited by a StarClan cat? "This place is where our ancient ancestors lived. Where RiverClan lived." This awfully sounds... a little bit familiar. Fox was born in that shipyard, raised hearing stories about wild warriors and leaders who had "nine lives". He always assumed they were kit tales— he never thought.... they could possibly be true. It's a lot to take in, and Fox barely has time to process it before Pike continues.

They are now known as RiverClan.... shipyard cats no longer. Pike announces he will be their leader, and the adults in the crowd will be known as warriors (and that includes him). His tail swishes nervously as Pike explains they will all be changing their names to fit into the ancient clan's culture. I have always been Fox, He thinks to himself, I can't see myself.... as something else. Seemingly, the younger tom thought too soon, as the silver mackerel further notes suffixes can be added onto existing names. A sigh of relief leaves his maw; he will still be Fox. It'll just be strange... getting used to his name being more than just Fox.

The former shipyard cat takes a step forward.
"How l-long will you b-be gone for?"
Fox inquires, after their new leader finishes speaking. He hasn't heard of the highstones before, now that he thinks about it.
"Should a-any of us travel with y-you...?"

  • 92523990_s3ONfj5ZTJ5OaGF.png

    credit to raphaelion (via da) for the artwork <3
  • Foxtail
    shipyard cat
    16 moons
    experience: trained
    backstory: WIP
    biography: [HYPERLINK]
    credit to rai for the chibi <3
    cisgender male [he / him]
    eyes: green
    pelt: black-red torbie
    fur length: long
    parents: dawn and red (npcs)

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⋆˚✿˖° I was dancing in the rain, I felt alive and I can't explain

That was one word for it.

Brook had been so determined that everyone would pull their weight to make this work, but now, with the journey behind them, she had to admit... Her muscles were screaming at her. She had pushed herself beyond her limits to ensure the safety of those closest to her. Lilac. Pine. Squid and Torrent. They had been her focus, her anchor, though she had tried to help others along the way too. Albeit briefly, fleetingly, always returning to her daughter, to Pine. Get them to the new home safely. That was all that mattered. Pine was still hurt. Lilac was still shaken. She had to be strong. And so she had been.

But it had been dreadful.

Lilac had been hesitant from the start, obviously stressed about the move. Brook understood. It was a lot, too much for a kit to handle. And the river… The river had been the worst. Lilac had fought, had cried, had pleaded to avoid getting into the water. And Brook? Brook had begged in return. Had tried to reason, to coax, to comfort. But when that failed, she had done the only thing she could. She had taken her daughter into her grasp, ignored the ache in her own body, and carried her across.

She won't drown. She won't drown. She won't drown.

The silent chant had pulsed through her with every stroke, every push forward through the freezing water. She wouldn't lose Lilac. Not like that.

And now… Now they were finally here.

Brook barely had time to gather herself before Peachy's bright, cheerful voice rang through the air, chattering excitedly as she welcomed them to the island. Brook let out a small, wry smile before quickly schooling her expression. Of course Peachy was energetic... She hadn't just trekked an entire journey. She and Downy had been here, resting, preparing dens. It made sense. But the rest of them? They were bone-tired. Brook took a deep breath before offering a polite nod.

" The journey went as well as it could. We survived. We arrived. "

Her words were simple, direct. She didn't have the energy for more. She barely had the energy to keep up with Peachy's rapid explanations, her eager gestures as she pointed out various spots on the island. Brook tried, she really did... But her mind was sluggish, her focus slipping.

She turned slightly, glancing toward Pine, where Squid and Torrent hovered nearby. A warmth flickered in her chest. They made it. " We're here... " she murmured, more to herself than anyone else.

And then Pike spoke.

Brook watched as he clambered onto a stump, her brow furrowing slightly. His voice rang with confidence, but the words... StarClan? Highstones? RiverClan? They landed like heavy stones in her mind, unfamiliar and sudden. A new name. A leader. A system of ranks, of traditions. Brook's tail lashed once. " What? " She barely had time to process it all before Pike asked if there were any questions. Questions? Brook had plenty.

" Plenty. " she echoed dryly, fluffing out her fur before pushing herself to her paws. Ancestors. Warriors. Deputies. Her head was still spinning. " You've given us a lot to think about. A lot of information you might've shared sooner. " she said, her tone sharp but not unkind. Would they have believed him? That was another matter. " Still... " she continued, scanning the island briefly before her gaze settled back on Pike. " You brought us to a place that will provide for us. That will shelter us, feed us. "

Her voice softened, only for a moment. Then, with a flick of her ear, she narrowed her eyes.

" But you just dropped a sack of bricks on us with everything else. " Her tail flicked again, irritation creeping in. " Highstones? StarClan? A leader? New names? " She huffed, placing a firm paw against the ground. " Give us a moment to breathe. " She could see Pike's enthusiasm, his conviction, and that was the only thing that kept her from outright dismissing him. He meant well. That much was clear. Brook sighed, shaking her head. " I'll take your story with a grain of salt. " she admitted. " Explain more when you return from these Highstones... But you're not going alone. "

Her eyes glinted with something close to amusement. " The last thing we need is a dead cat because he wandered off unprotected. Especially if that cat just declared himself our leader. "

Her gaze flickered toward Fox, giving him a firm nod. They were in agreement.

Should any of us travel with you?


Traveling with wounded cats had been difficult, but they managed, just as they had managed the river. It had been nothing for Wave, who effortlessly dove in and out, helping those who needed it. Of course, she had ensured her own kits were safely across first. That included newly adopted Rose as well. Despite her wounds, she constantly checked on the others, sharing brief conversations, keeping an eye on their surroundings. And now… now they were here. Their new home.

Excitement flickered across her face as she stepped onto the shore of their fresh start. Her light blue eyes danced across the unfamiliar landscape, drinking it all in. When Peachy came dashing over, all bright-eyed and chipper, Wave let out a bubbling laugh. " Aye, ye could say that again, Peachy! " she called out with a purr, scanning the area. It wasn't much yet, but it was something. One could tell that Peachy and Downy had done their best to get the dens started, though it was clear they couldn't do it alone. No worries, help would come. And then there was food. More fish than she'd seen in a while, enough to make her eyes widen in pleased surprise. She turned to those who had stayed behind, her voice warm with gratitude.

" Ye lot made it easier fer us, didn't ye? Bless yer hearts, like a gulp of fresh air! " She watched Peachy bounce about, nodding approvingly here and there before collapsing almost dramatically onto the ground. Wave chuckled, her gaze fond. Endearing. Peachy made the welcome feel... Like a welcome. " A fancy name fer a fancy rock. " she murmured as Peachy introduced Lookout Rock.

Then, Pike began speaking. Wave listened, sitting near her family, her tail curling around her paws as she observed him. At first, she simply felt relief. The island had water. Enough for diving, fishing, swimming. She would not have to say goodbye to all of who she was. But then Pike continued. And something flickered within her, a memory of her mother's raspy voice. Stories that were half-forgotten ones, whispers from her mother.... They surfaced at his words. RiverClan. StarClan. Warriors.

She stiffened slightly, ears flicking as she stood, stepping forward with wide eyes. He couldn't have known those stories… Could he? No, she was sure her mother had never met Pike. And yet, here he was, speaking of things she had once dismissed as nothing more than bedtime tales.

She glanced toward Adder, seeking something... Reassurance, understanding, she didn't know exactly... But she steeled herself, turning her gaze back to Pike and the gathered cats. A child spoke, one that seemed unfamiliar to her... Where had he came from? Then Fox, insisting Pike could not go alone. Then Brook, her disbelief ringing clear. Wave exhaled slowly before stepping forward once more, her voice steady. " Me ma spoke of vague stories… " She met Pike's gaze, something thoughtful lingering in her own. " I believe ye. Stories always start somewhere. " She dipped her head slightly before tilting it back up, her tone shifting, firm now.

" But I agree with Fox an' Brook. " A huff left her as she shook her head. " I don't feel right lettin' ye go out to these Highstones alone. If ye'll have me, I'll come with ye. "

Her offer stood, unwavering. Whatever this was.... Whatever these stories meant... It wasn't something Pike should face alone.

  • "speech"
  • WAVE she/her, RiverClanner, thirty-three moons.
    a black and white lh cat with light blue eyes
    mentored by who / mentoring no one
    talking directly to @Peachy and @PIKE
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by lion ↛ lionheartedphoenix on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


Her shoulder was practically screaming throughout the journey but Russet had stubbornly kept pace as well as she could, though by the end she was awkwardly hopping to keep that leg firmly off the ground to not strain her shoulder further. The pain had become too much and now that they all seemed to have finally arrived the chocolate tabby was almost happy to never rise from where she now lay on her side. Pike's voice rang out above the tired murmuring of the others and she sluggishly lifted her head to see what he was yowling about now. 'Stars, what now Pike?'

Everything out of the tom's mouth felt like something out of a kit's tale-something a tired parent might spin to get a restless kit to sit still for a moment. Brows creased as Russet thought on it just a moment longer, Starclan sounded like…ghosts? If these ancient cats had been watching then why hadn't they said something sooner? Why had they waited until after their shelter had collapsed and Dewdrop had died in the rubble? She wasn't sure whether to believe Pike completely or not, had been about to growl out a question of how do we know you're not making all this up when a tiny voice Russet didn't recognize spoke up and green eyes snapped in the direction of the voice. The kit she'd spied peeking at her through the wood the day after the shelter collapsed.

She'd thought it had been a trick of the mind- had never seen him before that moment and she at least vaguely knew of all the kits of the shipyard. But not this little one. Leaders and Riverclan and Warriors and whatever else Pike was rambling about could wait as far Russet was concerned.

The most pressing matter to her was in the kitten standing in the crowd… Everyone else seemed more concerned with Pike's story but Russet frowned, shifting so she was sitting somewhat more upright and trying to wave the stranger closer with her tail. "...Where did you come from kiddo? Where are your parents..?"

Russet gave a cursory glance at the cats of the shipyar- no, she supposed they weren't shipyard cats anymore like Pike had said- Riverclan to see if any cat would claim this kit. Surely he hadn't made this journey alone, on the fringes of the group?


  • Russet
    — Future Pearl Diver Of Riverclan
    — She/Her
    — A Green-eyed Chocolate Mackerel Tabby W/ Low White

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Reactions: Flamerunner
The first cat to ask him a question is none other than Spookii. To say he was surprised was an understatement. The tom was so young and yet he bravely stepped forward and asked him a question. A question that... I don't know the answer to. I have no clue what Riverclan actually does. He never told me a single thing about what Riverclan does. Still, he refuses to ignore the question. Welll... What did Seabriar say? I guess I could make up a few things... I wouldn't want to crush his heart with a I don't know.
"Riverclan does many things. They have the bounty of the forest's rivers, which means the river is a treasure to them. Cats hunt in the river, catching plenty of fish. And remember how we had to swim to get here? Well... Riverclan cats know how to swim. They're resourceful. They have to make dens. They make sure their young become warriors. And... There's plenty more, but I can tell you about it later."
When I actually know what they did. I feel kind of bad lying a little, but I don't think it's that much different from how we were before. NOT! Not counting for the ranks though. That's different for sure.

As for the next cat to speak up, he smiles gently toward them. It's Fox, who he feels a certain kinship for as they were both on the nervous side. He knows better than to interrupt the black red torbie. It's touching how Fox worries for him, even though they aren't really close. He's always been kind. Though I'm not sure how far North I have to go to see this high? Stones? I'm still not getting why they call it that. It's in a cave? Somewhere.
"I won't be gone for too long, I hope."
It's the truth. He doesn't want to tell Fox that he will be gone for only a day, because who knows what will happen on his trip to this mysterious high stones. Maybe he'll be stuck finding shelter due to bad weather. Maybe he will have to fight off (he can do that for sure) predators or run away from them. Maybe he sprains a paw and has to travel slowly, or maybe... Maybe he gets lost. There were a lot of unknowns.

When Brook speaks up he can't help but tremble at her brash words. Tell me how I still wasn't ready for someone to be a little peeved about this. You knew this Pike, why are you trembling?! UGH. Nevertheless, he listens on to opinions. She has every right to feel the way she does. And then there is a shift in her words. Huh? It's strange to be thanked? Can I even call it that? After being scolded. He's so used to messing up, that an uncomfortable feeling settles in his gut. A feeling he does his best to pay little mind to by focusing on her words. Until one thing sticks out to him.

He can't help but laugh,
"How do you think I felt? Riverclan, Starclan, a leader, New names, just. Everything."
It's more than reassuring to know that there are some who share similar feelings to this new load of information. Honestly, you've told me one paw at a time Seabriar. Then again, I still think some of the stuff you told me was too strange for me to wrap my head around.
"Sorry, I wasn't making fun of you or anything. But, I mean... Y-yeah. I could have gone through everything better."
Unconsciously, a silver paw is brought to his black chin. How would I even break it down? There's still lots I don't really know about too. In any case he is relieved that she believes in him more or less. It makes things less complicated. As for her suggestion of explaining more things in detail when he gets back, he nods,
"I will."
So you're worried about me too? This... is a bit much.

And then Wave speaks up. She has been supportive this entire time. He can't recall a time where she hissed at him or told him his ideas were stupid. All she had wanted was for him to return safe along with her mate. That he was able to carry out. I still feel a little bad that I made him come with me. Even though he wouldn't take no for an answer. His thoughts are cut short when she speaks of stories starting somewhere. That much is true. Their story of becoming Riverclan started with the Shipyard collapsing. It led to them going to the forest and finding this place. It could be argued his dream started it all, but he begged to differ. None of them would have left the Shipyard if the shelter hadn't collapsed when it did.

Her offer to come with him to ensure his safety was expected, but he can't. He can't let her come. Not because he thought she was weak or that she would only slow him down. No, that was far from it. I've messed with your family so much already. The kits had to wait for their father to come back. You had to wait, probably scared of the small chance something happened to Adder. All of you deserve to rest. To be together. And then there were the others. He wouldn't bring Fox. The tom was still young and he couldn't trust himself to protect him if something terrible happened. As for Brook... Well, he wasn't sure if she wanted to come or not. She did worry about him dying and was in general agreement of him not going alone.

Right now we need a lot of paws here to make dens and take care of the kits and injured. The smaller the size, the faster we'll move. I think... Yeah, I think I know who. A heavy sigh leaves his maw. It pains him to say no, but this is for the best.
"I get where the three of you are coming from, and you're right. I can't go alone, but we need as many paws we can back here in our camp. To make our dens, to care for our kits and our injured."
He turns to Wave.
"I appreciate your support. More than you could ever know, but I think it would be best for you to stay behind. With your guidance, I'm sure a lot will be able to get done while I'm gone."

Before she can retort, he looks to one specific member of the group. A black furred tom with a lone orange eye.
"Smoke I want you to come with me. Just you."
It'll be a fun little trip! They hadn't been able to get some time for themselves to chat, with Smoke's kits demanding his attention. Not that Pike hated it, but it was a bit of a bummer when you wanted to catch up with your friend and he couldn't even give you a little attention due to his kids fighting over something. Sure, it was a little selfish for him to do this. BUT! He has a perfectly good reason for this too. Smoke's pretty strong! Without a doubt he can hold his own if anything super tough and scary came our way. And if anything caused him some issues, I could help him! Yeah, I think we'd be a good pair.

Unfortunately, these thoughts would have to end. They end when his attention is drawn to Russet, who waves at Spookii with her tail. Wait a second. Green eyes narrow in the direction of Spookii. You... I don't remember you at all. He signals the young tom to come closer.
"Who... Who are you? Does anyone know who this is?"
It would be surprising for him to forget a kit, considering he often babysat for others when they needed a break to do who knows what. But for Spookii... He can't recall taking care of the kit or really seeing them until now. If the boy had parents in this clan, they would have at least be seen with him. However, he doesn't recall any of the adults with this kit by their legs.

Please... Someone push him off the stump so he can just go to the high stones.
() padding to a halt beside smoke, willow gazes with tired eyes across their new home. fog colored tail curling across her kin's back, she sighs, lifting a paw to rasp her tongue across the tired pads. "we made it," she murmurs to her brother, pressing into his side briefly as she takes a mental headcount. all three bugs are here, as are her two birds, clay, and little shimmer. lichen and haze linger near, rounding out the family. a sigh expanding the woman's chest, she rolls her shoulders, gaze flicking to the fiery form of peachy as the molly hops down to greet the newcomers. "good to see you," willow rasps, dipping her head to her fellow adventurer. she seems stronger than when pike, adder and willow had left. downy, too, seems more comfortable. good, willow thinks, then wonders why she does. pulling her gaze from the soft pelted molly, willow focuses on pike, who has leapt to a high point and begun addressing the group.

smoky eyebrows raise and furrow as the tomcat speaks, spitting words like riverclan, starclan... highstones. willow swallows, slightly worried her friend has completely lost it. i will be leader, he declares, and she cannot see that ending well. not the pike leader part, but the pike declaring himself as leader thing. she glances at smoke, at adder, at knot, cats who don't have nearly as much faith in her friend as she does. quietly, bitterly, she wonders why he gets to be named leader but she shoves that poisonous thought away. new names will be a thing she has to get used to. new ranks, new territory.. everything is new. wave murmurs that she has heard these fancy words before, from her mother, and willow tips her head. "if there's proof, i'll believe it," she says, and then, ears flicking, she finds pike's gaze. "you're not going alone. i'm coming if you'll have me or not." she isn't polite like wave, nor disbelieving like others. simply standing up, waiting for their leader, if that is what he must be.

pike means well. if there is anything to say about him, it is this. but kits look hungry, and dens are half finished. a child willow doesn't recognize huddles in the middle of them, with only russet asking his heritage. still, slowly, this group finds its rhythm. they have to, or risk starving to leaf-bare's wiles. willow sinks her claws into the earth, stretching them as pike speaks again. he manages to try and calm most worries, then speaks to smoke. willow frowns as he beckons the dark tom to come with him. "only him?" she objects, and feels slightly like a kit being left out. it isn't as if her brother isn't capable - the ocean knows he is - but she still sighs. "i don't think that's wise, but if you think it's best." emerald eyes meet her friend's, then smoke's dark amber gaze.

  • // " #979c88"
  • 70579328_L3NRwq4u1ulnUcn.png
    a lithe black smoke feline with ghost striping and leaf green eyes. long smoky fur dashed through with grey and white adorns her frame, sliced across by darker stripes that frame her face and legs. eyes like sage, brilliantly green, gaze with an intelligent look. she is scarred across the bridge of her angular nose.

The journey from the shipyard had been every bit as exhausting as Adder had imagined. Ferrying the kits across such a long distance was no small feat—there were so many of them, far more than he remembered. Had that white kit always been with them? What about the black and grey one? And Knot—Ugh. Knot. She thrashed and yowled the entire way across the river. She wasn't the only one unwilling to cross either. By the time they reached the island, he had a few more knicks and bruises than he'd started with.

Adder was worn, shoulders slumped, exhaustion etched into his expression. He wasn't in the mood for surprises.

He had known something was coming. He could feel the tension in the air. Pike had narrowly avoided Bay's interrogation the first time, but now, it seemed the silver tom was finally fessing up. Adder respected him for it. He'd been waiting for Pike to come clean about the whole thing. At least that was done with. If Pike had messed up, Adder was ready to forgive him. The important thing, the only thing that mattered now, was that they made it there safely.

But then Pike opened his mouth. What came out of him sounded like nonsense—talk of stars, of clans, whatever they were, stuff Adder couldn't begin to wrap his mind around. By the time Pike finished, Adder's heart was pounding in his throat. His face was a storm, brows furrowed, jaws clenched. Frustration burned hot in his chest, smoke practically coming out of his nostrils as he tried to douse his temper. He had more questions now than when they first set out.

What was this Starclan? He'd heard of cats living in the forest, but Riverclan? If they ever existed what happened to them? Why did they have to change everything? What was wrong with his name? Of all the cats, Pike was going to lead them? After spending time with Pike—even if Adder didn't entirely mind him—he would've been the first to admit that was a horrible idea. The blind leading the blind and ignorant.

Pike wasn't fit to lead a fish to water

Wave's voice in his ear was like a distant lullaby. The only thing that could dampen his anger, if only slightly. He was physically and mentally exhausted, and his patience had worn to a thread by this point, but someone had to say something. "Can we hold on a second?" He snapped sharply, stepping right up to where Pike stood, head tilting up to look the tom in the eyes. "I don't care that you kept this place a secret. Fine, whatever the reason—I don't care. But don't stand there spinning webs. You seriously expect us to eat all that up? What in the seashell is a Starclan? If Riverclan even existed, why are we replacing them? Why do we have to do all those things?" He didn't understand any of it. Every question came pouring out, harsher than the last. "Who in their right mind would put you in charge? You—"

Adder could hear himself. He wasn't quick to anger, not usually. But the journey had taken its toll, and his sleep-deprived mind found no comfort in the changes Pike was dumping on them. Then, finally, as if all the breath had gone out of him at once, he let it all hang. He looked over to Wave, ashamed, already thinking of the apology he'd soon have to give, She trusted Pike. He wanted to. But this was just… too much for him to swallow right now. Still, Wave always gave him something to hold onto amidst the storm. He needed to keep his head on straight, now more than ever. "Never mind," He breathed, shaking his head. "I need to think about all this... I'm going hunting. The kits will be hungry." Adder stalked off, shoulders jutting with each step, his tail snapping behind him.

-Exit Adder-

  • "speech" - thoughts

  • Adderfang he/him & riverclan
    𓆟 Chocolate ticked tabby w/ amber eyes. Peppered with scars. Deep gash across the right side of his face exposing one canine slightly. Missing left ear.
    𓆟 Deep gravelly voice that might unsettle others.
    𓆟 Would and will kill a man.
    𓆟 Peaceful and healing powerplay permitted. For other powerplays, DM.
    𓆟 Fur smells faintly of river reeds and damp earth.

    penned by Scarlet
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all you have is your
The sigh of relief he exhales is heavy, weary, he wants to sink to the floor and lay on the cool earth for days until his energy returns but he focuses on nudging his kits and Shimmer forward instead, getting them situated on some soft bedding and wondering how best they might fortify this new shelter of theirs. It was no shed, the sky above open and expansive but they were surrounded by water on all sides like a paradise island in the ocean; a sanctuary away from the harsh world they once came from. He can already see flickers of silver in the rolling river, the darting glimmer of minnows and darker shadows. Prey. Security. Its all they had wanted and more.

He's annoyed their trust was hung on a dream, a mere whim that a cat would not confirm was true - Pike was lucky it bore fruit and didn't lead them to an even worse fate. What momentary relief he feels at all is immediately dampened as Pike continues to talk, it goes from briefly confusing to actually asinine in only a few moments - StarClan? Names? Leader? Pike as leader? His cheeks puff up before he can stop himself but he manages to swallow the sudden burst outrageous laughter with a sputtering cough instead, he feels Willow nudge him and he bumps his shoulder right back into her in a playful but forceful manner - she was much closer to Pike than he was, excellent kitsitter (because he let them abuse him) but the one in charge of them here in this new home? This...clan? RiverClan is a stupid name, we're from the sea. We should still be SeaClan. Not that he was humoring the ridiculous naming of their group where they never bothered before, but he could honestly care less what they were called so long as they were safe and he could get food in his family's belly.

He hears his name again, giving a low surprised sound as he raises his head and stares at the sleek silver tom with the one orange eye wide, "What? Me?" Had he not watched enough children for one day, he wants to say snidely, but part of him is agonizingly curious
"You know what, sure. Yes, I'll go with you. Let's see what this highstones is then." Maybe they would meet this StarClan who decided to dictate their lives and put Pike in charge, maybe they'd find nothing and he would spend their quality time together chewing Pike's ear off for wasting their time on this spectacle of insanity. With his kits secure and the rest of the group in a more comfortable place he felt confident enough in leaving them for the time being anyways, hunting parties were already going out. He catches Adder's gaze before the other tom stalks off, giving the faintest tilt of his head in acknowledgement - they shared the same sentiment, that this was beyond foolish. He leans into Willow once again, teeth flashing white briefly as he mutters low enough for only his sister to hear, "I won't be held responsible if I come back alone."

─ & the place you need to reach.


Not some average bones, I believe in love!


‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Torrent had spent the entire trip from the shipyard happily weaving between the large group of cats as they travelled, making sure everyone was on steady paws and offering mews of encouragement where he could. Of course he always ended up back at Squid or Pine's side, chattering with them excitedly as his hopes were more than high for the outcome of this journey. Torrent's energy never seemed to waver, even after plunging into the river and swimming across in order to reach their new home.

His eyes were bright as he recognized Peachy, greeting them at the top of a large rock.

We're here! Torrent couldn't help but let out a mew of excitement, his paws splashing through the stream as he followed Peachy onto the island, listening intently to the beginnings of her tour. He licked his maw at the sight of all the fish, but quickly stepped away--there were plenty other cats who would need it more than he did. He figured he could get what was leftover or catch one himself. Torrent's paws suddenly fizzed with excitement at the thought of fishing, it would be much more exciting here than it was on the shipyard.

Torrent's attention was suddenly drawn to Pike's meow, his ears perking in curiosity as he watched the silver tom atop a tree stump. He padded closer to listen, settling down next to Squid, exchanging a curious glance with his friend before turning back to Pike.

The idea of helping make dens filled Torrent with determination, his claws digging into the ground in anticipation as he was eager to start right away. The young tom was too excited to realize how tired his body had become from the journey.

But his excitement quickly turned to wonder as Pike went on, his claws sheathing as his attention focused clearly on the tabby. The mention of 'Starclan' and 'Riverclan ancestors' made his mind whirl, and he quickly glanced back at Pine to gauge his reaction to all this new information, before slowly turning his head back towards the stump as he continued. Torrent returned Pike's gaze as they met, his eyes flashing curiously.

Paw in my name? Torrentpaw?

Torrent repeated the name in his head a few times, his tail flicking behind him happily. Though he was still unsure of what all being an 'apprentice' entailed.

He then glanced to the side at Squid, searching her gaze for a moment before lowering his head closer to their own. "Squidpaw? What do you think of that?" He purred, prodding his friend with an outstretched paw.

  • ⟡ OOC -
  • Torrentpaw
    ‎ ‎ He/Him | 6 Moons | Riverclan Apprentice
    "speech" - text - thoughts
    To be mentored by Pine (FUT)
    A rosetted charcoal Bengal.
    Has a sturdy build with a large head and paws, and short thick fur.
    Holds a zealous and determined demeanor.
    Usually seen with Squid


6 Moons
He / Him
Riverclan Apprentice
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Just close your eyes, the sun is going down... You'll be alright, no one can hurt you now
Oh… oh no. He'd been noticed.

He'd been noticed.

Oh, stars-- wait. No, that was good, right? He'd wanted to be noticed. Sort of. Maybe. He'd wanted to be part of the group, to show himself. But now that the attention was actually on him, uncertainty clawed at his chest. He should have stayed back. He should have kept quiet, just listened, just observed. He shouldn't have asked a dumb question. But Pike had answered. Hadn't seemed bothered by it. Had even promised to tell him more about RiverClan. That was good. That was really good. It meant he wasn't completely out of place, right?

But everything was happening so fast.

Then came the grumpy cat, the one with the shoulder wound. She spoke to him, and his stomach dropped. His paws itched to flee, but instead, he stood frozen, wide-eyed, staring down at them like they might disappear beneath him. His heart pounded. She was talking to him. She was asking him where he came from.

Answer her! Say something!

But he didn't know the answer. He wanted to wail out, to make the sounds get more quiet. His ears pinned back as he snuck a glance toward Russet, who motioned him closer with her tail. Oh. Oh no. What did that mean? What was he supposed to do? His paws kneaded the ground, chest tightening. Then Pike spoke again, asking if anyone knew who he was. Oh, this was all going wrong. This wasn't what he wanted. He just wanted to talk, to be part of something. Not to be the center of attention. But now two cats were looking at him, waiting. Expecting something.

He could at least answer, couldn't he?

" S... She... She called... She called me Spooky… "

His voice was barely above a whisper, small and unsure, like he didn't want to be heard at all. Instinct curled him in on himself, hunching down as if he could disappear. He scrambled back a step, maybe to run, maybe to make the attention go away. Highstones. Yes. That's what Pike had mentioned. Their leader needed to go to Highstones. That was important. That was something to focus on. Not him.

Anything to shift the attention away from him.
═════════════⊹⊱ ⟡ ⊰⊹═════════════
This information is... a lot to take in. Frost is already not a cat that is entirely open to change, and all of these new and strange things are a lot to take in at once. One thing he is sure of, though, is that the collapse of their shelter had shown him that sometimes change is a necessary discomfort. And it isn't like he or Storm have anywhere better or safer to be. He can at least trust these cats not to rob him and his sister blind or maul them. The rest of the cats gathered seem to be having a similar mixed bag of responses- whether internal or external- and Frost listens intently as the others raise questions and get replies from Pike.

This goes on for awhile. Pike declares he wants to take Smoke to highstones (whatever that is), and Frost wavers quietly as the question and answer session continues despite this. "You should go before it gets dark, Pike," Frost pipes up to advise with a dismissive flick of his ear. If they let him continue to prostrate up there, they'll probably all sit here until the sun sets and rises all over again. "The rest of us here will keep each other safe," he assures Pike, and briefly he searches the crowd for the form of his sister. "The sooner you go and return safely the sooner we can work all of this out."

  • looking for/mentioning @STORM
  • FROST — he/him, shipyard (future riverclan), 16 moons
    — penned by carat, feel free to ping or dm for plots!
    — longhair black and white bicolor with blue eyes
    — peaceful powerplay ok! all interactions ok!
  • penned by carat!
𓆝 . ° ✦
"Owowwww- Lichen my paws! Can we stop walking for five minutes or something?" The smoky molly followed after the trail of cats with just about enough complaints for everyone. From achy paws to cold ears to an itchy tail- each came with their own signature whine and demand of attention from her mate (and her second mate? he didn't seem to figure that out yet). She could have fit right in with the little one's with how noisy she was.

Then... they stopped! With all the cats gathered around Pike, it was hard to hear him very well (and he talked way too fast- but she knew this about him). There was some in's and out's, something regarding their new life on this island. They would be a Clan and not some ragtag group of old yolks reminiscing about glory days in the sea. A heavy sigh escaped her maw as she thought of her days on the boats, but now they would be left with the shipyard.

"Do you have any clue what he's talking about?" Haze looked to the blue point curiously, admittedly a bit lost on where to follow. These traditions sounded strange, these new names they were promised. "You think this StarClan thing is real? Or is Smoke gonna hold him under the water 'till he fesses up or something." She added in a disgruntled mutter. No matter, she would rest these poor sore paws while the other's made their dens, and by the time they were finished she could make them look nice on the inside!
° . . °
  • ooc:
  • 92533952_HWmy4x7JGDq2yGf.png
    HAZE— SHE/HER ・ 30 MOONS ・ SHIPYARD CAT ・ PENNED BY @gonkpilled!
    a smoky blue molly with warm green eyes. here too.

A large red tom with dark copper eyes and a very flat face; scarred all over
Mate to RAM and GOLDIE, father of GRUMBLE and LEAF
Prone to grumbling, snarky comments, judgmental opinions, and general asshole-ish-ness

Tugger pursed his lips in only the way that a flat-faced cat could do, turning his entire muzzle downward. These were a lot of new words, new information, new everything to process when not a few weeks ago, it was just "shoreline" and "shed." Copper eyes flick uncertainly to Willow, then Smoke, then back to the rambling Pike, who continued on about Highstones and apprentices and whatnot... this ... this was just a lot all at once.

He pulls his daughters closer to him and rasps his tongue over one of Grumble's folded ears. "Our kits are gonna be apprentices." he mumbles to @willow, "apprentice or not, we should grab Smoke's young'ns 'fore they try to follow him to kingdom come. I don't like all this "travellin' Highstones" business... we just got here and it's ... I don't know, just ain't comfy in my head."


Pine shakes off the excess water clinging to his fur, wet and cold, glad to finally put paws and eyes on this island Pike had spoken off. But first– he looks around, counting, one two three– Smoke's kits, Wave and Adder's kits, Willow's kits… Torrent and Squid are right behind him… Brook and Lilac are here too. He steps further into the clearing, nodding in Peachy's direction, her cheery disposition a little much for his weary body.

Then Pike speaks up from the willow tree stump. It quickly turns into rambling; the words seem to be leaving his mouth faster than he wants them to, leaving him no choice but to continue. Some of it is familiar, the dream he'd told Pine of before the scouting party left. He cringes internally as the young tom goes off on a tangent, then begins to speak of names, apprentices– apprentices of who? Who would teach them? And what was this starclan Pike mentioned– and what were the highstones… ? Pike was speaking too fast, dumping too much information on them. They were tired. Most of them would probably forget half of what he said by the next rise of the sun. More cats speak up, friends among them– Brook questions him, but Wave accepts it more readily. Adder puts up the most of a fight, but with a glance over at his mate, cools down.

He steps forward, coming closer to the stump where Pike sits. "You've done well to lead us this far, kid," he says gruffly. "Clans, ancestors, names... It's all too complicated and stupid to be something you just made up. And what would be your reasons for doing so, anyway?" he turns to look out at the other cats. No doubt many would question Pike, his dreams, his claim to leadership– but there were more important things to do right now, surely? "We can discuss all that later, once Pike and Smoke have returned. We shouldn't waste our energy when there's shelter to be built and mouths to feed. If Adder takes up hunting, I'll look for more materials for shelter."

He looks around for Torrent and Squid, padding over to them. "You two should stay here. You can go exploring later," he adds, giving Torrent a look. "Help out where you can instead."

With that he slips off into the undergrowth towards the river.

  • ooc: addressing @PIKE, then @Torrentpaw and @Squid
  • 94036900_k9U5hUl7IY7jbLA.png

    PINE, - 48 moons / riverclan + warrior
    large brown tabby town
    adopted guardian of Torrentpaw and Squidpaw / future mentor to Torrentpaw
    healing and peaceful powerplay allowed

Last edited:

An ear flicked as she glanced toward Russet, her gaze lingering on the small white kit huddled nearby. Whose kit was that? She had thought she knew every kit in the shipyard. Had she been wrong? Had this little one toddled after them during the journey? Or... had he always been here? Was this his home? Her mind raced with possibilities, but before she could voice any of them, Russet had already taken it upon herself to address the young one. That left her with a different matter to tend to.

Pike refused her offer to come along, prompting her to look up in brief protest, a deep frown settling on her face. But she exhaled sharply, shaking her head. Kits. Injuries. Dens. " Aye, I understand... I'll trust yer life in Smoke's paws, but ye better get the both o' ye back safe an' sound, got it? " she meowed, her voice firm but warm. She turned her head toward Smoke, blinking at him fondly. " Ye make sure ye two don't wander too far into unknown territory… Be back as soon as ye can. "

Then, looking back at Pike, she looked almost amused at his hesitance. His worry. " Don't ye worry about the kit! Ye get to Highstones, let us worry over this little one! " Her words had barely left her mouth when she caught sight of Adder moving forward and then exploding in front of the skittish tom who had only tried to give them a safe home. She understood. Truly, she did. It was a lot to take in. How long had Adder been carrying the weight of it all before finally reaching this breaking point? This damn boy! So stubborn. So persistent.

She didn't speak, but when Adder finally looked her way, she gave him a look. A look that was enough to simmer the frustration that still clung to him. As he stormed off, she turned back to Pike with an apologetic smile. " Don't ye worry about him. I'll talk to him. Give Adder some time to cool off and rest. I think that's what he needs most of all, aye? Ye go on to Highstones. Quickly now. " She blinked warmly before turning to her kits. " Do me a favour, wee ones. Yer ma needs to have a chit-chat with da'... Linger around th' others and stay close to this island, okay? No crossin'! "

She gave each of them a quick lick over the ear before dashing off after Adder.

Exit Wave!

  • "speech"
  • WAVE she/her, RiverClanner, thirty-three moons.
    a black and white lh cat with light blue eyes
    mentored by who / mentoring no one
    whichever relations / want listed
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by lion ↛ lionheartedphoenix on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
  • Hehe
Reactions: Scarlet
The journey is finally over. The cats stop, take a break- and Pike, the one who had the vision of grandeur in the first place, finally speaks. They have finally arrived to the place he spoke of previously… And its not bad, really; blue eyes flicker curiously over the running water to the side of their new home, over various shells and pebbles scattered along their shore. Its pretty, and Pigeon doesn't exactly mind it… It would take some time getting used to, but for now, she easily accepts the fact that this is her new home.

Pike isn't quite done, though, between the murmurs and questions. Pigeon turns her eyes back on to him, tilting her head as a curled ear flicks backwards. He calls them Riverclan, and they mouth the word just to see how it falls from the tip of their tongue. Riverclan, something about their ancient ancestors falls from his lips that she doesn't quite hear. Shes much more focused on something else he said.

A prefix, then a suffix. A warrior. She'd be a warrior… A warrior is an awfully big title to fill, and the fact she'd have her name changed too…? Pigeonsomething- Pigeon… curl? Pigeon… Well, any way she looks at it, it seems like too much of a mouthful… But maybe he'd make her name cute? Could she ask him to do that…? Would he do that? Knowing Pike, he probably could if she requested it…

She only briefly glances to the newcomer. Her attention, now, is mostly on the thing about highstones… That he is supposedly taking Smoke towards. Wherever that is. Whatever that is. She frowns, just ever so slightly. Oh, well…. She'll turn, to go help with the new dens. If there was anything she was good at, it was making things pretty.

[ mobile + will be tidied up later ]

Storm missed the sound of the waves on a rocky shore. She missed the smell of salt and brine on the early morning air. She missed the sea, but she had to admit there was nothing there for her now. Tangle was dead. Food was scarce. All she had was Frost and they'd both agreed to leave their home with this group of cats. She was excited to see what the territory Pike and the others found had in store. She prayed it had more food and less danger.

The she-cat pushed through her traveling companions, giving a warm smile to Willow as she pressed against pelts. She found her brother's stark white and rich black pelt amongst the crowd and pushed into his flank. "Well, I hope wherever you're going gives you what your after!" She chirped. Storm then nudged her brother and gestured with her head away from the crowd. "C'mon. Let's go find something to munch on. I'm starving!" She weaved through the bodies gathered and out into the open air, ready to explore a little.