If you asked him how they all made it safely to their new home, he would like to erase it from memory. Although, it was extremely difficult to forget Knot and her banshee like yowling. How they even managed to get her across? Well... Some things were better left unsaid. I never want to do that again. I'm sure everyone else agrees too. ANYWAY! He can't help but breathe a sigh of relief when all of them are accounted for. They're tired and a little irritated. That much is to be expected when traveling with so many cats. There were some who nearly clawed each other to death and a kit whining constantly caused some grumbling. I meaaaannn this is the best case scenario. More or less. We're all alive. So that's good enough.
Being in their new home was good and all, but there was something he needed to do. He had a mission to fulfill. And so, The silver tom pads to the willow and climbs to the top of the stump.
He hates to make them do more work, honestly. If someone told him he had to do more work, he would have groaned about it and contemplated just sleeping out in the open. Unfortunately, this new land was damp. I doubt any of us want to wake up pelted by rain. We'd have to work in the rain then, not to mention how easy it is for us to get sick. I'm still waiting on that errr healer, medicine cat? Cat to show up. We didn't run into them during the journey, so... Either it's one of us ORRRRR it could be some new cat who somehow knows how to swim. He motions to the willow roots below him, where the hollow is.
Now came the hard part. The part he had been dreading. That much was evident by the way he began shifting his paws.
None one is given a chance to interject as he quickly adds,
Within the crowd he looks for Torrentpaw and smiles.
// HEY LOVELIES!!! We are now officially all in Riverclan territory and are also known as Riverclan. Feel free to have your characters object these new developments, as it was pretty much sprung on them! Pike himself understands that this is a lot to swallow and won't be upset at anyone for being angry about the new changes. The threads made in the loner board such as the swimming lessons, kit wrangling, etc can still be responded to! just know they are retro now. from this point forward we'll be making threads + posting in the riverclan board!
While this is only the start of Riverclan, I'm extremely grateful for this community! I am throwing you all fish lovingly as well as giving a booming applause for everyone who has posted from day 1 to now for making the start of the Riverclam's truly special. There's more to come so be on the look out for announcements!!!I totally missed the opportunity to call us Riverclam smh
Being in their new home was good and all, but there was something he needed to do. He had a mission to fulfill. And so, The silver tom pads to the willow and climbs to the top of the stump.
Multiple sets of eyes turn to look at him, which causes him to gulp. Shoot, I know I called them, but... I'm still not used to this at all. They asked how I knew this, especially Bay. The dark pelted cat makes him shiver. He remembers the intense gaze, it is one he doesn't want to endure any more. I'M SICK OF IT! E-even here! I could feel it! All of them wondering how I even know this place! But! H-how? How do I even explain it without going crazy. Someone clearing their throat in the crowd, startles him. GAH! RIGHT! JUST, UH... GO FOR IT! "We made it. No one was left behind."
My ears are still wringing from her screams. "There is plenty of work to be done, just as Adder said. Peachy has been working on making dens, of course she's only one cat so progress is, uhh... Slow. For that reason, I'm asking you all to help Peachy. With more paws on deck, the faster we'll make our dens. I know, it's been a long journey. Most of us want to rest, but we can't do that just yet. At the very least we should make one den for now and slowly work our way from there."
He hates to make them do more work, honestly. If someone told him he had to do more work, he would have groaned about it and contemplated just sleeping out in the open. Unfortunately, this new land was damp. I doubt any of us want to wake up pelted by rain. We'd have to work in the rain then, not to mention how easy it is for us to get sick. I'm still waiting on that errr healer, medicine cat? Cat to show up. We didn't run into them during the journey, so... Either it's one of us ORRRRR it could be some new cat who somehow knows how to swim. He motions to the willow roots below him, where the hollow is.
"Kits will sleep here until we make a den for them and their parents. The injured can sleep here for now too, unless they want to sleep with the others instead."
I know some older folks hate kits. If his gaze wandered over to Lichen, no it didn't. It most definitely didn't linger. Not even for a moment.Now came the hard part. The part he had been dreading. That much was evident by the way he began shifting his paws.
"I know... That some of you have questions, and a couple were a bit more vocal about it. Of how I even know this place. Why did I keep it secret?"
He has to do this. There is no way he can do the things Seabriar asked of him without telling them the truth. "I didn't know this place was real. The night before the shelter collapsed is when I learned about it. If I knew about it a long time ago, then I would have told everyone sooner. I wouldn't have waited this long to tell all of you."
I wouldn't have let us suffer for this long. Please, please believe me. I never wanted anyone getting hurt. Or... Or for Dewdrop to die."A cat from Starclan told me of this place. Told me to take all of us to this place. This place is where our ancient ancestors lived. Where Riverclan lived."
Perhaps someone within their ranks knew something about Riverclan. He isn't too sure. He himself knew nothing of the clans. It had all come as a great shock when he met Seabriar. Even now, it was still kind of difficult to wrap his head around. "Today and from now on, we will be Riverclan. Our ancestors may have led us here and we'll be taking on their name, as well as taking on some of their traditions... But we are not like them. We share the same name, but we will be a new Riverclan."
I feel like I could have said that better. None one is given a chance to interject as he quickly adds,
"There's going to be a lot of changes. First, I'm going to be leader. Next, The adults in our group will be known as warriors. Warriors will take on a suffix, and I will name each warrior. Think of it as a new name, b-but I get it if uhm, you're not really leaping for joy about a new name. I won't pick anything you wouldn't like, and even then if you prefer, then uhm! I can give you a new name, but you can still be called let's say Smoke for example. Soooo, it's not so bad. I'll be also changing my name too."
Not like I have much of a choice. I still think Pikestar sounds silly. It doesn't even make sense you know? I think Pikesplash would be better. I mean it's still kinda strange, but it sounds better. Or maybe Pikesnapper? Nah, they all kind of sound weird... He was rambling once again at the wrong time.Within the crowd he looks for Torrentpaw and smiles.
"Anyone under 12 moons will have paw in their name and be will be known as apprentices. Kittens under 6 moons will be carry kit in their names, until they're ready to become apprentices."
He genuinely hopes no one gives him a scowl at the very notion of giving kits an identifier as if they didn't know what a kitten looked like. Hey, I didn't make the rules. Ask our Riverclan ancestors about it. Don't claw the messenger. What else? hmmm what else should I? Oh right! Two things occur to him. The first is that he didn't mention a healer in their group, but he still felt like he should keep it to himself. The second, was that he completely breezed over the fact that he would be leader. Without a doubt there would be apprehension. While he did lead them here, he wasn't the most leaderlike cat within their clan."I will admit. I'm not really the most leaderish cat in our gr-clan. That's why I will be picking a deputy. A second in command, someone who I trust will be best for the future of our clan. I won't pick them now. I'll pick them after I go to the Highstones. When I come back, I'll announce who our deputy is. Annnd I'll give everyone their new names. Uhhhh, anyone have any questions?"
Oh, how he would regret opening the floor to others. In any case this was a good learning experience in what should and shouldn't be done in whatever this is. A meeting? Announcements? Something.// HEY LOVELIES!!! We are now officially all in Riverclan territory and are also known as Riverclan. Feel free to have your characters object these new developments, as it was pretty much sprung on them! Pike himself understands that this is a lot to swallow and won't be upset at anyone for being angry about the new changes. The threads made in the loner board such as the swimming lessons, kit wrangling, etc can still be responded to! just know they are retro now. from this point forward we'll be making threads + posting in the riverclan board!
While this is only the start of Riverclan, I'm extremely grateful for this community! I am throwing you all fish lovingly as well as giving a booming applause for everyone who has posted from day 1 to now for making the start of the Riverclam's truly special. There's more to come so be on the look out for announcements!!!
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